1    /*
     2     *  Copyright 2007 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
     3     *
     4     *  All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
     5     *  Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
     6     *  granted through contract.
     7     *
     8     */
    10    /*!
    11     *  ======== Main ========
    12     *  Command-line configuration tool adapter for Code Composer Studio
    13     *
    14     *  This command is a wrapper for {@link xdc.tools.configuro Configuro}
    15     *  that adapts it for use inside Code Composer Studio. It is not
    16     *  intended to be called directly by users.
    17     */
    18    metaonly module Main inherits xdc.tools.ICmd {
    20        /*!
    21         * usage help message
    22         */
    23        override config String usage[] = [
    24            '[-v|--help]',
    25            '[-@ optionsfile] [--xp xdcpath]',
    26            '[-b config_bld | -c codegen_dir | --cb]',
    27            '[-t target] [-p platform[:instance]] [-r profile]',
    28            '[-Dname=value] [--tcf] [--bios5]',
    29            '[-w|-x regexp]',
    30            '[-o outdir] infile.cfg'
    31        ];
    33    instance:
    35        /*!
    36         * XDC path
    37         */
    38        @CommandOption("xp")
    39        config String xdcPath[] = [];
    41        /*!
    42         * name of the text file containing xdc paths
    43         *
    44         * @_nodoc
    45         *
    46         * Both plain directory listing and javascript syntax are supported; 
    47         * for javascript, the file must start with double slashes -- "//" -- and 
    48         * it must define a variable called xdcpaths.
    49         */
    50        @CommandOption("xdcpathsfile")
    51        config String xdcPathsFile = null;        
    53        /*!
    54         * Process infile.tcf in addition to infile.cfg
    55         */
    56        @CommandOption("tcf")
    57        config Bool hasTconf = false;
    59        /*!
    60         * Add "include" directory from pacakge "ti.bios" to compiler options
    61         */
    62        @CommandOption("bios5")
    63        config Bool bios5Incs = false;
    65        /*!
    66         * name of the output directory
    67         */
    68        @CommandOption("o")
    69        config String output = null;
    71        /*!
    72         * config.bld file name
    73         *
    74         * The path to the user's config.bld. Replaces ROOTDIR.
    75         */
    76        @CommandOption("b")
    77        config String configbld = null;
    79        /*!
    80         * Use a config.bld found along the package path
    81         */
    82        @CommandOption("cb")
    84        config Bool searchForConfigBld = false;
    85        /*!
    86         * target module
    87         *
    88         * The name of an XDC build target module to use, for example
    89         * `ti.targets.C64P`. If no target is named, the target used is
    90         * `Build.targets[0]`, from `config.bld`.
    91         */
    92        @CommandOption("t")
    93        config String target = null;
    95        /*!
    96         * build profile to use
    97         *
    98         * The name of the build profile to use for the XDC content, for
    99         * example 'release' or 'debug'. The list of allowed profiles is
   100         * determined by the XDC build target named.
   101         */
   102        @CommandOption("r")
   103        config String profile = 'release';
   105        /*!
   106         * the platform to use
   107         *
   108         * If undefined, the default platform for the XDC build target
   109         * named.
   110         */
   111        @CommandOption("p")
   112        config String platform = null;
   114        /*!
   115         * root directory of the code generation tools
   116         *
   117         * The path to the installation directory of the compiler and linker.
   118         */
   119        @CommandOption("c")
   120        config String rootdir = null;
   122        /*!
   123         * show details during build
   124         */
   125        @CommandOption("v")
   126        config Bool verbose = false;
   128        /*!
   129         * exclude packages from compatibility checking
   130         *
   131         * A list of regular expressions used to select packages that should
   132         * be excluded from the set of packages checked during configuration.
   133         * @see xdc.cfg
   134         */
   135        @CommandOption("x")
   136        config String exclude = null;
   138        /*!
   139         * incompatibilites are treated only as warnings
   140         *
   141         * If set to "`true`", force any incompatibilities detected to be
   142         * treated as warnings only; otherwise incompatibilities are fatal.
   143         * @see xdc.cfg
   144         */
   145        @CommandOption("w")
   146        config Bool warn = false;
   148        /*!
   149         * set Java properties in the configuration environment
   150         *
   151         * -Dconfig.importPath is treated specially -- these directories are
   152         * added to the end of the package path.
   153         */
   154        @CommandOption("D")
   155        config String defines[] = [];
   157        /*!
   158         * Generate and build the configuration package.
   159         */
   160        int gen(String infile);
   161    }
   162    /*
   163     *  @(#) xdc.tools.configuro.ccs; 1, 0, 0, 0,34; 12-15-2007 18:23:21; /db/ztree/library/trees/bti-a52x/src/
   164     */