1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    /*
    13     *  ======== IPackage.xdc ========
    14     */
    15    package xdc;
    17    /*!
    18     *  ======== IPackage ========
    19     *  Base interface implemented by all packages.
    20     *
    21     *  If a package does not specify a function declared in
    22     *  `IPackage`, the default defined in this package is used.
    23     *
    24     *  Packages must implement `IPackage` functions in the package's `package.xs`
    25     *  file.  This file simply defines a function with the same name as that
    26     *  declared in the the this specification.  For example, to implement the
    27     *  `{@link #getLibs()}` function the following must appear in the package's
    28     *  `package.xs` file:
    29     *  @p(code)
    30     *      function getLibs(prog)
    31     *      {
    32     *           ...
    33     *      }
    34     *  @p
    35     *
    36     *  @a(Note)
    37     *  Since most `IPackage` functions can be called in any model, any access to
    38     *  global variables specific to a particular object model should happen only
    39     *  if the function is called in the context of that model. For example, the
    40     *  variable `Program` is a global variable in the Configuration Model
    41     *  (`{@link xdc.cfg.Program}`). Any access to it should happen after a check
    42     *  that the current model is the Configuration Model:
    43     *  @p(code)
    44     *      if (xdc.om.$name == "cfg") {
    45     *          print(Program.build.target.name);
    46     *      }
    47     *  @p
    48     *  For additional information about `xdc.om`, see
    49     *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_-_xdc.om xdc.om} in the
    50     *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_Language_Reference XDCscript Language Reference}.
    51     */
    52    metaonly interface IPackage {
    53        /*!
    54         *  ======== LibDesc ========
    55         *  Library properties from the Build Object Model (BOM)
    56         *
    57         *  This structure defines library properties that are
    58         *  carried forward from the Build Model into the Configuration Model.
    59         *
    60         *  @field(target)    target for which the library was built.
    61         *  @field(suffix)    the suffix associated with the named target.
    62         *
    63         */
    64        struct LibDesc {
    65            String target;  /*! target name */
    66            String suffix;  /*! suffix property of the named target */
    67        }
    69        /*!
    70         *  ======== BuildAttrs ========
    71         *  Package-level attributes from the Build Object Model (BOM)
    72         *
    73         *  This structure defines a set of package-level attributes that are
    74         *  carried forward from the Build Model into the Configuration Model.
    75         *
    76         *  @field(getLibs)   the JavaScript function that should be used when
    77         *                    the package participates in a program configuration
    78         *                    script.  This field contains the function specified
    79         *                    by a package's build script
    80         *  @field(libraries) an array of archive names created by this package.
    81         *                    Each name is a package-relative file name of an
    82         *                    archive within the package.
    83         *  @field(libDesc)   a map of library descriptors.  This map is indexed
    84         *                    by names that appear in the `libraries` array.
    85         */
    86        struct BuildAttrs {
    87            String  libraries[]; /*! array of archive names produced by this pkg */
    88            LibDesc libDesc[string]; /*! desriptors for elements in `libraries` */
    89            any     getLibs;     /*! `getLibs` function defined by build script */
    90        };
    92        /*!
    93         *  ======== packageBase ========
    94         *  The absolute path to the package's "base" directory
    95         *
    96         *  This parameter contains an absolute path to the directory
    97         *  containing the package's build script (`package.bld`). For example,
    98         *  if the package `ti.bios` is located in `c:/packages/ti/bios`, then
    99         *  `packageBase` equals `c:/packages/ti/bios/`.
   100         *
   101         *  To be robust, clients should not assume that this string ends with a
   102         *  directory separator.
   103         *
   104         *  @a(readonly)  This parameter is set when the package is first loaded
   105         *  and should not be modified by any other script.
   106         */
   107        config string packageBase;
   109        /*!
   110         *  ======== packageRepository ========
   111         *  The absolute path to the repository containing the package
   112         *
   113         *  This parameter contains an absolute path to the directory
   114         *  containing the full directory namespace of the package.  For
   115         *  example, if the package `ti.bios` is located in `c:/packages/ti/bios`,
   116         *  then `packageRepository` equals `c:/packages/`.
   117         *
   118         *  To be robust, clients should not assume that this string ends with a
   119         *  directory separator.
   120         *
   121         *  @a(readonly)  This parameter is set when the package is first loaded
   122         *  and should not be modified by any other script.
   123         */
   124        config string packageRepository;
   126        /*!
   127         *  ======== build ========
   128         *  The package information from the Build Object Model (BOM)
   129         *
   130         *  @a(readonly)  This parameter is set when the package is first loaded
   131         *  and should not be modified by any other script.
   132         */
   133        config BuildAttrs build;
   135        /*!
   136         *  ======== profile ========
   137         *  The profile requested by a configuration script.
   138         *
   139         *  This parameter is set by configuration scripts to convey additional
   140         *  information to the package about the libraries being requested from
   141         *  this package; in particular, it names a specific profile supported by
   142         *  this package (see {@link xdc.bld.ITarget#profiles}).
   143         *
   144         *  Package `{@link #getLibs()}` functions should refer to this parameter
   145         *  in lieu of the program's `build.profile`.  This allows configuration
   146         *  scripts to selectively request debug or release libraries on a per
   147         *  package basis, for example.
   148         *
   149         *  @p(code)
   150         *  function getLibs(prog)
   151         *  {
   152         *      if (this.profile == "debug") {
   153         *          ...
   154         *      }
   155         *  }
   156         *  @p
   157         *
   158         *  If this parameter is not set by the configuration script, it is
   159         *  initialized to `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#build.profile}` prior to
   160         *  generating and configuration files; i.e., the package's
   161         *  `{@link #getLibs()}` function can assume that this field is always
   162         *  set and defaults to the profile used to build the executable.
   163         */
   164        config string profile;
   166        /*!
   167         *  ======== init ========
   168         *  Initialize this package when first imported
   169         *
   170         *  This function is called to initialize the package within any 
   171         *  model.  It is called just once (when the package is first imported)
   172         *  so there is no need to explicitly check for prior invocation.
   173         *
   174         *  The default implementation of this function is a nop.
   175         *
   176         *  @a(context)
   177         *  @p(dlist)
   178         *    - `this`
   179         *          The current package's `xdc.IPackage.Module` object
   180         *          before any model-specific user script runs (e.g. a program's
   181         *          configuration script),
   182         *          after the package's `package.xs` script is run and all
   183         *          the package's modules are created, and before the
   184         *          package is added to `xdc.om.$packages` (the Object Model's
   185         *          package array)
   186         *
   187         *  @a(returns) Returns nothing.
   188         *
   189         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   190         *
   191         *  @a(Note)
   192         *  This function can be called in any model, so any access to
   193         *  global variables specific to a particular object model should happen
   194         *  only if the function is called in the context of that model. For
   195         *  example, the variable `Program` is a global variable in the
   196         *  Configuration Model (`{@link xdc.cfg.Program}`). Any access to it
   197         *  should happen after a check that the current model is the
   198         *  Configuration Model:
   199         *  @p(code)
   200         *      if (xdc.om.$name == "cfg") {
   201         *          print(Program.build.target.name);
   202         *      }
   203         *  @p
   204         *  For additional information about `xdc.om`, see
   205         *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_-_xdc.om xdc.om}
   206         *  in the
   207         *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_Language_Reference XDCscript Language Reference}.
   208         */
   209        function init();
   211        /*!
   212         *  ======== close ========
   213         *  Close this package after user scripts complete.
   214         *
   215         *  This function is called to allow the package to modify its state
   216         *  based on the results of the user's script.  It can optionally 
   217         *  redefine configuration parameters or even throw exceptions to
   218         *  prevent the configuration step from completing, for example.
   219         *
   220         *  Other packages and modules, including the modules in the package, can
   221         *  change the configuration parameters of any module in the package, after
   222         *  this function was called. Therefore, this function cannot be used to
   223         *  validate state of the package and of the whole configuration.
   224         *  Validation should be done in `{@link #validate()}`.
   225         *
   226         *  For all packages A and B, if A requires B, then package A is 
   227         *  closed before package B. 
   228         *
   229         *  The default implementation of this function is a nop.
   230         *
   231         *  @a(context)
   232         *  @p(dlist)
   233         *    - `this`
   234         *          The current package's `xdc.IPackage.Module` object
   235         *          immediately after the program's configuration script
   236         *          has completed and before validation is started.
   237         *
   238         *  @a(returns) Returns nothing.
   239         *
   240         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   241         *
   242         *  @a(Note)
   243         *  This function can be called in any model, so any access to
   244         *  global variables specific to a particular object model should happen
   245         *  only if the function is called in the context of that model. For
   246         *  example, the variable `Program` is a global variable in the
   247         *  Configuration Model (`{@link xdc.cfg.Program}`). Any access to it
   248         *  should happen after a check that the current model is the
   249         *  Configuration Model:
   250         *  @p(code)
   251         *      if (xdc.om.$name == "cfg") {
   252         *          print(Program.build.target.name);
   253         *      }
   254         *  @p
   255         *  For additional information about `xdc.om`, see
   256         *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_-_xdc.om xdc.om}
   257         *  in the
   258         *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_Language_Reference XDCscript Language Reference}.
   259         */
   260        function close();
   262        /*!
   263         *  ======== validate ========
   264         *  Validate this package after the model's state is "sealed".
   265         *
   266         *  This function is called to validate the package's state in the 
   267         *  curent model.  It can verify semantic constraints and optionally 
   268         *  throw exceptions to prevent the configuration step from completing.
   269         *
   270         *  For example, a package that needs to assert incompatibility with
   271         *  certain versions of prerequisite packages can check the versions in
   272         *  this function and throw an exception if they are known to be
   273         *  incompatible with the current package.
   274         *
   275         *  This method must not modify the model.
   276         *
   277         *  The default implementation of this function is a nop.
   278         *
   279         *  @a(context)
   280         *  @p(dlist)
   281         *    - `this`
   282         *          The current package's `xdc.IPackage.Module` object
   283         *          immediately after the program's configuration script
   284         *          has completed and before generation started.
   285         *
   286         *  @a(returns) Returns nothing.
   287         *
   288         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   289         *
   290         *  @a(Note)
   291         *  This function can be called in any model, so any access to
   292         *  global variables specific to a particular object model should happen
   293         *  only if the function is called in the context of that model. For
   294         *  example, the variable `Program` is a global variable in the
   295         *  Configuration Model (`{@link xdc.cfg.Program}`). Any access to it
   296         *  should happen after a check that the current model is the
   297         *  Configuration Model:
   298         *  @p(code)
   299         *      if (xdc.om.$name == "cfg") {
   300         *          print(Program.build.target.name);
   301         *      }
   302         *  @p
   303         *  For additional information about `xdc.om`, see
   304         *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_-_xdc.om xdc.om}
   305         *  in the
   306         *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_Language_Reference XDCscript Language Reference}.
   307         */
   308        function validate();
   310        /*!
   311         *  ======== exit ========
   312         *  Exit this package after the model has been successfully validated.
   313         *
   314         *  The default implementation of this function is a nop.
   315         *
   316         *  @a(context)
   317         *  @p(dlist)
   318         *    - `this`
   319         *          The current package's `xdc.IPackage.Module` object
   320         *          immediately after the program's configuration script
   321         *          has completed and after generation has completed.
   322         *
   323         *  @a(returns) Returns nothing.
   324         *
   325         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   326         *
   327         *  @a(Note)
   328         *  This function can be called in any model, so any access to
   329         *  global variables specific to a particular object model should happen
   330         *  only if the function is called in the context of that model. For
   331         *  example, the variable `Program` is a global variable in the
   332         *  Configuration Model (`{@link xdc.cfg.Program}`). Any access to it
   333         *  should happen after a check that the current model is the
   334         *  Configuration Model:
   335         *  @p(code)
   336         *      if (xdc.om.$name == "cfg") {
   337         *          print(Program.build.target.name);
   338         *      }
   339         *  @p
   340         *  For additional information about `xdc.om`, see
   341         *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_-_xdc.om xdc.om}
   342         *  in the
   343         *  {@link http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/XDCscript_Language_Reference XDCscript Language Reference}.
   344         */
   345        function exit();
   347        /*!
   348         *  ======== getLibs ========
   349         *  Get the libraries necessary to use this package
   350         *
   351         *  This function is called during the configuration model's generation
   352         *  phase (after a program's configuration script completes and all
   353         *  imported packages are closed) and is responsible for returning a list
   354         *  of libraries (or object files) that are needed to link the program
   355         *  being configured.
   356         *
   357         *  If the package produces one (or no) library for the target for which
   358         *  the executable is being built, the default implementation of this
   359         *  function simply returns the name of this library (or `null`).
   360         *
   361         *  If the package produces more than one library for the given target, the
   362         *  default implementation of this function returns the following library
   363         *  name:
   364         *  @p(code)
   365         *          lib/<package_name>.a<target_suffix>
   366         *  @p
   367         *  where `<package_name>` is the name of the package (e.g., "ti.bios")
   368         *  and `<target_suffix>` is the  {@link xdc.bld.ITarget#suffix} property
   369         *  of the target used to build the executable.
   370         *
   371         *  @param(prog) the configuration model program object
   372         *              (`{@link xdc.cfg.Program}`) after the program's
   373         *              configuration script has completed.
   374         *
   375         *  @a(context)
   376         *  @p(dlist)
   377         *    - `this`
   378         *          The current package's `xdc.IPackage.Module` object
   379         *          after the program's configuration script has completed.
   380         *    - `Program`
   381         *          The Configuration model program object
   382         *          (`{@link xdc.cfg.Program}`) after the program's configuration
   383         *          script has completed.
   384         *
   385         *  @a(returns) Returns a string of ';' delimited object (or library) file
   386         *              names that are added to the list of things to link to
   387         *              create the program.  The file names are absolute or
   388         *              relative to the package's base.  All white space is
   389         *              treated as part of the file name.  If the files named do
   390         *              not exist, a fatal error occurs and configuration
   391         *              terminates.
   392         *
   393         *              If `null` or empty (""), then no libraries or objects are
   394         *              required for this package.
   395         *
   396         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   397         */
   398        function getLibs(prog);
   400        /*!
   401         *  ======== getSects ========
   402         *  Get package-specific linker section data.
   403         *
   404         *  This function is called during the configuration model's  generation
   405         *  phase (after a program's configuration script completes) and is
   406         *  responsible for returning a template file name that is used to
   407         *  generate package-specific linker command file statements.
   408         *
   409         *  @a(context)
   410         *  @p(dlist)
   411         *    - `this`
   412         *          The current package's `xdc.IPackage.Module` object
   413         *          after the program's configuration script has completed.
   414         *
   415         *    - `Program`
   416         *          The Configuration model program object
   417         *          (`{@link xdc.cfg.Program}`) after program's configuration
   418         *          script has completed and all packages have validated the
   419         *          correctness of the configuration.
   420         *
   421         *  @a(returns) Returns the path name of template file.  The path name
   422         *              must relative to the package path or an absolute path.
   423         *
   424         *              If `null` is returned, no data is generated.
   425         *
   426         *              The template is evaluated in a context where the `this`
   427         *              pointer is the package object.
   428         *
   429         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   430         */
   431        function getSects();
   432    }
   433    /*
   434     *  @(#) xdc; 1, 1, 1,291; 8-20-2010 17:20:38; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-v48x/src/packages/
   435     */