1    /* 
     2     *Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     *
    11     * */
    12    /*!
    13     *  ======== Main ========
    14     *  Command-line configuration tool
    15     *
    16     *  This command allows RTSC content, in the form of reusable modules built
    17     *  using the XDCtools tooling, to be imported into a system integrator's
    18     *  embedded application. It is the recommended method for integrating RTSC
    19     *  content into non-RTSC application build environments.
    20     *
    21     *  Configuro lets the system integrator identify and customize the RTSC
    22     *  content they wish to use, and computes a set of libraries, command-line
    23     *  flags and other artifacts to include in their application build. By
    24     *  changing the values of configuration settings, the integrator can
    25     *  trade off the functionality, memory footprint, and even performance of
    26     *  the RTSC content to best meet the needs of their application.
    27     *
    28     *  @a(INPUTS)
    29     *  @p(dlist)
    30     *    - `infile.cfg`
    31     *      A user-supplied configuration script that names a set of RTSC
    32     *      modules, and optionally changes their configuration settings.
    33     *  @p
    34     *
    35     *  @a(OUTPUTS)
    36     *  @p(dlist)
    37     *    - `outdir/`
    38     *      A directory containing all generated build artifacts.
    39     *    - `outdir/compiler.opt`
    40     *      A file containing C compiler command-line flags. These flags must
    41     *      included on the compiler command line for any C source file that
    42     *      directly accesses the RTSC content. The flags define the header file
    43     *      include paths, and machine-mode compiler flags to ensure object code
    44     *      compatibility between all included content.
    45     *    - `outdir/linker.cmd`
    46     *      A file containing linker command-line flags. These flags must be
    47     *      included on the linker command line for the final link of the
    48     *      application. The flags list needed libraries and object files,
    49     *      and on some platforms define the embedded system memory map.
    50     *  @p
    51     *  
    52     *  For example:
    53     *  @p(code)
    54     *      xs xdc.tools.configuro myconfig.cfg
    55     *  @p
    56     */
    57    metaonly module Main inherits xdc.tools.ICmd {
    59        /*!
    60         * usage help message
    61         */
    62        override config String usage[] = [
    63            '[-v | -q]',
    64            '[-@ optionsfile]',
    65            '[-o outdir]',
    66            '[-b config_bld | -c codegen_dir | --cb]',
    67            '[-t target] [-p platform[:instance]] [-r profile]',
    68            '[-Dname=value]',
    69            '[-w | -x regexp]',
    70            '[--rtsName pkg_name]',
    71            '[--cfgArgs args_string]',
    72            '[--linkTemplate linker_template]',
    73            '[--tcf] [--bios5] [--pkg] [--generationOnly]',
    74            '[--compileOptions compile_options_string]',
    75            '[--oc compiler.opt] [--ol linker.cmd]',
    76            'infile.cfg'
    77        ];
    79    instance:
    80        /*!
    81         *  Pathname of the output directory
    82         *
    83         *  A directory containing the generated build artifacts, in particular
    84         *  the `compiler.opt` and `linker.cmd` files. By default, the output
    85         *  directory has the same name as the configuration script, minus the
    86         *  `.cfg` extension, within the same parent directory as this script.
    87         */
    88        @CommandOption("o")
    89        config String output = null;
    91        /*!
    92         *  Name of the RTSC target module
    93         *
    94         *  The name of a RTSC target module to use, for example
    95         *  `ti.targets.C64P`.
    96         *
    97         *  If no `config.bld` file is given, then this is a required
    98         *  parameter.
    99         *
   100         *  If a `config.bld` file is given then this parameter is optional,
   101         *  and by default the target will be
   102         *  {@link xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment#targets `Build.targets[0]`} from the
   103         *  user's `config.bld`. If `Build.targets` contains more than one entry,
   104         *  then this option can be used to override that default.
   105         */
   106        @CommandOption("t")
   107        config String target = null;
   109        /*!
   110         *  Root directory of the code generation tools
   111         *
   112         *  The path to the installation directory of the compiler and linker
   113         *  for the selected target. The definition of "installation directory"
   114         *  can vary from compiler to compiler, but is most commonly the
   115         *  directory that contains a "bin" subdirectory.
   116         *
   117         *  If no `config.bld` file is given, then this is a required
   118         *  parameter.
   119         *
   120         *  If a `config.bld` file is given then this parameter is optional,
   121         *  and by default the compiler will be the one configured there.
   122         *  This option can still be used, to override the default established
   123         *  in `config.bld`.
   124         */
   125        @CommandOption("c")
   126        config String rootdir = null;
   128        /*!
   129         *  Name of the RTSC platform package (and optionally instance)
   130         *
   131         *  The name of a RTSC platform package to use, using the syntax
   132         *  `my.pkg.name` or `my.pkg.name:instanceName`. For example,
   133         *  `ti.platforms.sim64Pxx` or `ti.platforms.generic:custom`.
   134         *
   135         *  This is an optional parameter, and by default the platform is
   136         *  the one that the selected target names as its default. The user
   137         *  may override this default in their `config.bld` or by using this
   138         *  parameter.
   139         *
   140         *  The optional `:instanceName` suffix names a pre-configured variant
   141         *  of the platform, which can be set up either in the user's
   142         *  `config.bld` or in the platform package itself. For more details, see
   143         *  {@link xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment#platformTable `Build.platformTable`}
   144         *  and the {@link xdc.platform.IPlatform `IPlatform`} interface.
   145         */
   146        @CommandOption("p")
   147        config String platform = null;
   149        /*!
   150         *  Build profile to use
   151         *
   152         *  The name of the build profile to use for the RTSC content, for
   153         *  example 'release' or 'debug'. The list of allowed profiles is
   154         *  determined by the RTSC target module named.
   155         */
   156        @CommandOption("r")
   157        config String profile = 'release';
   159        /*!
   160         *  Read build environment from the named `config.bld` file
   161         *
   162         *  A `config.bld` file can optionally be used to hold the values
   163         *  of the target, compiler root directory, platform, and other
   164         *  more advanced options. This is a convenient way to share a common
   165         *  build environment between multiple projects.
   166         *
   167         *  The format of the file is JavaScript statements with the XDCscript
   168         *  extensions. The script should set the properties of the
   169         *  {@link xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment `Build`} global object.
   170         *
   171         *  If no `config.bld` file is given then the target and compiler
   172         *  root directory are required command-line parameters.
   173         */
   174        @CommandOption("b")
   175        config String configbld = null;
   177        /*!
   178         *  Use a `config.bld` found along the package path
   179         *
   180         *  Find a `config.bld` by searching the package path, instead of
   181         *  via an explicit pathname. Looks for a file named `config.bld` in
   182         *  any of the directories named along the package path, in order. The
   183         *  directories are not searched recursively.
   184         */
   185        @CommandOption("cb")
   186        config Bool searchForConfigBld = false;
   188        /*!
   189         *  Set a Java property in the configuration script
   190         *
   191         *  Allows values to be injected from the command line into the
   192         *  `config.bld` file. For example, the option `-Dmyprop=myval`
   193         *  creates a property named `myprop` with string value `"myval"`.
   194         *  This can be read in `config.bld` using the XDCscript syntax
   195         *  `environment["myprop"]`.
   196         */
   197        @CommandOption("D")
   198        config String defines[] = [];
   200        /*!
   201         *  Set the name of the RTSC runtime package
   202         *
   203         *  The name of a package containing pre-built libraries containing
   204         *  the {@link xdc.runtime} modules.  If this parameter is `null` (or
   205         *  `undefined`) the name of the rts package is taken from the target
   206         *  (`{@link xdc.bld.ITarget#rtsName}`).  If this parameter is set to
   207         *  the empty string (""), then no rts package is included in the
   208         *  configuration.  Finally, if this parameter is non-`null` and
   209         *  non-empty, it should be the name of a package along the package
   210         *  path that can supply pre-built versions of the modules in the
   211         *  `{@link xdc.runtime}` package.
   212         *
   213         *  @see xdc.bld.ITarget#rtsName
   214         *  @see xdc.bld.Executable#Attrs
   215         */
   216        @CommandOption("rtsName")
   217        config String rtsName = null;
   219        /*!
   220         *  ======== cfgArgs ========
   221         *  Optional arguments passed to configuration script
   222         *
   223         *  Lets the user pass values into the configuration script from the
   224         *  command line. The argument is an expression in JavaScript syntax.
   225         *  Its value is available in the configuration script under the name
   226         *  `Program.build.cfgArgs`.
   227         *
   228         *  The JavaScript expression is evaluated in the configuration domain
   229         *  after the platform package is imported, immediately before calling
   230         *  the user's configuration script.
   231         *
   232         *  This string has the same effect as the `cfgArgs` string in
   233         *  `{@link xdc.bld.Executable.Attrs}`.
   234         *
   235         *  You can pass multiple values to configuration scripts using the
   236         *  syntax of a JavaScript `Object` constant:
   237         *  @p(code)
   238         *      xs xdc.tools.configuro --cfgArgs "{foo:'hello';bar:2}" ... app.cfg
   239         *  @p
   240         *
   241         *  The configuration script can read the various fields as, e.g.:
   242         *  @p(code)
   243         *      if (Program.build.cfgArgs.foo == "hello") {
   244         *          :
   245         *      }
   246         *  @p
   247         *
   248         *  Note the use of single quotes around the string value `'hello'` on
   249         *  the command line. This is the easiest way to quote a JavaScript
   250         *  string constant that is compatible with the enclosing double
   251         *  quotes, which are for the benefit of the command line shell.
   252         *
   253         *  @see xdc.bld.Executable#Attrs
   254         */
   255        @CommandOption("cfgArgs")
   256        config String cfgArgs = null;
   258        /*!
   259         *  Linker command file template
   260         *
   261         *  If this option is provided it overrides the template supplied by
   262         *  the platform, giving the caller complete control over the generated
   263         *  linker command file.
   264         *
   265         *  @see xdc.cfg.Program#linkTemplate
   266         */
   267        @CommandOption("linkTemplate")
   268        config String linkTemplate = null;
   270        /*!
   271         *  Show verbose details during build
   272         *
   273         *  This option produces the same verbose output as the `xdc` command
   274         *  with the `XDCOPTIONS=v` parameter.
   275         */
   276        @CommandOption("v")
   277        config Bool verbose = false;
   279        /*!
   280         *  Minimize details during build
   281         *
   282         *  This option produces the same output as the `xdc` command
   283         *  with the `XDCOPTIONS=qq` parameter.
   284         */
   285        @CommandOption("q")
   286        config Bool quiet = false;
   288        /*!
   289         *  Exclude packages matching regexp from compatibility checking
   290         *
   291         *  A JavaScript regular expression that is used to select packages that
   292         *  should be excluded from the set of packages checked during
   293         *  configuration.
   294         *
   295         *  @see xdc.cfg
   296         */
   297        @CommandOption("x")
   298        config String exclude = null;
   300        /*!
   301         *  Treat package version incompatibilites as warnings
   302         *
   303         *  If set to "`true`", force any incompatibilities detected to be
   304         *  treated as warnings only; otherwise incompatibilities are fatal.
   305         *
   306         *  @see xdc.cfg
   307         */
   308        @CommandOption("w")
   309        config Bool warn = false;
   311        /*!
   312         *  Read infile.tcf in addition to infile.cfg
   313         *
   314         *  The .tcf file optionally configures DSP/BIOS 5.X . This allows a
   315         *  single program to use both DSP/BIOS 5.X and RTSC-based content.
   316         */
   317        @CommandOption("tcf")
   318        config Bool hasTconf = false;
   320        /*!
   321         *  Add the DSP/BIOS 5.X include directory to the compiler options
   322         *
   323         *  The directory is located in "include" in package "ti.bios".
   324         */
   325        @CommandOption("bios5")
   326        config Bool bios5Incs = false;
   328        /*!
   329         *  Create the build model generated output files but do not build
   330         *
   331         *  This option creates the output directory and key generated files
   332         *  but does not process the user's configuration script. It is used
   333         *  by internal tooling to snapshot the RTSC build settings implied by
   334         *  the configuro command line parameters.
   335         */
   336        @CommandOption("pkg")
   337        config Bool mkPkgOnly = false;
   339        /*!
   340         *  Create the configuration generated source files but do not build
   341         *
   342         *  This option runs the configuration step but does not compile the
   343         *  generated source files.  This option is used 
   344         *  by internal tooling to eliminate unnecessary build steps.
   345         */
   346        @CommandOption("generationOnly")
   347        config Bool generationOnly = false;
   349        /*!
   350         *  Add compile options for C files in the configuration package
   351         *
   352         *  This option accepts one or more compiler options that are added to
   353         *  the compiler command line when compiling C files in the generated
   354         *  configuration package.
   355         *  If multiple compiler options are given, the whole string containing
   356         *  options must be surrounded by quotes.
   357         */
   358        @CommandOption("compileOptions")
   359        config String compileOptions = "";
   361        /*!
   362         *  Set the name of the compiler options file (default is "compiler.opt")
   363         */
   364        @CommandOption("oc")
   365        config String compilerOptionsFile = "compiler.opt";
   367        /*!
   368         *  Set the name of the linker command file (default is "linker.cmd")
   369         */
   370        @CommandOption("ol")
   371        config String linkerCommandFile = "linker.cmd";
   373        /*!
   374         *  Generate and build the configuration package
   375         */
   376        int gen(String infile);
   377    }
   378    /*
   379     *  @(#) xdc.tools.configuro; 1, 0, 0, 0,189; 8-4-2010 15:07:10; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdctools/xdctools-d42x/src/
   380     */