
Tool for reading and decoding RTA data from a file

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/rta/tools/file/package.xdc
package {
    module Main;
    // Command implementation
xs [--help]
    [-p] [-h] [-m] [-e executable] [-x RTA XML file] [-d data input file] [-o output text file] [-c delimter character]
Whether to print the decoded records to the console

You may use this tool to simply print the decoded records, or you may have them redirected to a file to be processed elsewhere.

Don't print the header when printing the decoded records
Wait for the user to press enter before displaying the next packet

Without this flag, the tool will simply print all of the records in the data file to the screen. If this flag is set, then the tool will wait the user to press enter in between displaying each packet.

Path to the executable which was used to generate the data file
Optional path to the RTA XML file
Path to the file containing the RTA log data
Optional path to an output file to write the decoded records to

The tool will write the decoded records out as text to the specified out file. The record properties will be separated with a delimeter character so that they can be imported into a spreadsheet such as Excel.

// TODO [-l output file for load data]

Delimiter character to use when writing out the file.

The character specified here will be inserted between each of the record fields so that the file can be imported into a spreadsheet such as excel.

generated on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 22:22:07 GMT