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XDCscript Language Summary

XDCscript language quick reference

NOTE:  This document will be retired shortly, after its contents has been merged into the XDCscript Language Reference.

XDCscript is a general-purpose programming language based upon the ECMA-262 Edition 3 standard -- popularly known as JavaScript 1.5. A central element of XDC, the language primarily serves as an implementation vehicle for hosted meta-content used to automate integration of companion target-content within executable programs tailored for a specific hardware platform and optimized for a specific application environment. RTSC also leverages the language to manage the flow of packages -- standardized containers holding re-usable target content plus its attendant meta-content -- between producers and consumers. And of course, the language is readily suited for standalone scripting tasks.

Working in tandem with XDCspec -- a special-purpose language for defining client-visible programmatic features of target- [and meta-] content through module, interface, and package specifications -- XDCscript augments standard JavaScript with modular, type-safe, and expressive mechanisms that meld nicely with the familiar style and substance of the C-centric target programming domain. References to terms defined in the XDCspec grammar are written-this-way.



XDCspec incorporates all core JavaScript 1.5 classes, as defined in the ECMA-262 Edition 3 standard.

Arguments Error Number
Array Function Object
Boolean Global RegEx
Date Math String


All XDCscript properties and methods are ultimately rooted in a distinguished (read-only) object referenced by the global identifier xdc. This name along with any identifier containing one or more $'s should be treated as a reserved word.

The distinguished root object. Base
The original JavaScript Global object.
xdc.jre Java
The Java Runtime Environment.
The directory of the script file currently being loaded.
xdc.exec(command, attrs, status)
Executes an arbitrary shell command and returns the command's exit status. The parameter command can be one string containing the command and the command line parameters, or a string array with the command in the first element of the array.
The optional parameter attrs controls the command's environment and accepts the following fields: envs(array of environment variable settings), cwd (the command's current working directory), outName (the name of the output file to create, if the file exists, output is appended to the end of the file) and filter (regular expression used to filter command output).
The optional parameter status contains the fields output (string containing all output from command) and exitStatus (exit status of the command).
Returns a path to fileName or else null if not found. If fileName is an absolute path or else begins with ./, this path is returned if the file exists. Otherwise, the file is first searched in the xdc.csd directory and then in each directory along the system package path.
xdc.loadCapsule(fileName) Capsule
Loads a capsule from fileName, and returns a Capsule object. Calls xdc.findFile() internally, and throws an Error if the capsule is not found.
xdc.loadTemplate(fileName) Template
Loads a template from fileName, and returns a Template object. Calls xdc.findFile() internally, and throws an Error if the template is not found.
xdc.loadPackage(pkgName) Package
Loads a package whose qualified-package-name is pkgName, adds the package to the current Object-Model, and returns a Package object. Throws an Error if the package is not found along the system package path.
xdc.module(modName) Module
Returns the Module object whose qualified-unit-name is modName. If modName is not qualified with a package name,$homepkg is presumed. Calls xdc.loadPackage() if needed. Throws an Error if the module is not found. Object-Model
The current Object-Model -- program-config, package-build, standalone-scripting, etc.
xdc.traceEnable(mask) Capsule
This function accepts string-valued masks that designate a set of named capsules for which calls to the special function $trace(msg) result in the msg string being printed. If called with no arguments, the function returns the current trace mask; otherwise, the function updates the current trace mask and returns its previous value.
The trace mask itself comprises a set of semicolon-separated patterns that are suffix-matched against the canonical filename of the capsule. Occurrences of slashes (forward or backward) within the patterns are appropriately normalized. Wildcards ('*') within the patterns match arbitrary character sequences that themselves do not contain slashes. For convenience, capsules can be designated without any particular file extension (e.g., ".xs").
This function is called upon startup with the value of the environment variable "xdc.traceEnable", if the latter is defined.
xdc.useModule(modName) Module
Declares usage of a module whose qualified-unit-name is modName, and returns a Module object. If modName is not qualified with a package name,$homepkg is presumed. Calls xdc.loadPackage() if needed. Throws an Error if the module is not found.


XDCspec supports connectivity to all classes in the current Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Public fields and functions of static class objects as well as newly constructed class instance objects can be accessed.

xdc.jre.javaClass.staticField = xdc.jre.javaClass.staticFxn()

var jobj = new xdc.jre.javaClass()

jobj.field = jobj.fxn()


A fundamental unit of implementation. Each capsule exposes a set of public variables and functions to its client.

var Cap = xdc.loadCapsule(fileName)

Cap.publicVar = Cap.publicFxn()


Contains top-level definitions of public and private variables/functions. Also contains top-level statements executed exactly once -- on first call to loadCapsule() naming this file.

var publicVar =

var _privateVar =

function publicFxn( ... ) { ... }

function _privateFxn( ... ) { ... }

stmt ... 


A synthesized function that encapsulates a prescribed pattern for generating formatted output. Clients invoke templates with specific arguments and designate a sink for all generated output

var Tplt = xdc.loadTemplate(fileName)
Tplt.genFile(fileName, thisObj, args, clobber)
Generates output to fileName, which is created if necessary. Unless clobber is true, an existing file is overwritten only when its content has truly changed. Internally calls genStream().
Tplt.genStream(outStream, thisObj, args)
Generates output to outStream, an instance of class All three parameters are passed to the underlying template generation function.


Contains lines of text that the synthesized function automatically outputs when invoked. Also contains lines of script to be inserted into the synthesized function. Interpolated script can reference any object in the current environment — with $out, this, and $args bound to parameters of genStream().

textscripttext ... \n
A line of text to be output by the synthesized function at this point. All interpolated script is replaced with its (textual) value in the current context.
% script ...\n
A single line of script to be inserted into the synthesized function at this point.
stmt ...\n
stmt ...\n
Multiple lines of script to be inserted into the synthesized function at this point.


Reflects a package-specification. A read-only container for Capsule, Template, Interface, and Module objects that implements the xdc.IPackage interface. Its init() function is invoked once -- on the first call to xdc.loadPackage() naming this package. Each package is also an element of the current Object-Model.

var pkg = somePkgObject
pkg.InterName Interface
A particular interface contained within this package, unless InterName matches a name in the xdc.IPackage interface -- in this case the xdc.IPackage interface value is returned. Because of this ambiguity, this method of referencing a package's interfaces is deprecated.
pkg.ModName Module
A particular module contained within this package, unless ModName matches a name in the xdc.IPackage interface -- in this case the xdc.IPackage interface value is returned. Because of this ambiguity, this method of referencing a package's modules is deprecated.
pkg.$interfaces Interface
An array of all interfaces within this package.
pkg.$modules Module
An array of all modules within this package.
The qualified-package-name of this package.
An array of numbers formed from the package's compatibility key array followed by the package's release date in milliseconds since midnight 1/1/1970 GMT. If the compatibility key array has fewer than three elements, the release date is not appended to the array.


A specialized execution context for scripts which comprises a model-dependent prologue and epilogue. May also introduce global variables representing "anchor points" within the model as well as codifiy metaonly interfaces to be implemented by constituent packages.$homepkg
A model-specific home package. Unless undefined, xdc.useModule() resolves unqualified module names within this package.$name
The name of the current model.[pkgname] Package
The package named pkgname within the current model.$packages[] Package
An array of all packages within the current model.


Reflects a unit-specification for an interface.

var Inter = someInterObj
Inter.CONST_NAME Typed-Value
A scalar value of the type specified in a const definition.
Inter.ENUMVAL_NAME Typed-Value
A scalar value of the type specified in an enum definition.
Inter.EXTERN_NAME Typed-Value
A scalar value of the type specified in an extern definition.
new Inter.StructName Struct
A pointer to an aggregate of the type specified in a struct definition.
Inter.Module(someModObj) Module
Casts a Module object to the Module handle type of this interface. Returns null if incompatible.
Inter.Instance(someInstObj) Instance
Casts an Instance object to the Instance handle type of this interface. Returns null if incompatible.
The qualified-unit-name of this interface.
Inter.$package Package
The Package object which contains this unit.
Inter.$super Interface
An interface object corresponding to the inherited-interface for this interface, or null if not specified.


Reflects a unit-specification and its module-wide-feature(s)

var Mod = someModObj   Typed-Object
Mod.CONST_NAME Typed-Value
A scalar value of the type specified in a const definition.
Mod.ENUMVAL_NAME Typed-Value
A scalar value of the type specified in an enum definition.
Mod.EXTERN_NAME Typed-Value
A scalar value of the type specified in an extern definition.
new Mod.StructName Struct
A pointer to an aggregate of the type specified in a struct definition.
Mod.configName = Typed-Operation
A property of the type specified in a config-parameter definition. Assignable, unless readonly in the specification.
Mod.fxnName( ... ) Typed-Operation
A method whose signature is specified in a function-declaration.
Mod.create(createParams) Instance
A special method that returns a new Instance object managed by this unit.
Mod.Module(someModObj) Module
Casts a Module object to the Module handle type of this module. Returns null if incompatible.
Mod.Instance(someInstObj) Instance
Casts an Instance object to the Instance handle type of this module. Returns null if incompatible.
Mod.$instances[] Instance
An array of Instance objects managed by this module.
The qualified-unit-name of this module.
Mod.$package Package
The Package object which contains this module.
A private object used by capsules implementing module-wide functions specified for this module.
Mod.$super Mod
A Module object of the Module type designated in the inherited-interface for this module, or null if not specified.
true if this module has been named in a call to xdc.useModule, false otherwise.


Reflects per-instance-feature(s) of a unit-specification.

var inst = someInstObj   Typed-Object
inst.configName = Typed-Operation
A property of the type specified in a config-parameter definition. Assignable, unless readonly in the specification.
inst.fxnName( ... ) Typed-Operation
A method whose signature is specified in a function-declaration.
A serial number assigned when created by its managing module.
inst.$module Module
The Module object that manages this instance.
inst.$package Package
The Package object which contains the module that manages this instance.
A private object used by capsules implementing per-instance functions specified for the module managing this instance.
inst.$super Instance
An Instance object of the Instance type designated in the inherited-interface for the module managing this instance, or null if not specified.


A capsule that implements all (inherited) module-wide and per-instance metaonly functions declared in a module's unit-specification. These capsule files are named UnitName.xs and reside in the base directory of the containing package. A special capsule named package.xs implements the (module-wide) functions specified in the xdc.IPackage interface.

function fxnName(arg ... ) {   Typed-Assignment
    this.$private = ...
    return expr   Typed-Assignment

Implements a module-wide or per-instance function specified for this module. this references the corresponding Module or Instance object, whose $private state is manipulated in this capsule. Typed-Assignment rules are enforced upon function entry and exit.

function instance$meta$init(createParams) {
    this.$private = ...

A distinguished function called upon creating a new Instance object, to which this is bound. Typically used to initialize the $private state for this Instance.


An aggregate of the type specified in a struct definition. Comprises a fixed number of values of different types, selected by name. A constrained variant of a JavaScript object.

var str = someStructObj   Typed-Object
str.fieldName =
An assignable property of the type designated in a struct-field definition.


An aggregate that comprises an expandable ordered set of values of some common base type, indexed by non-negative integers. A constrained variant of a JavaScript array.

var vec = someVectorObj   Typed-Object
vec.length =
Gets or sets the number of values in this vector.
vec[number] = Typed-Operation
Gets or sets an element of this vector whose index is in the range 0..length-1.
vec.$add(arg) Typed-Assignment
Appends arg to the end of this vector. Equivalent to vec[length++] = arg.
vec.$addrof(number) Typed-Object
Returns an object of the Ptr type. The object represents the address of the element vec[number] on the target. Such an object can be used at the configuration time to refer to an address that is generally not known at the configuration time.
The expression vec.$addrof(vec.length) can be used to refer to the first address after vec[length--1].


An aggregate that comprises an expandable ordered set of values of some common base type, indexed by strings as well as non-negative integers. A constrained hybrid of a JavaScript object and array.

var map = someMapObj   Typed-Object
Gets the number of values in this map.
map[number] = Typed-Operation
Gets or sets an element of this map whose index is in the range 0..length-1.
map[string] = Typed-Operation
Gets or sets a map element given a string-value key. Returns undefined if the designated element does not exist.
The command delete map[string] removes the named element from this map and decrements length.


Common properties and methods shared by Module, Instance, Struct, Vector, and Map objects. These objects also belong to a specified type ultimately defined within a unit-specification.

tobj.$copy() Typed-Object
Returns a deep-copy of this object, leaving references intact (Struct, Vector, Map only)
Returns an object with the most specific typed-declaration for this object rather than the declared type of tobj
Renders the specifed field within tobj read-only. If fieldName is omitted, the entire object is made read-only.
true if this object has been sealed.
tobj.$self Typed-Object
This object. Useful for bulk assignment when tobj is a JavaScript variable.
A string representation of a typed-declaration for this object.
Renders the specifed field within tobj writable. If fieldName is omitted, the entire object is made writable.


Each category of Typed-Object defines selectors for getting and setting constituent values of some specified type. Unit and Instance objects additionally define callable functions with parameter and return values of some specified type.

tobj.ident --> Typed-Value
tobj[number] --> Typed-Value
tobj[string] --> Typed-Value
Get a value of a specified type
tobj.ident <-- expr Typed-Assignment
tobj[number] <-- expr Typed-Assignment
tobj[string] <-- expr Typed-Assignment
Set a value of a specified type. expr must yield an assignment-compatible value.
tobj.fxn(arg ... ) --> Typed-Value
arg <-- expr Typed-Assignment
return <-- expr Typed-Assignment
Call a function of a specified type. Assignment-compatibility is enforced for each expr passed as a function argument and for the value returned from within the function body.


All values belong to either standard types supported in the base language or else to specified types ultimately defined within some unit-specification. Each is identified by a characteristic syntactic pattern comprising type-constructors of the form T<...> to denote a particular type as well as type-variables t that range over any of these patterns.

T<int> T<float>... Base
T<boolean> Base
T<string> Base
Standard scalar types with JavaScript number, boolean, or string values.
T<{ p: t ... }> Base
T<[ t ... ]> Base
Standard aggregate types with JavaScript objects or arrays as values
T<null> Base
T<undefined> Base
Standard singleton types with null or undefined as their only values.
T<struct S> Struct
T<struct S*> Struct
Specified types with Struct objects or Struct pointers for values, the latter mimicing a JavaScript object reference. The name S comes from a corresponding struct definition.
T<t[length]> Vector
T<t[string]> Map
Specified types whose values are Vector or Map objects.
T<U.Module> Module
T<U.Instance> Instance
Specified types whose values are opaque handles for Module or Instance objects. The name U comes from a corresponding unit-specification.
Specified types whose values connote target program addresses.
A universal type that subsumes all possible standard and specified types.


Rules for assignment compatibility.

t-LValue <-- t-RValue
Typed-Assignment pattern expressed in terms of LValue and RValue types. Enforced when assigning a specified selector, binding specified function arguments, and executing a return statement from within a specified function.
t <-- t
t <-- T<undefined>
T<any> <-- t
Identical types are assignment compatible; any type can be assigned undefined; and any type of RValue can be assigned to an LValue specified any.
T<struct S> <-- T<struct S>
T<struct S*> <-- T<struct S*>
Struct objects based on a common definition are assigned field-wise using the rules of Typed-Assignment -- that is, by value. Struct pointers are assigned to one another without getting or setting any constituent fields of the underlying object -- that is, by reference.
T<struct S> <-- T<struct S*>
T<struct S*> <-- T<struct S>
Field-wise assignment involving a mixture of Struct objects and pointers. Implicitly gets or sets all fields of the underlying object referenced through a Struct pointer.
T<struct S> <-- T<{ fld: t-fld ... }>
T<struct S*> <-- T<{ fld: t-fld ... }>
Assignment from a standard JavaScript object. Named properties of the latter corresponding to fields specified in the definition of S are assigned using the rules of Typed-Assignment. Each t-fld must be assignment-compatible with the type of S.fld.
T<t[length]> <-- T<t´[length]>
T<t[string]> <-- T<t´[string]>
Vectors and Maps are assigned by value, by effectively removing all elements from the destination object and then performing an element-wise Typed-Assignment from the source object. The element types t and t´ must be assignment-compatible.
T<t[length]> <-- T<[ t-elem ... ]>
T<t[string]> <-- T<[[T<string>,t-elem ] ... ]>
Assignment to Vectors or Maps from a standard JavaScript array. Elements of the destination object are replaced (in order) by elements in the source array. Each t-elem must be assignment-compatible with the base type t.
T<U.Module> <-- T<U´.Module>
T<U.Instance> <-- T<U´.Instance>
Assignment of opaque references to Module or Instance objects. The unit-specification(s) for U and U´ are either the same, or else the former must directly/indirectly inherit from the latter.
T<U.Module> <-- T<{ cfg: t-cfg ... }>
T<U.Instance> <-- T<{ cfg: t-cfg ... }>
Assignment from a standard JavaScript object. Named properties of the latter corresponding to module-wide or per-instance configs specified in the definition of U are assigned using the rules of Typed-Assignment. Each t-cfg must be assignment-compatible with the type of U.cfg.
T<void*> <-- T<struct S>
T<void*> <-- T<struct S*>
T<void*> <-- T<t*>
Assignment to void* covers Struct objects/pointers plus arbitrary target addresses.
T<struct S*> <-- T<null>
T<U.Module> <-- T<null>
T<U.Instance> <-- T<null>
Assignment of null limited to Struct pointers, target addresses, and Module/Instance handles.

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