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XDCscript - Instance-Object.Function-Name

Instance method




where «inst» is an instance object and «methodName» is the name of a method whose type signature is specified in a function-declaration.


Methods of an instance object are module-specific properties declared in the module's .xdc specification file. Only methods declared to be metaonly (directly or indirectly) can invoked from scripts; all other method name simply represent the type signature of a function that can be invoked on the target.

Meta-only methods are functions that can be directly invoked from scripts. For example, instance method getName of the module pkg.Mod can be run from a script as shown below.

var Mod = xdc.module("pkg.Mod"); /* get the module */
var inst = Mod.create();         /* create an instance */
print(inst.getName());           /* run an instance method and print result */

Meta-only methods have a distinguished function property named $apply that allows them to be invoked with a user specified this pointer. This can be useful when a method needs to invoke the meta-only method associated with an inherited interface. Suppose for example that the pkg1.Mod module inherits from the interface pkg2.IMod. If pkg2.IMod declares and implements a method, say getName, the module pkg1.Mod can both override the implementation provided by pkg2.IMod and invoke the overridden method.

function getName() {
    var sup = this.$super.getName.$apply(this, []); /* get inherited name */
    return (sup+  ":Mod");                          /* return "super_name:my_name" */

The $apply() function has the same signature and semantics as the JavaScript apply() method of Functions.

See also

XDCscript - Instance-Object Object containing per-instance-features of a module
XDCscript - Instance-Object.$super Instance of the inherited-interface

[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 25-Jun-2010 20:06 UTC
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