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XDCtools Installation Guide

How to install the XDCtools product


Installing XDCtools

Some software products install a version of XDCtools automatically. If you haven’t already installed XDCtools as standalone software or as part of another application, follow these steps. (If you have already installed XDCtools, skip to the next section.)

  • Download — Place the distribution file into a temporary location. The distribution file for Windows is called xdctools_setupwin32_n_nn.exe, where n is a digit in the version number. The distribution file for Linux is called xdctools_setuplinux_n_nn.bin. Additional digits are added to the version number for patch releases.

  • Check privileges — If you are installing on a Windows PC, you should install from an account that has administrator privileges. (The Linux installer does not require root privileges.)

  • Run — The distribution file contains a standard installer.
    • Windows: Double-click on the file to start the installer.
    • Linux: Run the Linux installer on the command line or by double-clicking the file.

  • Customize — You can accept all defaults to install a full system on your local machine, or customize your installation:
    • You can choose an installation directory XDCROOT anywhere on your system. The installer automatically adds a subdirectory that includes the version number (for example, xdctools_3_10) to the location you select. The default installation directory for Windows is C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments.
    • On Windows systems, you can choose either a Typical installation or a Network installation. The difference is that Network installations do not modify the Windows registry to provide support for Code Composer Studio and uninstalling. See below for more details. Most single-user systems should choose a Typical install.

If you are upgrading to a new version of XDCtools, be sure to change any hard coded references in your application files to the old XDCtools directory.

For release information about the version you install, see the xdctools_n_nn_release_notes.html file in the top-level directory.

About Network Installations

The Network installation option allows a single installation of XDCtools to be shared by multiple developers over a network file system. If you select the network installation, the Windows registry is not modified to provide support for Code Composer Studio v3.3 and uninstalling. However, since no files or directories outside the installation directory are modified, you can uninstall a Network installation simply by removing the installation directory.

Currently, the only package of XDCtools that requires Windows registry modification in order to be fully functional is You can make this registry modification after a Network installation, if you wish. To update the required registry entries, follow the instructions in the documentation for the package.

Adding XDCtools to Your PATH

On Windows the XDCtools installer automatically adds XDCtools to the PATH environment variable. The following procedure is useful on Linux, or if you want to change to a different XDCtools version on Windows.

Setting the PATH definition makes it easy to run the XDCtools commands. After installing XDCtools, you can add the top-level install directory to your existing PATH definition. See below for how to change your PATH definition on Windows. Only the top-level install directory should be added to the PATH definition.

If you do not want to add the XDCtools directory to your PATH, you can use one of the following alternate ways of running the XDCtools commands:

  • You can invoke the command from the command line by using the full path; e.g., <xdctools install dir>/xs.
  • You can make an alias for the command. See the Creating command aliases section of Using XDCtools Commands, for more information.

Setting your XDCPATH

If you have other software that is delivered in the form of RTSC packages (such as DSP/BIOS), you may also want to set the XDCPATH environment variable to reference the repository containing those packages. The XDCPATH definition allows XDCtools to find all the RTSC packages that have been installed. Its value is a semicolon-separated list of RTSC repository directories.

See below for how to change your XDCPATH definition on Windows. See Managing the Package Path in the XDCtools User's Guide for more information about the package path and how packages are located.

If you don't want to specify environment variables, you can use the --xdcpath command line option to pass the XDCPATH value to all tools that require a package path. This is commonly done when XDCtools is integrated into any build system, such as make or Code Composer Studio, where it may be undesirable to have the build output depend on the possibly transient value of an environment variable.

All directories referenced in XDCPATH, whether in an environment variable or a command line, must use forward slashes (/) as separators instead of the Windows-standard backslash (\). For example, use "c:/os;c:/drivers;c:/framework".

Setting an Environment Variable in Microsoft Windows

Your Microsoft Windows PATH environment variable defines where to look for command-line programs. The PATH is managed by Windows itself (in Windows 2000 and Windows XP) rather than by the autoexec.bat or autoexec.nt files used in previous versions of Windows.

To change the PATH or XDCPATH (and other system environment variables), follow these steps:

  1. Right-click My Computer icon and choose Properties.
  2. In the System Properties window, choose the Advanced tab.
  3. At the bottom of the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button.
  4. Highlight Path or XDCPATH in the Systems variables section and click Edit. If the XDCPATH variable does not yet exist, click New.
  5. Add the directory in which you installed XDCtools to the end of the current Path definition. Use a semicolon to separate the locations in the list. For example, you might add the following to your existing Path definition:
    ;c:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\xdctools_3_10
  6. Click OK in the Environment Variables window and in the System Properties window.

Testing your XDCtools Installation

To test the XDCtools installation, in a command window type xs --version. You should see a message similar to this:

xs (XDCscript Interpreter) xdcutils-d20, Jul 29 2008

As a second test, to use one of XDCtools commands, type xs hello world. You should see "hello world" echoed back.

Upgrading XDCtools in Code Composer Studio v4

The XDCtools product bundled in Code Composer Studio v4 can be upgraded by downloading and installing a new version of XDCtools, separately from CCS. There are two distinct uses for XDCtools within CCSv4:

  • IDE Support — Eclipse-based host-side tooling that enables the presentation of RTSC content in the CCSv4 IDE. The version of XDCtools used is a global property of your CCSv4 installation, and should be chosen to be the most recent version of XDCtools that you intend to work with. To change the version of XDCtools that contributes IDE Support, please follow FAQ-080730-2.
  • Target Runtime Support — C source code, libraries, object files and associated RTSC metaonly content that directly contributes to the bits in your embedded application. The version of XDCtools used is a separate property of each C/C++ project. To change the version of XDCtools that contributes Target Runtime Support for:

Uninstalling XDCtools

To uninstall XDCtools, you can use the uninstaller executable provided in the top-level directory. Double-clicking on this file will remove all files created by the XDCtools installer, leaving behind any that have been modified or added after installation. Any Windows registry entries or environment variables that the installer added automatically during installation will also be removed.

You can uninstall a Network installation simply by removing the installation directory. Of course, if you've updated your Windows registry to enable the package, you can remove the required registry entries by following the instructions in the documentation for the package.

See also

RTSC+CCStudio v4 QuickStart Using CCStudio v4 to create, build, and debug RTSC projects

[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 27-May-2010 18:05 UTC
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