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XDCtools Error Codes

Error codes reported by XDCtools

The sections below replace the previous SPRAAU6 Error Codes document.

The command-line programs in XDCtools emit messages with an error code whenever errors are encountered during execution. The following sub-sections summarize the errors defined in the main packages of XDCtools that users will encounter.

These error messages should not be confused with the xdc.runtime package error manager module, for raising and handling runtime errors within your target content.


Errors defined by the xdc package



This error is reported when a specified package is not found along the current package path. This might happen for the following reasons:
  • A simple typo in the package name. If you've just typed in a package's name it's good to double check this first;
  • your XDCPATH is not setup properly. Ensure that the repositories included in your XDCPATH setting contains the package being referenced. Again, a common cause is a simple typo in the XDCPATH setting.
  • The package has not been built by the xdc tool even though the physical package directory may be on the package path. This case is less common, but can occur during development or when you've been given a package in source code form.
To quickly review the packages on your package path, you can run the tool from your current working directory.


This error is reported when a specific file is not found, most commonly by the xdc.findFile() function.
If the filename is a relative path then this function will search for it along the package path. In this case a possible cause is that the package path is incorrect or incomplete, and the next steps would be similar to the xdc.PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND error.


This error is reported when a specific module is not found. The most common cause of this error is a simple typo in the module name. By the time of this error the tools have already found a package expected to contain this module, otherwise an xdc.PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND error would have been thrown instead.
A less common cause of this error is that the package found was simply the wrong one, for example too old or too new a version, and the module does not exist.


This error may happen when the xs tool is not passed the expected command line arguments. See the xs man page for usage.


This error is reported when the xs tool is passed a package or module that does not define a main() function. The likely cause is that this package or module was not intended to be used from the command line. See the xs man page for requirements on packages that deliver commands.


This error is reported when there is a parsing error in a specification file. Check the spec. file for syntax errors.


This error is reported whenever a deprecated function is called.

Errors defined by the xdc.bld package



This error is reported whenever incorrect parameters are passed to the module functions. Ensure that the parameters passed to the function have the right type. This error is reported by the following modules:
  • xdc.bld.PackageContents : addLibrary, addAssembly, addExecutable, addRelease, addRepository, addScript
  • xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment : usePlatform, isInTargetsArray


This error is reported when a consumer tries to use a package that has not been built. Ensure that the required package has been built by the xdc tool. This error is reported by the getReleaseDescs method in the xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment module.


This error is reported whenever there is an error in the target configuration file. Check the configuration script for errors.


This error is reported when the rootDir property for a target has not been set in the target configuration script. Ensure that this property is set correctly in the configuration script.


This error is reported when a consumer tries to use a corrupted package. Try rebuilding the package causing the problem. This error is reported by the getReleaseDescs method in the xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment module.


This error is reported when a package is being built for an unspecified target. Ensure that the correct targets are mentioned in the package's build script. This error is reported by the addLibrary, addExecutable and addAssembly methods in the xdc.bld.PackageContents module.


This error is reported when a package's build script specifies multiple executables with the same name. Ensure that the names of the executables to be built are unique. This error is reported by the addExecutable method in the xdc.bld.PackageContents module.


This error is reported when a package's build script specifies multiple libraries with the same name. Ensure that the names of the libraries to be built are unique. This error is reported by the addLibrary method in the xdc.bld.PackageContents module.


This error is reported whenever package name does not match the directory name. Package names should match the directory layout. For example the package ti.sdo.ce.osal should be created in the directory ti/sdo/ce/osal.


This error is reported whenever there is an error in creating package directories. This maybe related with issues with the host file system. Check whether directories can be created manually in the package sub-directory.


This error is reported whenever a package's build script specifies multiple repositories with the same name. Ensure that the names of the repositories specified in the build script are unique. This error is reported by the addRepository method in the xdc.bld.PackageContents module.


This error is reported whenever a package's build script specifies multiple releases with the same name. Ensure that the names of the releases specified in the build script are unique. This error is reported by the addRelease method in the xdc.bld.PackageContents module.


This error is reported whenever a release prefix is specified by its absolute path in the package's build script. The release prefix has to be relative to the package's base directory. This error is reported by the addRelease method in the xdc.bld.PackageContents module.


This error is reported whenever a release name is specified by its absolute path in the package's build script. The release name has to be relative to the package's base directory. This error is reported by the addRelease method in the xdc.bld.PackageContents module.


This error is reported whenever a package's build script specifies multiple user scripts with the same name. Ensure that the names of the user scripts are unique. This error is reported by the addScript method in the xdc.bld.PackageContents module.

Errors defined by the xdc.cfg package



This is a general error reported when the program configuration fails. This error is caused by one or more configuration errors. The list of those specific errors precedes this error.
[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 27-May-2010 18:05 UTC
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