1    /*
     2     *  Copyright 2010 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
     3     *
     4     */
     6    /*!
     7     *  ======== Main ========
     8     *  Command-line tool for generating eclipse plugins for RTSC content
     9     *
    10     *  The `plugingen` tool allows RTSC content producers to
    11     *  create eclipse plugins that allows their content to be 
    12     *  integrated in the CCS4 environment. As input, the tool requires 
    13     *  @p(blist)
    14     *      - a RTSC module implementing {@link xdc.tools.product.IProduct}
    15     *  @p
    16     *  The tool operates on a product that is either specified by the `-p`
    17     *  option or is present in the folder from which the tool is executed.
    18     *  The tool will create the plugin in a sub-folder called `eclipse`
    19     *  in the output directory specified with `-o` option. If the `-o`
    20     *  option is not specified the plugin is created in the product root
    21     *  directory. 
    22     *  The tool will search the repositories specified in the module
    23     *  implementing {@link xdc.tools.product.IProduct} for RTSC platforms.
    24     *  This search can be disabled by specifying the`--disable_repo_search` 
    25     *  option. The user needs to ensure that the repositories are installed 
    26     *  in the product root directory before using the tool.
    27     *
    28     *
    29     *
    30     *  @a(Example)
    31     *  @p(code)
    32     *  xs xdc.tools.product.plugingen 
    33     *                      -p exampleprod_1_0_0_00
    34     *                      -m xdc.tools.product.plugingen.examples.ExampleProduct
    35     *
    36     */
    37    metaonly module Main inherits xdc.tools.ICmd
    38    {
    39        override config String usage[] = [
    40            '[-p product_root_directory]',
    41            ' -m module',
    42            '[-o outdir]',
    43            '[--suppress_product_type_info]',
    44            '[--disable_repo_search]'
    45        ];
    47    instance:
    49        /*!
    50         *  ======== productDir ========
    51         *  Product root directory
    52         *
    53         *  This option names the product root directory that is used by the 
    54         *  tool to generate the plugin. If the '-o' option is not
    55         *  specified the tool generates the plugin in a sub-directory
    56         *  called `eclipse` in the product root directory.
    57         *
    58         */
    59        @CommandOption("p")
    60        config String productDir = "./";
    62        /*!
    63         *  ======== schemaFile ========
    64         *  Input description of the plug-in to be specified
    65         *
    66         *  This required option names a module that implements
    67         *  `{@link xdc.tools.product.IProduct}`.
    68         *
    69         */
    70        @CommandOption("m")
    71        config String productModule;
    73        /*!
    74         *  ======== outputDir ========
    75         *  Output directory in which the plugin will be generated.
    76         *
    77         *  This option names the directory in which the plugin 
    78         *  will be generated in a sub-directory named `eclipse`.
    79         *  If this option is not specified the tool will generate
    80         *  the plugin in the product root directory specified with
    81         *  the '-p' option.
    82         *
    83         */
    84        @CommandOption("o")
    85        config String outputDir = null;
    87        /*!
    88         *  ======== suppress_product_type_info ========
    89         *  Suppress generation of product type information in the 
    90         *  generated plugin
    91         *
    92         * This option generates eclipse plugin without the product
    93         * type information. Should be invoked to generate plugins whose
    94         * product type is declared elsewhere 
    95         *
    96         */
    97        @CommandOption("suppress_product_type_info")
    98        config Bool suppressProductTypeInfo = false;
   101        /*!
   102         *  ======== disable_repo_search ========
   103         *  Suppress search of product repositories
   104         *
   105         *  If this option is specified the tool does not
   106         *  search the product repositories for RTSC platforms.
   107         */
   108        @CommandOption("disable_repo_search")
   109        config Bool suppressSearch = false;
   112        /*!
   113         *  ======== run ========
   114         */
   115        override Any run(xdc.tools.Cmdr.Instance cmdr, String args[]);
   116    }
   117    /*
   118     *  @(#) xdc.tools.product.plugingen; 1, 0, 0,23; 5-28-2010 18:10:23; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdctools/xdctools-d31x/src/
   119     */