1    /*!
     2     * Universal Serial Communication Interface
     3     */
     4    metaonly interface IUSCI_SPI inherits IUSCI {
     6        //*****************************************************************
     7        //* REGISTER BIT DEFINITIONS                                      *
     8        //*****************************************************************
    10        /*! Clock phase select. */
    11        enum UCCKPH_t {
    12            UCCKPH_OFF = 0x00,      /*! Data is changed on the first UCLK edge and captured on the following edge. */
    13            UCCKPH = 0x80           /*! Data is captured on the first UCLK edge and changed on the following edge. */
    14        };
    16        /*! Clock polarity select. */
    17        enum UCCKPL_t {
    18            UCCKPL_OFF = 0x00,      /*! Inactive state is low */
    19            UCCKPL = 0x40           /*! Inactive state is high */
    20        };
    22        /*! Master mode select */
    23        enum UCMST_t {
    24            UCMST_OFF = 0x00,      /*! Slave mode */
    25            UCMST = 0x40           /*! Master mode */
    26        };
    28        /*! USCI clock source select. These bits select the BRCLK source clock. */
    29        enum UCSSEL_SPI_t {
    30            UCSSEL_0 = 0x00,     /*! NA */
    31            UCSSEL_1 = 0x01,     /*! ACLK */
    32            UCSSEL_2 = 0x02      /*! SMCLK */
    33    /*        UCSSEL_3 = 0x04      /*! SMCLK */
    34        };
    36        struct UCxCTL0_t {
    37            UCCKPH_t    UCCKPH;     /*! Clock phase select.
    38                                     *  0  Data is changed on the first UCLK edge and captured on the
    39                                     *     following edge.
    40                                     *  1  Data is captured on the first UCLK edge and changed on the
    41                                     *     following edge. */
    42            UCCKPL_t    UCCKPL;     /*! Clock polarity select.
    43                                     *  0  The inactive state is low.
    44                                     *  1  The inactive state is high. */
    45            UCMSB_t     UCMSB;      /*! MSB first select. Controls the direction of the receive and transmit shift
    46                                     *register.
    47                                     *  0  LSB first
    48                                     *  1  MSB first */
    49            UC7BIT_t    UC7BIT;     /*! Character length. Selects 7-bit or 8-bit character length.
    50                                     *  0  8-bit data
    51                                     *  1  7-bit data */
    52            UCMST_t     UCMST;      /*! Master mode select
    53                                     *  0  Slave mode
    54                                     *  1  Master mode */
    55            UCMODE_SYNC_t UCMODE;   /*! USCI mode. The UCMODEx bits select the synchronous mode when
    56                                     *UCSYNC = 1.
    57                                     *  00  3-Pin SPI
    58                                     *  01  4-Pin SPI with UCxSTE active high: slave enabled when UCxSTE = 1
    59                                     *  10  4-Pin SPI with UCxSTE active low: slave enabled when UCxSTE = 0
    60                                     *  11  I2C Mode */
    61            UCSYNC_t    UCSYNC;     /*! Synchronous mode enable
    62                                     *  0  Asynchronous mode
    63                                     *  1  Synchronous Mode */
    64        }
    66        struct UCxCTL1_t {
    67            UCSSEL_SPI_t UCSSEL;    /*! USCI clock source select. These bits select the BRCLK source clock in
    68                                     *master mode. UCxCLK is always used in slave mode.
    69                                     *  00  NA
    70                                     *  01  ACLK
    71                                     *  10  SMCLK
    72                                     *  11  SMCLK */
    73                    UCSWRST_t       UCSWRST;    /*! Software reset enable
    74                                     *  0  Disabled. USCI reset released for operation.
    75                                     *  1  Enabled. USCI logic held in reset state. */
    76        }
    78        struct UCxSTAT_t {
    79            UCLISTEN_t  UCLISTEN;   /*! Listen enable. The UCLISTEN bit selects loopback mode.
    80                                     *  0  Disabled
    81                                     *  1  Enabled. UCAxTXD is internally fed back to the receiver. */
    82            UCFE_t      UCFE;       /*! Framing error flag. This bit indicates a bus conflict in 4-wire master mode.
    83                                     *UCFE is not used in 3-wire master or any slave mode.
    84                                     *  0  No error
    85                                     *  1  Bus conflict occurred */
    86            UCOE_t      UCOE;       /*! Overrun error flag. This bit is set when a character is transferred into
    87                                     *UCAxRXBUF before the previous character was read. UCOE is cleared
    88                                     *automatically when UCxRXBUF is read, and must not be cleared by
    89                                     *software. Otherwise, it will not function correctly.
    90                                     *  0  No error
    91                                     *  1  Overrun error occurred */
    92            UCBUSY_t    UCBUSY;     /*! USCI busy. This bit indicates if a transmit or receive operation is in
    93                                     *progress.
    94                                     *  0  USCI inactive
    95                                     *  1  USCI transmitting or receiving */
    96        }
    97    }