1    import ti.catalog.msp430.peripherals.clock.IClock;
     2    import ti.catalog.msp430.peripherals.timer.ITimer_A;
     4    /*!
     5     *  ======== ADC10 ========
     6     *  MSP430 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter
     7     */
     8    metaonly module ADC10 inherits xdc.platform.IPeripheral {
    10        /*! ADC10 Start Conversion */
    11        enum ADC10SC_t {
    12            ADC10SC_OFF     = 0x000,    /*! No conversion. */
    13            ADC10SC         = 0x001     /*! Start ADC conversion manually. */
    14        };
    16        /*! ADC10 Enable Conversion */
    17        enum ENC_t {
    18            ENC_OFF         = 0x000,    /*! Disable ADC. */
    19            ENC             = 0x002     /*! Enable ADC. */
    20        };
    22        /*! ADC10 Interrupt Flag */
    23        enum ADC10IFG_t {
    24            ADC10IFG_OFF    = 0x000,    /*! Clear ADC interrupt flag. */
    25            ADC10IFG        = 0x004     /*! Set ADC interrupt flag. */   
    26        };
    28        /*! ADC10 Interrupt Enable */
    29        enum ADC10IE_t {
    30            ADC10IE_OFF = 0x000,    /*! Disable ADC interrupt. */
    31            ADC10IE     = 0x008     /*! Enable ADC interrupt. */
    32        };
    34        /*! ADC10 On/Enable */
    35        enum ADC10ON_t {
    36            ADC10ON_OFF = 0x000,    /*! Switch Off ADC10. */
    37            ADC10ON     = 0x010     /*! Switch On ADC10. */
    38        };
    40        /*! ADC10 Reference on */
    41        enum REFON_t {
    42            REFON_OFF   = 0x000,    /*! Disable ADC reference generator. */
    43            REFON       = 0x020     /*! Enable ADC reference generator. */
    44        };
    46        /*! ADC10 Ref 0:1.5V / 1:2.5V */
    47        enum REF2_5V_t {
    48            REF2_5V_OFF = 0x000,    /*! Set reference voltage generator = 1.5V. */
    49            REF2_5V     = 0x040     /*! Set reference voltage generator = 2.5V. */
    50        };
    52        /*! ADC10 Multiple SampleConversion */
    53        enum MSC_t {
    54            MSC_OFF = 0x000,    /*! Disable multiple sample and conversion. */
    55            MSC     = 0x080     /*! Enable multiple sample and conversion. */
    56        };
    58        /*! ADC10 Reference Burst Mode */
    59        enum REFBURST_t {
    60            REFBURST_OFF = 0x000,   /*! Reference buffer on continuously. */
    61            REFBURST     = 0x100    /*! Reference buffer on only during sample-and-conversion. */
    62        };
    64        /*! ADC10 Enable output of Ref. */
    65        enum REFOUT_t {
    66            REFOUT_OFF      = 0x000,    /*! Reference output off. */
    67            REFOUT          = 0x200     /*! Reference output on. */
    68        };
    70        /*! ADC10 Sampling Rate 0:200ksps / 1:50ksps */
    71        enum ADC10SR_t {
    72            ADC10SR_OFF = 0x000, /*! Reference buffer supports up to ~200 ksps. */
    73            ADC10SR     = 0x400  /*! Reference buffer supports up to ~50 ksps. */ 
    74        };
    76        /*! ADC10 Sample Hold Select 0 */
    77        enum ADC10SHT_t {
    78            ADC10SHT_0      = (0*0x800u),   /*! 4 x ADC10CLKs. */
    79            ADC10SHT_1      = (1*0x800u),   /*! 8 x ADC10CLKs. */
    80            ADC10SHT_2      = (2*0x800u),   /*! 16 x ADC10CLKs. */
    81            ADC10SHT_3      = 3*0x800u      /*! 64 x ADC10CLKs. */
    82        };
    84        /*! ADC10 Reference Select 0 */
    85        enum SREF_t {
    86            SREF_0 = (0*0x2000u),    /*! VR+ = VCC and VR- = VSS. */
    87            SREF_1 = (1*0x2000u),    /*! VR+ = VREF+ and VR- = VSS. */
    88            SREF_2 = (2*0x2000u),    /*! VR+ = VeREF+ and VR- = VSS. */
    89            SREF_3 = (3*0x2000u),    /*! VR+ = Buffered VeREF+ and VR- = VSS. */
    90            SREF_4 = (4*0x2000u),    /*! VR+ = VCC and VR- = VREF-/ VeREF-. */
    91            SREF_5 = (5*0x2000u),    /*! VR+ = VREF+ and VR- = VREF-/ VeREF-. */
    92            SREF_6 = (6*0x2000u),    /*! VR+ = VeREF+ and VR- = VREF-/ VeREF-. */
    93            SREF_7 = 7*0x2000u       /*! VR+ = Buffered VeREF+ and VR- = VREF-/ VeREF-. */
    94        };
    96        enum ADC10BUSY_t {
    97            ADC10BUSY_OFF = 0x0000, /*! No operation is active. */
    98            ADC10BUSY     = 0x0001  /*! A sequence, sample, or conversion is active. */
    99        };
   101        /*! Types of conversion */
   102        enum CONSEQ_t {
   103            CONSEQ_0 = (0*2u),      /*! Single channel single conversion. */
   104            CONSEQ_1 = (1*2u),      /*! Sequence of channels. */
   105            CONSEQ_2 = (2*2u),      /*! Repeat single channel. */
   106            CONSEQ_3 = 3*2u         /*! Repeat sequence of channels. */
   107        };
   109        /*! ADC10 Clock Source */
   110        enum ADC10SSEL_t {
   111            ADC10SSEL_0 = (0*8u),       /*! ADC10OSC. */
   112            ADC10SSEL_1 = (1*8u),       /*! ACLK. */
   113            ADC10SSEL_2 = (2*8u),       /*! MCLK.*/
   114            ADC10SSEL_3 = 3*8u          /*! SMCLK. */
   115        };
   117        /*! ADC10 Clock Divider */
   118        enum ADC10DIV_t {
   119            ADC10DIV_0 = (0*0x20u),     /*! Divide by 1. */
   120            ADC10DIV_1 = (1*0x20u),     /*! Divide by 2. */
   121            ADC10DIV_2 = (2*0x20u),     /*! Divide by 3. */
   122            ADC10DIV_3 = (3*0x20u),     /*! Divide by 4. */
   123            ADC10DIV_4 = (4*0x20u),     /*! Divide by 5. */
   124            ADC10DIV_5 = (5*0x20u),     /*! Divide by 6. */
   125            ADC10DIV_6 = (6*0x20u),     /*! Divide by 7. */
   126            ADC10DIV_7 = 7*0x20u        /*! Divide by 8. */
   127        };
   129        /*! ADC10 input signal inversion */
   130        enum ISSH_t {
   131            ISSH_OFF = 0x0000,          /*! Input signal not inverted. */
   132            ISSH     = 0x0100           /*! Input signal inverted. */
   133        };
   135        /*! ADC10 output as 2's complement */
   136        enum ADC10DF_t {
   137            ADC10DF_OFF = 0x0000,   /*! ADC10 Data Format as binary. */
   138            ADC10DF     = 0x0200    /*! ADC10 Data Format as 2's complement */
   139        };
   141        /*! ADC10 trigger */
   142        enum SHS_t {
   143            SHS_0 = (0*0x400u),     /*! ADC10SC. */
   144            SHS_1 = (1*0x400u),     /*! Timer A3 OUT1. */
   145            SHS_2 = (2*0x400u),     /*! Timer A3 OUT0. */
   146            SHS_3 = 3*0x400u        /*! Timer A3 OUT2. */
   147        };
   149        /*! ADC10 Channel Selection */
   150        enum INCH_t {
   151            INCH_0 = (0*0x1000u),   /*! ADC Channel 0. */
   152            INCH_1 = (1*0x1000u),   /*! ADC Channel 1. */
   153            INCH_2 = (2*0x1000u),   /*! ADC Channel 2. */
   154            INCH_3 = (3*0x1000u),   /*! ADC Channel 3. */
   155            INCH_4 = (4*0x1000u),   /*! ADC Channel 4. */
   156            INCH_5 = (5*0x1000u),   /*! ADC Channel 5. */
   157            INCH_6 = (6*0x1000u),   /*! ADC Channel 6. */
   158            INCH_7 = (7*0x1000u),   /*! ADC Channel 7. */
   159            INCH_8 = (8*0x1000u),   /*! ADC VeRef+. */
   160            INCH_9 = (9*0x1000u),   /*! ADC VeRef-. */
   161            INCH_10 = (10*0x1000u), /*! Temperature Sensor. */
   162            INCH_11 = (11*0x1000u), /*! ADC convert VCC. */
   163            INCH_12 = (12*0x1000u), /*! ADC Channel 12. */
   164            INCH_13 = (13*0x1000u), /*! ADC Channel 13. */
   165            INCH_14 = (14*0x1000u), /*! ADC Channel 14. */
   166            INCH_15 = 15*0x1000u    /*! ADC Channel 15. */
   167        };
   169        /*!
   170         *  ======== ADC10CT_t ========
   171         *  Data transfer modes
   172         *
   173         *  @see #ADC10DTC0
   174         */
   175        enum ADC10CT_t {
   176            ADC10CT_OFF = 0x000,    /*! Data is transferred is stopped after every conversion. */
   177            ADC10CT     = 0x004     /*! Data is transferred continuously after every conversion. */
   178        }
   180        /*!
   181         *  ======== ADC10TB_t ========
   182         *  Block data transfer modes
   183         *
   184         *  @see #ADC10DTC0
   185         */
   186        enum ADC10TB_t {
   187            ADC10TB_OFF = 0x000,    /*! One-block transfer mode. */
   188            ADC10TB     = 0x008     /*! Two-block transfer mode. */
   189        }
   190        /* End of ADC10DTC0 Register Definitions */
   192        /*!
   193         *  ======== ADC10CTL0_t ========
   194         *  ADC10 Control Register 0
   195         *
   196         *  @see #ADC10CTL0
   197         */
   198        struct ADC10CTL0_t {
   199            ADC10SC_t   ADC10SC;        /*! Start conversion. Software-controlled sample-and-conversion start.
   200                                          * ADC10SC and ENC may be set together with one instruction. ADC10SC is
   201                                          * reset automatically.
   202                                          *  0  No sample-and-conversion start
   203                                          *  1  Start sample-and-conversion */
   204            ENC_t       ENC;            /*! Enable conversion
   205                                          *  0  ADC10 disabled
   206                                          *  1  ADC10 enabled */
   207            ADC10IFG_t  ADC10IFG;       /*! ADC10 interrupt flag. This bit is set if ADC10MEM is loaded with a conversion
   208                                          * result. It is automatically reset when the interrupt request is accepted, or it may
   209                                          * be reset by software. When using the DTC this flag is set when a block of
   210                                          * transfers is completed.
   211                                          *  0  No interrupt pending
   212                                          *  1  Interrupt pending */
   213            ADC10IE_t   ADC10IE;        /*! ADC10 interrupt enable
   214                                          *  0  Interrupt disabled
   215                                          *  1  Interrupt enabled */
   216            ADC10ON_t   ADC10ON;        /*! ADC10 on
   217                                          *  0  ADC10 off
   218                                          *  1  ADC10 on */
   219            REFON_t     REFON;          /*! Reference generator on
   220                                          *  0  Reference off
   221                                          *  1  Reference on */
   222            REF2_5V_t   REF2_5V;        /*! Reference-generator voltage. REFON must also be set.
   223                                          *  0  1.5 V
   224                                          *  1  2.5 V */
   225            MSC_t       MSC;            /*! Multiple sample and conversion. Valid only for sequence or repeated modes.
   226                                          *  0  The sampling requires a rising edge of the SHI signal to trigger each
   227                                          *     sample-and-conversion.
   228                                          *  1  The first rising edge of the SHI signal triggers the sampling timer, but
   229                                          *     further sample-and-conversions are performed automatically as soon
   230                                          *     as the prior conversion is completed */
   231            REFBURST_t  REFBURST;       /*! Reference burst.
   232                                          *  0  Reference buffer on continuously
   233                                          *  1  Reference buffer on only during sample-and-conversion */
   234            REFOUT_t    REFOUT;         /*! Reference output
   235                                          *  0  Reference output off
   236                                          *  1  Reference output on */
   237            ADC10SR_t   ADC10SR;        /*! ADC10 sampling rate. This bit selects the reference buffer drive capability for
   238                                          * the maximum sampling rate. Setting ADC10SR reduces the current
   239                                          * consumption of the reference buffer.
   240                                          *  0  Reference buffer supports up to ~200 ksps
   241                                          *  1  Reference buffer supports up to ~50 ksps */
   242            ADC10SHT_t  ADC10SHT;       /*! ADC10 sample-and-hold time
   243                                          *  00  4 x ADC10CLKs
   244                                          *  01  8 x ADC10CLKs
   245                                          *  10  16 x ADC10CLKs
   246                                          *  11  64 x ADC10CLKs */
   247            SREF_t      SREF;           /*! Select reference
   248                                          *  000  VR+ = VCC and VR- = VSS
   249                                          *  001  VR+ = VREF+ and VR- = VSS
   250                                          *  010  VR+ = VeREF+ and VR- = VSS
   251                                          *  011  VR+ = Buffered VeREF+ and VR- = VSS
   252                                          *  100  VR+ = VCC and VR- = VREF-/ VeREF-
   253                                          *  101  VR+ = VREF+ and VR- = VREF-/ VeREF-
   254                                          *  110  VR+ = VeREF+ and VR- = VREF-/ VeREF-
   255                                          *  111  VR+ = Buffered VeREF+ and VR- = VREF-/ VeREF- */
   256        }
   258        /*!
   259         *  ======== ADC10CTL1_t ========
   260         *  ADC10 Control Register 1
   261         *
   262         *  @see #ADC10CTL1
   263         */
   264        struct ADC10CTL1_t {
   265            ADC10BUSY_t ADC10BUSY;      /*! ADC10 busy. This bit indicates an active sample or conversion operation
   266                                          *  0  No operation is active.
   267                                          *  1  A sequence, sample, or conversion is active. */
   268            CONSEQ_t    CONSEQ;         /*! Conversion sequence mode select
   269                                          *  00  Single-channel-single-conversion
   270                                          *  01  Sequence-of-channels
   271                                          *  10  Repeat-single-channel
   272                                          *  11  Repeat-sequence-of-channels */
   273            ADC10SSEL_t ADC10SSEL;      /*! ADC10 clock source select
   274                                          *  00  ADC10OSC
   275                                          *  01  ACLK
   276                                          *  10  MCLK
   277                                          *  11  SMCLK */
   278            ADC10DIV_t  ADC10DIV;       /*! ADC10 clock divider
   279                                          *  000  /1
   280                                          *  001  /2
   281                                          *  010  /3
   282                                          *  011  /4
   283                                          *  100  /5
   284                                          *  101  /6
   285                                          *  110  /7
   286                                          *  111  /8 */
   287            ISSH_t      ISSH;           /*! Invert signal sample-and-hold
   288                                          *  0  The sample-input signal is not inverted.
   289                                          *  1  The sample-input signal is inverted. */
   290            ADC10DF_t   ADC10DF;        /*! ADC10 data format
   291                                          *  0  Straight binary
   292                                          *  1  2s complement */
   293            SHS_t       SHS;            /*! Sample-and-hold source select
   294                                          *  00  ADC10SC bit
   295                                          *  01  Timer_A.OUT1
   296                                          *  10  Timer_A.OUT0
   297                                          *  11  Timer_A.OUT2 (Timer_A.OUT1 on MSP430x20x2 devices) */
   298            INCH_t      INCH;           /*! Input channel select. These bits select the channel for a single-conversion or
   299                                          * the highest channel for a sequence of conversions.
   300                                          *  0000  A0
   301                                          *  0001  A1
   302                                          *  0010  A2
   303                                          *  0011  A3
   304                                          *  0100  A4
   305                                          *  0101  A5
   306                                          *  0110  A6
   307                                          *  0111  A7
   308                                          *  1000  VeREF+
   309                                          *  1001  VREF-/VeREF-
   310                                          *  1010  Temperature sensor
   311                                          *  1011  (VCC ? VSS) / 2
   312                                          *  1100  A12
   313                                          *  1101  A13
   314                                          *  1110  A14
   315                                          *  1111  A15 */
   316        }
   318        /*!
   319         *  ======== ADC10DTC0_t ========
   320         *  Data Transfer Control Register 0
   321         *
   322         *  @see #ADC10DTC0
   323         */
   324        struct ADC10DTC0_t {
   325            ADC10TB_t   ADC10TB;        /*! ADC10 two-block mode
   326                                          *  0  One-block transfer mode
   327                                          *  1  Two-block transfer mode */
   328            ADC10CT_t   ADC10CT;        /*! ADC10 continuous transfer
   329                                          *  0  Data transfer stops when one block (one-block mode) or two blocks
   330                                          *     (two-block mode) have completed.
   331                                          *  1  Data is transferred continuously. DTC operation is stopped only if
   332                                          *     ADC10CT cleared, or ADC10SA is written to. */
   333        }
   335        /*!
   336         *  ======== create ========
   337         *  Create an instance of this peripheral
   338         */
   339        create(IClock.Instance clock, ITimer_A.Instance timerA);
   341    instance:
   342        /*! Control Register 0 */
   343        config ADC10CTL0_t  ADC10CTL0 = {
   344            ADC10SC :   ADC10SC_OFF,
   345            ENC     :   ENC_OFF,
   346            ADC10IFG:   ADC10IFG_OFF,
   347            ADC10IE :   ADC10IE_OFF,
   348            ADC10ON :   ADC10ON_OFF,
   349            REFON   :   REFON_OFF,
   350            REF2_5V :   REF2_5V_OFF,
   351            MSC     :   MSC_OFF,
   352            REFBURST:   REFBURST_OFF,
   353            REFOUT  :   REFOUT_OFF,
   354            ADC10SR :   ADC10SR_OFF,
   355            ADC10SHT:   ADC10SHT_0,
   356            SREF    :   SREF_0
   357        };
   359        /*! Control Register 1 */
   360        config ADC10CTL1_t  ADC10CTL1 = {
   361            ADC10BUSY   :   ADC10BUSY_OFF,
   362            CONSEQ      :   CONSEQ_0,
   363            ADC10SSEL   :   ADC10SSEL_0,
   364            ADC10DIV    :   ADC10DIV_0,
   365            ISSH        :   ISSH_OFF,
   366            ADC10DF     :   ADC10DF_OFF,
   367            SHS         :   SHS_0,
   368            INCH        :   INCH_0
   369        };
   371        /*!
   372         *  Analog (Input) Enable Control Register 0
   373         *
   374         *  Bit n enables the corresponding pin for analog
   375         *  input. Bit 0 corresponds to A0, bit 1 corresponds to A1, ...
   376         */
   377        config Bits16 ADC10AE0 = 0;
   379        /*!
   380         *  Analog (Input) Enable Control Register 1
   381         *
   382         *  Bits 0, 1, 2, and 3 are reserved.
   383         *
   384         *  Starting with bit 4, bit n enables pin n+8 for analog
   385         *  input: Bit 4 corresponds to A12, bit 5 corresponds to A13, ...
   386         */
   387        config Bits16 ADC10AE1 = 0;
   389        /*! Data Transfer Control Register 0 */
   390        config ADC10DTC0_t ADC10DTC0 = {
   391            ADC10TB : ADC10TB_OFF,
   392            ADC10CT : ADC10CT_OFF
   393        };
   395        /*!
   396         *  Data Transfer Control Register 1
   397         *
   398         *  This register defines the number of transfers in each block: 0
   399         *  implies DTC is disabled, 1 through 0xff are valid transfer counts.
   400         */
   401        config Bits8  ADC10DTC1 = 0;
   403        /*! Data Transfer Start Address */
   404        config Bits16 ADC10SA = 0x200;
   406        /*! @_nodoc */
   407        config IClock.Instance clock;
   409        /*! @_nodoc */
   410        config ITimer_A.Instance timerA;
   411    }