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ROV Module Writers Guide/Conventions and Keywords

Discussion of conventions for naming views, functions, etc.

Conventions and Keywords

There are no reserved words in ROV.

  • The tabs may have any name.
  • The view structures may have any name.
  • The view functions may have any name.
  • The module Facet configuration parameter may have any name.

The following are some recommended conventions, though.

Tab Names

  • Use 'Basic' for a view of the module's instances which returns quickly
  • Use 'Detailed' for a view of the module's instances which requires more time to process. Detailed views should generally include all of the fields from the 'Basic' view.
  • Use 'Module' for a view of the of the module's state.
  • Name data views based on what they contain, for example 'Records' or 'Buffers'.
  • Display instance tabs first, followed by module tabs, and finally data tabs. For example, 'Basic', 'Detailed', 'Module', 'Records'.

View Structures

  • Name the view structures after the tab names. For example, 'BasicView', 'DetailedView', 'ModuleView', 'RecordsView'

View Functions

  • Give the view functions the name viewInit<tab name>. For example, 'viewInitBasic', 'viewInitDetailed', etc.

Module Facet

  • Name the module facet configuration parameter 'rovViewInfo'.

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