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Command - xdcpkg

eXpanDed C package list command



xdcpkg [-a] [-d] [-l[:fmt]] [-m[c]] [-p path] [-r] [-s] [dir ...]


The xdcpkg command is used to find and display information about packages. By default, xdcpkg finds only packages that can be built (i.e., packages with both package.xdc and package.bld files).


display all packages, not just the buildable ones,
treat each directory as a package directory and (recursively) find the package's pre-requisites and display them.
display all package information, not just each package's base directory. If the optional ':' is used, the remainder of the option is taken to be a "format" string that controls the contents and format of the output. The format string is similar to a printf format string; each character (except %) in the string is written to stdout, "output specifiers" are introduced by the % character, the special characters '%', '\', tab, new line, and carriage return are output by the character pairs '\%', '\\', '\t', '\n', or '\r' respectively. The following "output specifiers are supported":
base directory of package
release build counter
release date in milliseconds since midnight (GMT) 1/1/1970
package's compatibility key (as specified by the package's package.xdc file)
package's release label
package's name
package's release name
top directory containing package (i.e., the package's repository)
a "version" number created by appending the package's compatibility key with the build counter
a "version" number created by appending the package's compatibility key with the release date in milliseconds
If fmt is not specified, print package names followed by their base directory, release name, release label, version, and release date using the following format:
output make dependencies in the form a:b where a and b are package base directories. If the character c is specified, the ':' character is replaced by c.
-p path
the path to use as the complete package path (not just $XDCPATH)
treat each directory as a repository and display only those packages that are "rooted" in this repository. Without this option, each directory is recursively searched for any package in any repository at or below the starting directory
shallow package search; don't recurse when looking for packages. If -d is also specified only display immediate requirements. This option can't be used with -r.
verbose output; display error messages for any failure.


Finding Packages

Finding Packages.  The following command will output all directories, starting from the current working directory, containing a buildable package.

% xdcpkg .

To find all packages (buildable or not) starting from the current working directory:

% xdcpkg -a .

To find all buildable prerequisite packages for the package whose base is the current working directory:

% xdcpkg -d .

To find an appropriate build order for all buildable prerequisite packages of the package whose base is ./:

% xdcpkg -m" " -d . | tsort

To find all prerequisite packages for the package whose base is the current working directory:

% xdcpkg -a -d .

To find all packages whose repository is ./src:

% xdcpkg -a -r ./src
Getting Package Information

Getting Package Information.  The following command will display just the names of all packages located in (or below) the directories ./src and c:/ti/packages:

% xdcpkg -a -l:%n ./src c:/ti/packages

To output the names and a unique version identifier (between []'s) for all packages installed in the repository c:/ti/packages:

% xdcpkg -r -a -l:"%n[%V, %r]" c:/ti/packages</nowiki>

Environment Variables

In the event that the -p flag is not specified, xdcpkg constructs a package path from the environment variables XDCROOT and XDCPATH as follows:



a string of ';' separated directories that contain packages. This path is used to locate packages. Recall that the '^' character in the XDCPATH definition refers to the current package's repository.
this variable names an installation directory of the XDCtools.
this character represents the current package's repository.

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:

  • 0 Successful completion.
  • > 0 An error occurred.
[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 02-Oct-2009 22:10 UTC
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