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XDCspec Language Reference

Elements of the RTSC specification language



XDCspec - config-specification configuration specification syntax
XDCspec - const-specification under construction
XDCspec - enum-specification under construction
XDCspec - extern-specification under construction
XDCspec - function-specification under construction
XDCspec - package-specification Package specification syntax
XDCspec - proxy-specification under construction
XDCspec - struct-specification under construction
XDCspec - typedef-specification under construction
XDCspec - unit-specification Module and interface specification syntax
XDCspec - declaration under construction
XDCspec - initializer under construction


Attributes are additional properties that can be associated with elements of the XDCspec language. Attributes are always prefixed with '@' and must appear immediately before the element to which they apply.

For example, it is possible to declare that a module is "gated" by adding the @Gated attribute just before the module statement in the module's spec file.

module System { ...}

The following list enumerates the complete set of currently supported attributes.

XDCspec - @Annex This parameter or method has been added
XDCspec - @CommandOption under construction
XDCspec - @CustomHeader This module's header includes handcrafted headers
XDCspec - @DirectCall Always generate a direct call to this function
XDCspec - @Encoded This type has custom encoding
XDCspec - @Facet This meta-only unit or config parameter is a facet
XDCspec - @Factory This proxy is a factory
XDCspec - @Gated This module has a gate
XDCspec - @GlobalNames This module defines "unprefixed" identifiers
XDCspec - @InstanceFinalize This module's instances require finalization
XDCspec - @InstanceInitError This module's instance initialization can fail
XDCspec - @Macro This function is a macro
XDCspec - @ModuleStartup This module has a startup initialization function
XDCspec - @NoRuntime This module does not use xdc.runtime
XDCspec - @Opaque under construction
XDCspec - @Prefix This module defines a custom prefix
XDCspec - @Proxy under construction
XDCspec - @System under construction
XDCspec - @TargetHeader This metaonly module generates a header
XDCspec - @Template This module contributes configuration C code
XDCspec - @XmlDtd This structure can be serialized as XML
Module Attributes

Module Attributes.  The following list enumerates the attributes applicable to modules and interfaces.

XDCspec - @CustomHeader This module's header includes handcrafted headers
XDCspec - @Facet This meta-only unit or config parameter is a facet
XDCspec - @Gated This module has a gate
XDCspec - @GlobalNames This module defines "unprefixed" identifiers
XDCspec - @InstanceFinalize This module's instances require finalization
XDCspec - @InstanceInitError This module's instance initialization can fail
XDCspec - @ModuleStartup This module has a startup initialization function
XDCspec - @NoRuntime This module does not use xdc.runtime
XDCspec - @Prefix This module defines a custom prefix
XDCspec - @TargetHeader This metaonly module generates a header
XDCspec - @Template This module contributes configuration C code
Method Attributes

Method Attributes.  The following list enumerates the attributes applicable to methods.

XDCspec - @Annex This parameter or method has been added
XDCspec - @DirectCall Always generate a direct call to this function
XDCspec - @Macro This function is a macro
XDCspec - @System under construction
Type Attributes

Type Attributes.  The following list enumerates the attributes applicable to types defined in a module or interface.

XDCspec - @Encoded This type has custom encoding
XDCspec - @XmlDtd This structure can be serialized as XML
Configuration Attributes

Configuration Attributes.  The following list enumerates the attributes applicable to configuration parameters defined in a module or interface.

XDCspec - @CommandOption under construction
XDCspec - @Facet This meta-only unit or config parameter is a facet
XDCspec - @Factory This proxy is a factory
XDCspec - @Proxy under construction

XDoc tags

XDCspec - @_nodoc under construction
XDCspec - @a under construction
XDCspec - @b under construction
XDCspec - @c under construction
XDCspec - @details under construction
XDCspec - @field under construction
XDCspec - @link under construction
XDCspec - @param under construction
XDCspec - @p under construction
XDCspec - @p(blist) under construction
XDCspec - @p(code) under construction
XDCspec - @p(dlist) under construction
XDCspec - @p(html) under construction
XDCspec - @p(nlist) under construction
XDCspec - @p(text) under construction
XDCspec - @see under construction
XDCspec - @summary under construction
XDCspec - @value under construction

See also Client documentation for

NOTE:  The following documents are obsolete but contain information that has yet to be moved to the current document

XDCspec Language Summary XDCspec language quick reference

[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 02-Oct-2009 22:10 UTC
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