1    /* --COPYRIGHT--,EPL
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * --/COPYRIGHT--*/
    12    /*
    13     *  ======== PackageContents.xdc ========
    14     */
    15    package xdc.bld;
    17    /*!
    18     *  ======== PackageContents ========
    19     *  Package container populated by a build script.
    20     *
    21     *  This module defines the `PackageContents` object (aliased as `Pkg` in 
    22     *  build scripts) which represents the contents of a package.  Build scripts
    23     *  add to this package using the add* methods defined below.
    24     *
    25     *  In addition to the items added by the build script, every package has at
    26     *  least one release, the default release.  If the {@link #defaultRelease}
    27     *  configuration parameter is not set, a default release will be
    28     *  implicitly created.
    29     *
    30     *  Every library, executable, and repository added to the package is
    31     *  automatically added to the default release.
    32     *
    33     */
    34    metaonly module PackageContents {
    35        /*!
    36         *  ======== Attrs ========
    37         *  Package-level attributes.
    38         *
    39         *  These attributes provide package-level defaults for attributes that
    40         *  provide control over the code generation tools, the configuration
    41         *  tool, and release options.
    42         *
    43         *  @field(profile)  This string names a profile defined by the
    44         *          executable's target.  A profile specifies a set of compiler,
    45         *          linker, and archiver options that are to be used when 
    46         *          compiling and linking code.  Note that these tool options are
    47         *          in addition to any options specified via `aopts`, `copts`,
    48         *          etc.
    49         *
    50         *          If this field is not specified or set to `null`, the
    51         *          `"release"` profile will be used.
    52         *
    53         *  @field(incs)  This string contains include path options used by
    54         *          the compiler (or assembler) to locate include files; e.g.,
    55         *          "`-I ../../include -I ../c55xx`".  Note that the syntax of 
    56         *          this string may be target dependent.
    57         *
    58         *  @field(defs)  This string contains options used by the
    59         *          compiler (or assembler) to define macros; e.g.,
    60         *          "`-D_C6xxx -DDEBUG=1`".  Note that the syntax of 
    61         *          this string may be target dependent.
    62         *
    63         *  @field(aopts)  This string contains options used by the assembler
    64         *          to produce object files; e.g., "`-mP1`".  Note that the syntax
    65         *          of this string may be target dependent.
    66         *
    67         *  @field(copts)  This string contains options used by the C/C++
    68         *          compiler to produce object files; e.g., "`-o3 -mi1`".  Note
    69         *          that the syntax of this string may be target dependent.
    70         *
    71         *  @field(cfgcopts)  This string contains options used by the C/C++
    72         *          compiler to compile the generated C config file. If `cfgopts`
    73         *          is not specified, the options specified in `copts` are
    74         *          used instead. 
    75         *
    76         *  @field(lopts)  This string contains options used by the linker
    77         *          produce object files; e.g., "`-l mylib.lib`".  Note
    78         *          that the syntax of this string may be target dependent.
    79         *
    80         *  @field(tcopts)  This string contains options passed to `tconf`
    81         *          Deprecated, use `xsopts` instead.
    82         *
    83         *  @field(xsopts)  This string contains options passed to `xs`
    84         *          when running configuration scripts; e.g., to turn on the
    85         *          reporting of warnings this string can be set to "`-js -w`",
    86         *          or to define the name-value pair "`FOO=bar`" available via
    87         *          the environment hash-table `xsopts` should be set to
    88         *          "`-DFOO=bar`".
    89         *
    90         *  @field(exportCfg)  If this field is set to `true`,  configuration
    91         *          scripts will, by default, be part of the releases created
    92         *          by this package.  
    93         *
    94         *  @field(exportDoc)  If this field is set to `true`,  generated
    95         *          documentation will, by default, be part of the releases 
    96         *          created by this package.  
    97         *
    98         *  @field(exportSrc)  If this field is set to `true`, the sources
    99         *          used to build this package will, by default, be part of the
   100         *          releases created by this package.
   101         *
   102         *  @field(exportExe)  If this field is set to `true`, the executables
   103         *          created in this package will, by default, be part of the
   104         *          releases created by this package.
   105         *
   106         *  @field(exportAll)  If this field is set to true, all files
   107         *          in this package that are not known to be generated are in
   108         *          the release.  If it is unspecified (or set to `null`) these
   109         *          files will not be added to this release. See
   110         *          `{@link xdc.bld.Release#Attrs}` for more information about
   111         *          this option.
   112         *
   113         *  @field(relScript)  If this field is non-`null`, the string names a
   114         *          "release script" that is run to post-process the
   115         *          files that are part of a release.  Like configuration scripts,
   116         *          the string names a script file that is searched for first in
   117         *          the in package's base directory, and then along the package
   118         *          path.
   119         *
   120         *  @field(compress) If this field is set to `true`, the package release
   121         *          archive files will be, by default, compressed; otherwise, the
   122         *          archives will not be compressed
   123         *
   124         *  @field(archiver) This field names the archiver to use when creating a
   125         *          release.  Two archivers are currently supported:
   126         *          "tar" and "zip".  If the archiver is set to "zip"
   127         *          the `{@link #Attrs.compress}` field is implicitly set to
   128         *          `true`.
   129         *
   130         *  @see #attrs
   131         */
   132        struct Attrs {
   133            String  profile;    /*! select appropriate `ITarget.OptionSet` */
   134            String  aopts;      /*! assembly language options */
   135            String  copts;      /*! C/C++ compiler options */
   136            String  cfgcopts;   /*! C/C++ compiler options for the C config file */
   137            String  defs;       /*! -D options common to C/C++/asm */
   138            String  incs;       /*! -I options common to C/C++/asm */
   139            String  tcopts;     /*! tconf options, deprecated */
   140            String  xsopts;     /*! xs options */
   141            String  lopts;      /*! linker options */
   142            Bool    exportDoc;  /*! if `true`, export generated docs */
   143            Bool    exportExe;  /*! if `true`, export executables */
   144            Bool    exportCfg;  /*! if `true`, export program cfg scripts */
   145            Bool    exportSrc;  /*! if `true`, export all package sources */
   146            Bool    exportAll;  /*! if `true`, export all non-gen'd files */
   147            String  relScript;  /*! release files post-processing script */
   148            Bool    compress;   /*! if `true`, compress package release archives */
   149            String  archiver;   /*! "tar" or "zip"; defaults to "tar" */
   150        };
   152        /*!
   153         *  ======== attrs ========
   154         *  Package attributes.
   155         *
   156         *  These attributes are "inherited" by all executables and libraries
   157         *  added to this package set.
   158         *
   159         *  @see xdc.bld.Executable#attrs
   160         *  @see xdc.bld.Library#attrs
   161         */
   162        config PackageContents.Attrs attrs; 
   164        /*!
   165         *  ======== cfgDir ========
   166         *  The directory where all intermediate program files are placed.
   167         *
   168         *  During configuration, several files are generated (a C++ source file,
   169         *  a linker command file, etc.)  these generated files are placed in
   170         *  the directory specified by this parameter.
   171         */
   172        config String cfgDir = "package/cfg/";
   174        /*!
   175         *  ======== docDir ========
   176         *  The directory where generated docs are placed.
   177         *
   178         *  If set to a non-`null` value, package documentation will be
   179         *  automatically generated and placed in this directory.  If
   180         *  it is not set or set to `null`, no docs will be generated for
   181         *  this package.
   182         *
   183         *  If you set `{@link #Attrs exportDoc}` or `{@link #Attrs exportAll}`
   184         *  to `true` the generated docs will be included in the appropriate
   185         *  releases of the package.
   186         */
   187        config String docDir;
   189        /*!
   190         *  ======== imports ========
   191         *  An array of required packages (and their version) for this package
   192         *
   193         *  @a(readonly) This parameter is an array of all prerequisite packages
   194         *  required by this package.  Each string is of the form:
   195         *      @p(code)
   196         *          <packageName>{<packageCompatibilityKey>
   197         *      @p
   198         *  where `<packageName>` is the name of the required package and
   199         *  `<packageCompatibilityKey>` is the compatibility key specified in the
   200         *  `requires` statement of this package.  If no compatibility key is
   201         *  specified in `package.xdc`, `<packageCompatibilityKey>` is "".
   202         *
   203         *  If the package specifies that a requirement is "internal", the
   204         *  package name is prefixed with a '*' character.  In other words, the
   205         *  string is of the form:
   206         *      @p(code)
   207         *          *<packageName>{<packageCompatibilityKey>
   208         *      @p
   209         */
   210        config String imports[];
   212        /*!
   213         *  ======== libDir ========
   214         *  The directory where all intermediate library directories are placed.
   215         *
   216         *  Each object file for a library is placed in a sub-directory of this
   217         *  directory that has a name that matches the name specified in the
   218         *  `{@link #addLibrary()}` function.
   219         */
   220        config String libDir = "package/lib/";
   222        /*!
   223         *  ======== libTemplate ========
   224         *  Template of a common C-file archived into every library
   225         *
   226         *  This template can be used to embed package-specific meta-information
   227         *  into each library produced by the package.  For example, it can be
   228         *  used to add package version infomation to each library.
   229         *
   230         *  This template is expanded just once in the Build model during
   231         *  makefile generation.  Thus, the contents of the resulting C-file can
   232         *  not be library specific.
   233         *
   234         *  The template is found using `xdc.findFile()` and, as a result,
   235         *  `libTemplate` may refer to a template in either the current package
   236         *  or even in another package.
   237         *
   238         *  During expansion of the template, the `this` pointer is the
   239         *  `PackageContents` module object; i.e., the object that the global
   240         *  variable `Pkg` references.
   241         *
   242         *  The expanded template may refer to the following pre-defined macros:
   243         *  @p(dlist)
   244         *      - `__xdc_PKGVERS`
   245         *          the package compatibility key declared in package.xdc; e.g.
   246         *          "`1, 2, 3`"
   247         *      - `__xdc_PKGNAME`
   248         *          the package's name; e.g., `xdc.bld`
   249         *      - `__xdc_PKGPREFIX`
   250         *          the package's prefix; e.g., for the package `xdc.bld` the
   251         *          prefix would be `xdc_bld_`
   252         *  @p
   253         */
   254        config String libTemplate = null;
   256        /*!
   257         *  ======== relDir ========
   258         *  The directory where all intermediate release files are placed.
   259         *
   260         *  Release specific files for a release are placed in a sub-directory of
   261         *  this directory that has a name that matches the name specified in the
   262         *  `{@link #addRelease()}` function.
   263         */
   264        config String relDir = "package/rel/";
   266        /*!
   267         *  ======== producerId ========
   268         *  Producer ID string
   269         *
   270         *  The value of this string is embedded in every release of this
   271         *  package and can serve as a way to identify a single version
   272         *  ID for a collection of related packages.
   273         *
   274         *  @_nodoc
   275         */
   276        config String producerId;
   278        /*!
   279         *  ======== version ========
   280         *  The package version string.
   281         *
   282         *  @a(readonly) This parameter is a version string that comes from the
   283         *  `package.xdc` specification.
   284         */
   285        config String version;
   287        /*!
   288         *  ======== interfaces ========
   289         *  An array of interface names provided by this package.
   290         *
   291         *  @a(readonly) This parameter is an array of all interface names
   292         *  defined by this package.
   293         */
   294        config String interfaces[];
   296        /*!
   297         *  ======== makePrologue ========
   298         *  String to add to the beginning of the generated makefile.
   299         *
   300         *  This string is placed at the very beginning of the package's
   301         *  generated makefile.  This allows one to extend the build
   302         *  environment using any facility available to GNU make.
   303         */
   304        config String makePrologue = "";
   306        /*!
   307         *  ======== makeEpilogue ========
   308         *  String to add to the end of the generated makefile.
   309         *
   310         *  Similar to makePrologue except that this string is placed at
   311         *  the very end of the generated makefile.
   312         */
   313        config String makeEpilogue = "";
   315        /*!
   316         *  ======== defaultRelease ========
   317         *  The default release for this package.
   318         *
   319         *  If this configuration parameter is defined, it is taken to be the
   320         *  default release instance; otherwise a default instance is created
   321         *  with the appropriate defaults.
   322         *
   323         *  If this release's `label` attribute is `undefined` or `null`, it is
   324         *  set to `"default"` before the release is generated; otherwise the
   325         *  label attribute is unchanged from what the user specified for this
   326         *  instance.
   327         *
   328         *  The implicitly created default release is created as follows:
   329         *  @p(code)
   330         *      PackageContents.addRelease(name, {label: "default"})
   331         *  @p
   332         *  where `name` is the package's name with all '.'s replaced with '_'.
   333         */
   334        config Release.Instance defaultRelease;
   336        /*!
   337         *  ======== releasePrefix ========
   338         *  A prefix appended to the name of each release archive.
   339         *
   340         *  This configuration parameter allows one to generate release archives
   341         *  somewhere other than inside the package being built.  `releasePrefix`
   342         *  is prepended to the name of the release name to form the name of the
   343         *  release archive.
   344         *
   345         *  For example, setting `releasePrefix` to `"../"` implies that a 
   346         *  release named `"exports/foo"` generates an archive file named
   347         *  `foo.tar` in the directory `"../exports"`.
   348         *
   349         * `releasePrefix` must either begin with the '^' character or be a
   350         *  relative path that is relative to the package's "base" directory;
   351         *  i.e., the directory containing the package's specification file
   352         *  `package.xdc`.
   353         *
   354         *  If `releasePrefix` begins with the '^' character, the remainder of
   355         *  the string is treated as though it is relative to the package's
   356         *  repository.  In effect, the '^' character is replaced with an
   357         *  appropriate number of '../' sequences to sufficient to navigate to
   358         *  the package's repository.
   359         *
   360         *  For example, suppose your packages are in a repository named `"src"`.
   361         *  Setting `releasePrefix` to `"^/../exports"` implies that a release
   362         *  named `"foo"` generates an archive file named `foo.tar` in the
   363         *  directory named `"exports"` which is a sibiling of `"src"` - the
   364         *  package's repository.
   365         *
   366         *  This prefix can be overridden on a per release basis; see
   367         *  `{@link xdc.bld.Release#Attrs}`.
   368         *
   369         *  @a(note) If this parameter starts with `".."` or `"^"`, the resulting
   370         *  archive file will not be removed as part of a package clean.
   371         */
   372        config String releasePrefix = "";
   374        /*!
   375         *  ======== modules ========
   376         *  An array of module names provided by this package.
   377         *
   378         *  @a(readonly) This parameter is an array of all module names
   379         *  implemented in this package.
   380         */
   381        config String modules[];
   383        /*!
   384         *  ======== name ========
   385         *  Name of this package
   386         *
   387         *  @a(readonly) This parameter is the name of this package as
   388         *  specified by the `package.xdc` package specification file
   389         */
   390        config String name;
   392        /*!
   393         *  ======== otherFiles ========
   394         *  Array of files to include this package.
   395         *
   396         *  This is an array of arbitrary file names that are to be included
   397         *  in the package.
   398         *
   399         *  Only those files that are not already directly (or indirectly)
   400         *  named by adding executables or libraries to this package set need
   401         *  to appear in this array.
   402         */
   403        config String otherFiles[];
   405        /*!
   406         *  ======== generatedFiles ========
   407         *  Array of generated files
   408         *
   409         *  This is an array of arbitrary file names that are to be removed
   410         *  during a clean of this package.  File names that end with the `'/'`
   411         *  character are assumed to be directories; in this case, the directory
   412         *  and all of its contents are removed during the clean.
   413         *
   414         *  Only those files that are not already directly (or indirectly)
   415         *  named by adding executables or libraries to this package set need
   416         *  to appear in this array.
   417         */
   418        config String generatedFiles[];
   420        /*!
   421         *  ======== otherSrcs ========
   422         *  Array of source files to include this package.
   423         *
   424         *  Like otherFiles except that the file names listed here are to be
   425         *  post-processed by the xdc document preparation tools.  This array
   426         *  only needs to specify files that are not implicitly specidied via
   427         *  any of the addObjects function; e.g., script files, hand-creafted
   428         *  headers, etc.  
   429         */
   430        config String otherSrcs[];
   432        /*!
   433         *  ======== packagePath ========
   434         *  This configuration parameter allows one to set the package
   435         *  path from within the build script.  This setting overrides
   436         *  the setting of `XDCPATH` either in the environment or on the
   437         *  command line.
   438         *
   439         *  @b(deprecated)  `XDCPATH` should be set on the command line or in
   440         *  the environment.  This avoids the confusion that will result from
   441         *  different package paths being used to generate the makefiles from
   442         *  the package path used to build other package contents.
   443         *
   444         *  @_nodoc this parameter should not be used!!!!!!
   445         */
   446        config String packagePath = null;
   448        /*!
   449         *  ======== uses ========
   450         *  Array of directory suffixes used to locate files.
   451         *
   452         *  This array of directory suffixes is used to locate package files 
   453         *  that are referenced (e.g., via #include) without the package name.
   454         *
   455         *  This array names package directory suffixes (found along the
   456         *  package path) that:
   457         *  @p(nlist)
   458         *      -  contain headers included by this package's sources which
   459         *         are included *without* using the package name, or
   460         *      -  contain JavaScript "import" files which are included (via
   461         *         `utils.importFile()`) *without* using the package name.
   462         *  @p
   463         *  This mechanism is used to support legacy code that does not
   464         *  explicitly name the package in the #include statements, and *only*
   465         *  affects the compiler's -I options (not the package path) and the
   466         *  configuration tool's import path (`config.importPath`).
   467         *
   468         *  Strings in the Pkg.uses array must not be absolute paths.  Each string
   469         *  in the Pkg.uses array must point to an existing directory that can be
   470         *  located along the package path.  The generated makefiles create an
   471         *  absolute path by simply appending the string from `uses[]` to each
   472         *  directory name in the package path until an existing directory is
   473         *  found.  The resulting absolute path is then passed to the compiler in
   474         *  a -I option, for example.
   475         *
   476         *  The directories named in this array may include sub-directories of
   477         *  any package in the package path.
   478         *
   479         *  The strings in this array should use '/' to separate directories;
   480         *  even on Windows systems.  Since Windows supports '/' as a directory
   481         *  separator, the use of '/' ensures host platform independence.
   482         *
   483         *  @a(Example)
   484         *      The following example allows sources in the current package to
   485         *      "`#include <tsk.h>`" and have the compiler find `tsk.h` in the
   486         *      sub-directory ti/bios/include which is contained in some repository
   487         *      named in the package path (`XDCPATH`):
   488         *      @p(code)
   489         *          var Pkg = xdc.useModule('xdc.bld.PackageContents');
   490         *          Pkg.uses = ["ti/bios/include", "ti/xdais/legacy"];
   491         *      @p
   492         */
   493        config String uses[];
   495        /*!
   496         *  ======== addLibrary ========
   497         *  Add specified library to this package
   498         *
   499         *  The name of the library archive file is `<name>.a<target_suffix>`,
   500         *  where `<name>` is the name parameter (which may contain a directory
   501         *  prefix) and `<target_suffix>` is the suffix specified by the target
   502         *  parameter (`{@link xdc.bld.ITarget#suffix}`).
   503         *
   504         *  The individual objects of each library are located in the directory
   505         *  `<libDir>/<name>`, where `<name>` is the name parameter and `<libDir>`
   506         *  is the configurable parameter `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#libDir}`.
   507         *  Thus, the name parameter names *both* an archive file and a
   508         *  sub-directory (in `PackageContents.libDir`) that contains the objects
   509         *  in the archive.
   510         *
   511         *  @param(name)     library base name; this name is used to create
   512         *                   *both* an archive and a sub-directory in the
   513         *                   package's "libDir" directory which
   514         *                   will contain the target-specific object files.
   515         *                   See NOTE in `{@link xdc.bld}` for filename rules.
   516         *
   517         *  @param(target)   target (a module implementing the
   518         *                   `{@link xdc.bld.ITarget}` interface) for each built 
   519         *                   object in the library
   520         *
   521         *  @param(libAttrs) optional `library` attributes object
   522         *                   (`{@link xdc.bld.Library#Attrs}`)
   523         *
   524         *  @a(returns)      Returns the `{@link xdc.bld.Library}` instance
   525         *                   object created.
   526         *  @a(throws)       `XDCException` exceptions are thrown for fatal
   527         *                    errors. The following error codes are
   528         *                    reported in the exception message:
   529         *                    @p(dlist)
   530         *                    -  `xdc.bld.INVALID_TARGET`
   531         *                       This error is reported when a package is being
   532         *                       built for an unknown target. Ensure that the
   533         *                       correct targets are mentioned in the package's
   534         *                       build script.
   535         *                    -  `xdc.bld.LIBRARY_EXISTS`               
   536         *                        This error is reported when a package's build
   537         *                        script specifies multiple libraries with the
   538         *                        same name. Ensure that the names of the
   539         *                        libraries to be built are unique.
   540         *                    -  `xdc.bld.PARAMETER_MISMATCH`
   541         *                        This error is reported whenever parameters with
   542         *                        the wrong type  are passed to the method. Ensure
   543         *                        that the parameters passed have the right type.
   544         *
   545         *  @see xdc.bld.PackageContents#libDir
   546         *  @see xdc.bld.ITarget#suffix
   547         */
   548        Library.Instance addLibrary(String name, ITarget.Module target,
   549                                    Library.Attrs libAttrs = {});
   551        /*!
   552         *  ======== addExecutable ========
   553         *  Add specified executable to this package.
   554         *
   555         *  The name of the executable file is `<name>.x<target_suffix>`,
   556         *  where `<name>` is the name parameter (which may contain a directory
   557         *  prefix) and `<target_suffix>` is the suffix specified by the target
   558         *  parameter (`{@link xdc.bld.ITarget#suffix}`).
   559         *
   560         *  This name is also used to create a sub-directory in the package's
   561         *  "cfgDir" directory (`{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#cfgDir}`) to
   562         *  contain files generated for the benefit of creating the executable.
   563         *  Thus, the name parameter names *both* an executable file and a
   564         *  sub-directory (in `PackageContents.cfgDir`) that contains the objects
   565         *  linked into the executable.
   566         *
   567         *  When the executable is added to the package, a `{@link xdc.bld.Test}`
   568         *  is implicitly added to the executable; thus, every executable has at
   569         *  least one `Test`.  Attributes for this test can be specified via
   570         *  `exeAttrs`.
   571         *
   572         *  @param(name)     executable base name; this name is used to create
   573         *                   the file name of the output executable and has the
   574         *                   form:
   575         *                   @p(code)
   576         *                       <name>.x<suffix>
   577         *                   @p
   578         *                   where `<suffix>` is the suffix specified by
   579         *                   the target argument below.  
   580         *                   See NOTE in `{@link xdc.bld}` for filename rules.
   581         *
   582         *  @param(target)   target (`{@link xdc.bld.ITarget}`) for each built
   583         *                   object linked into the executable.
   584         *
   585         *  @param(platform) string name of the platform; this is the name of a
   586         *                   platform package
   587         *
   588         *  @param(exeAttrs) optional executable attrs object
   589         *                   (`{@link xdc.bld.Executable#Attrs}`)
   590         *
   591         *  @a(returns)      Returns the `{@link xdc.bld.Executable}` instance 
   592         *                   object created.
   593         *
   594         *  @a(throws)       `XDCException` exceptions are thrown for fatal
   595         *                    errors. The following error codes are
   596         *                    reported in the exception message:
   597         *                    @p(dlist)
   598         *                    -  `xdc.bld.INVALID_TARGET`
   599         *                       This error is reported when a package is being
   600         *                       built for an unknown target. Ensure that the
   601         *                       correct targets are mentioned in the package's
   602         *                       build script.
   603         *                    -  `xdc.bld.EXECUTABLE_EXISTS`               
   604         *                       This error is reported when a package's build
   605         *                       script specifies multiple executables with the
   606         *                       same name. Ensure that the names of the
   607         *                       executables to be built are unique. 
   608         *                    -  `xdc.bld.PARAMETER_MISMATCH`
   609         *                       This error is reported whenever parameters with
   610         *                       the wrong type  are passed to the method. Ensure
   611         *                       that the parameters passed have the right type.
   612         *           
   613         */
   614        Executable.Instance addExecutable(String name, ITarget.Module target,
   615                            String platform, Executable.Attrs exeAttrs = {});
   617        /*!
   618         *  ======== addRepository ========
   619         *  Add a repository to this package
   620         *
   621         *  A repository is a directory that contains packages.  Repositories are
   622         *  typically named in the user's XDCPATH environment variable and contain
   623         *  a set of packages that are managed as a group.
   624         *
   625         *  This method allows one to bundle several packages together into a
   626         *  single release (of the package that contains this repository).
   627         *
   628         *  @param(repositoryName)  name of a directory (relative to this
   629         *                          package's base) that will contain the packages
   630         *                          added via
   631         *                          `{@link xdc.bld.Repository#addPackages()}`
   632         *                          See NOTE in `{@link xdc.bld}` for filename
   633         *                          rules.
   634         *
   635         *  @param(repAttrs)        optional `Repository` attributes associated 
   636         *                          with this repository (see
   637         *                          `{@link xdc.bld.Repository#Attrs}`)
   638         *
   639         *  @a(returns)             Returns the `{@link xdc.bld.Repository}` 
   640         *                          instance object created.
   641         *
   642         *  @a(throws)       `XDCException` exceptions are thrown for fatal
   643         *                    errors. The following error codes are
   644         *                    reported in the exception message:
   645         *                    @p(dlist)
   646         *                    - `xdc.bld.REPOSITORY_EXISTS`
   647         *                      This error is reported whenever a package's build
   648         *                      script specifies multiple repositories with the
   649         *                      same name.  Ensure that the names of the
   650         *                      repositories specified in the build script are
   651         *                      unique.
   652         */
   653        Repository.Instance addRepository(String repositoryName,
   654                                          Repository.Attrs repAttrs = {});
   656        /*!
   657         *  ======== addRelease ========
   658         *  Add specified release to this package
   659         *
   660         *  @param(name)    release base name; this name is used to create
   661         *                  the file name of the output file and has the
   662         *                  form:
   663         *                      <name>.tar
   664         *                  See NOTE in `{@link xdc.bld}` for filename rules.
   665         *
   666         *  @param(relAttrs) optional release attributes object
   667         *                   (`{@link xdc.bld.Release#Attrs}`)
   668         *
   669         *  @a(returns)     Returns the `{@link xdc.bld.Release}` instance object
   670         *                  created.
   671         *
   672         *  @a(throws)       `XDCException` exceptions are thrown for fatal
   673         *                    errors. The following error codes are
   674         *                    reported in the exception message:
   675         *                    @p(dlist)
   676         *                    - `xdc.bld.RELEASE_EXISTS`
   677         *                      This error is reported whenever a package's build
   678         *                      script specifies multiple releases with the same
   679         *                      name.  Ensure that the names of the releases
   680         *                      specified in the build script are unique.
   681         *                    - `xdc.bld.INVALID_RELEASE_PREFIX`
   682         *                      This error is reported whenever a release prefix
   683         *                      is specified by its absolute path in the package's
   684         *                      build script.  The release prefix has to be
   685         *                      relative to the package's base directory.
   686         *                    - `xdc.bld.INVALID_RELEASE_NAME`
   687         *                      This error is reported whenever a release name is
   688         *                      specified by its absolute path in the package's
   689         *                      build script. The release name has to be relative
   690         *                      to the package's base directory.
   691         */
   692        Release.Instance addRelease(String name, Release.Attrs relAttrs = {});
   694        /*!
   695         *  ======== addScript ========
   696         *  Add a script to this package
   697         *
   698         *  Both XDCscript and Korn shell scripts can be added to package.  This
   699         *  not only allows one to add script utilities to a package, it
   700         *  also makes it easy to create scripted regression tests.  As with
   701         *  `Executable`s, it is possible to add `{@link xdc.bld.Test}`s to a
   702         *  `{@link xdc.bld.Script Script}`; see `{@link xdc.bld.Script#addTest}`.
   703         *
   704         *  @param(name)    name of the script to add to this package.  Script
   705         *                  names are simply the script's filename relative to
   706         *                  the package's base directory.  Scripts can have any
   707         *                  extension, but if the extension is "`.sh`" or "`.ksh`"
   708         *                  a Korn shell compatible shell is used to run the
   709         *                  script's tests; otherwise it is assumed to be an
   710         *                  XDCscript file and any tests will be run by the
   711         *                  XDCscript interpreter `xs`.
   712         *
   713         *  @param(scriptAttrs) optional script attributes object
   714         *                   (`{@link xdc.bld.Script#Attrs}`)
   715         *
   716         *  @a(returns)      Returns the `{@link xdc.bld.Script}` instance
   717         *                   object created.
   718         *
   719         *  @a(throws)       `XDCException` exceptions are thrown for fatal
   720         *                    errors. The following error codes are
   721         *                    reported in the exception message:
   722         *                      @p(dlist)
   723         *                      - `xdc.bld.SCRIPT_EXISTS`
   724         *                        This error is reported whenever a package's build
   725         *                        script specifies multiple user scripts with the
   726         *                        same name. Ensure that the names of the user
   727         *                        scripts are unique.
   728         */
   729        Script.Instance addScript(String name, Script.Attrs scriptAttrs = {});
   731        /*!
   732         *  ======== addAssembly ========
   733         *  @_nodoc assemblies are experimental not fully qualified/tested
   734         *          entities
   735         *  @a(returns)      Returns the `{@link xdc.bld.Assembly}` instance
   736         *                   object created.
   737         *
   738         *  @a(throws)       `XDCException` exceptions are thrown for fatal
   739         *                    errors. The following error codes are
   740         *                    reported in the exception message:
   741         *                    @p(dlist)
   742         *                    - `xdc.bld.INVALID_TARGET`
   743         *                      This error is reported when a package is being
   744         *                      built for an unknown target. Ensure that the
   745         *                      correct targets are mentioned in the package's
   746         *                      build script.
   747         */
   748        Assembly.Instance addAssembly(String name, ITarget.Module target,
   749            String platform, Executable.Attrs exeAttrs = {});
   751        /*!
   752         *  ======== onInit ========
   753         *  @_nodoc this function is called from the bld package's 
   754         *          initialization function to initialize this module.
   755         *
   756         *  @a(throws)       `XDCException` exceptions are thrown for fatal
   757         *                    errors. The following error codes are
   758         *                    reported in the exception message:
   759         *                    @p(dlist)
   760         *                    - `xdc.bld.INCORRECT_PACKAGE_NAME`
   761         *                      This error is reported whenever package name does
   762         *                      not match the directory name. Package names should
   763         *                      match the directory layout. For example the
   764         *                      package `ti.sdo.ce.osal` should be created in the
   765         *                      directory `ti\sdo\ce\osal`. 
   766         *                    - `xdc.bld.CREATE_DIR_ERROR`
   767         *                      This error is reported whenever there is an error
   768         *                      in creating package directories. This maybe
   769         *                      related with issues with the host filesystem.
   770         *                      Check whether directories
   771         *                      can be created manually in the `package`
   772         *                      sub-directory.
   773         */
   774        function onInit();
   775    }
   776    /*
   777     *  @(#) xdc.bld; 1, 0, 2,240; 6-9-2010 16:24:42; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-u18x/src/packages/
   778     */