1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    /*
    13     *  ======== ITarget.xdc ========
    14     *
    15     */
    17    /*!
    18     *  ======== ITarget ========
    19     *  A TI specific extension to the base `xdc.bld.ITarget` interface.
    20     */
    21    @TargetHeader("xdc/bld/stddefs.xdt")
    22    metaonly interface ITarget inherits xdc.bld.ITarget {
    24        override readonly config string stdInclude = "ti/targets/std.h";
    26        /*!
    27         *  ======== Command ========
    28         *  Required command and options.
    29         *
    30         *  The compile, link, and archive functions in this interface are
    31         *  implemented by expanding the strings specified in this structure
    32         *  and inserting strings from the Options structure to form a single
    33         *  command.  The strings in this structure can not be changed by
    34         *  the user (they are fixed by the target), but the string in the
    35         *  Options structure may be changed by the user.
    36         *
    37         *  The final command is:
    38         *      Command.cmd Options.prefix Command.opts Options.suffix
    39         *
    40         *  @field(cmd)     name of a tool-chain executable without any path
    41         *                  information.  The location of this executable is
    42         *                  specified by the binDir (or pathPrefix) 
    43         *                  configuration parameter.
    44         *
    45         *  @field(opts)    required options passed to the command; these options
    46         *                  can not be changed or eliminated by user's
    47         *                  configuration script.
    48         */
    49        struct Command {
    50            string cmd;     /*! the command to run */
    51            string opts;    /*! required options for the command */
    52        }
    54        /*!
    55         *  ======== Options ========
    56         *  User configurable command options.
    57         *
    58         *  The option strings allow the user to pass additional parameters to the
    59         *  executable that is responsible for compiling, linker, or archiving.
    60         *  See `ti.targets.ITarget.Command`.
    61         */
    62        struct Options {
    63            string prefix;  /*! options that appear before Command.opts */
    64            string suffix;  /*! options that appear after Command.opts */
    65        }
    67        /*!
    68         *  ======== binDir ========
    69         *  This parameter controls the location of the target's commands.
    70         *
    71         *  All build commands returned within a command set
    72         *  (`xdc.bld.ITarget.CommandSet.cmds`) are formed by prefixing `binDir`
    73         *  to this target's Command.cmd specification.  For example, the
    74         *  compile command returned is formed as follows:
    75         *  @p(code)
    76         *      $(binDir)$(cc.cmd)
    77         *  @p
    78         *  where, `$(binDir)` is this target's `binDir` value and `$(cc.cmd)` is
    79         *  the value of this target's `cc.cmd` string.
    80         *  
    81         *  If `binDir` is non-empty then it must end with '/'.  If it is empty, 
    82         *  the target's commands (compiler, linker, archiver, etc.) will be
    83         *  located along a path constructed from this target's `pathPrefix`.
    84         */
    85        config string binDir = "$(rootDir)/bin/";
    87        /*!
    88         *  ======== pathPrefix ========
    89         *  A prefix to the PATH environment variable
    90         *
    91         *  Each target command is executed with C_DIR set to "" and PATH
    92         *  set as follows:
    93         *  @p(code)
    94         *      $(pathPrefix);$(binDir);$(PATH)
    95         *  @p
    96         *  where, `$(pathPrefix)` and `$(binDir)` are the values of the
    97         *  configuration parameters and `$(PATH)` is the value of the `PATH`
    98         *  environment variable set by the `xdc` command (type 'xdc -n' to
    99         *  see this).
   100         *
   101         *  Embedded ';' characters within `pathPrefix` separate directory
   102         *  names.  On UNIX hosts these ';' characters are convered to an
   103         *  appropriate separator; i.e., ':'.
   104         */
   105        config string pathPrefix = "";
   107        override config String binaryParser = "ti.targets.omf.cof.Coff";
   109        /*!
   110         *  ======== debugGen ========
   111         *  TI Debugger/IDE file generation support.
   112         *
   113         *  The settings below generate CCS project files that enable one
   114         *  to debug (and even rebuild) Executables from within the CCS GUI.
   115         *
   116         *  To avoid unnecessary build time overhead, these files are not always
   117         *  generated; by default, they are only generated for "debug" profiles.
   118         *  The generation of these files is controlled by the
   119         *  `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#gen}` configuration parameter.  To force these
   120         *  files to be generated for a particular executable, add the following
   121         *  line to the executable's program configuration script:
   122         *  @p(code)
   123         *      Program.gen.debuggerFiles = true;
   124         *  @p
   125         *  It is also possible to control the generation via build options; see
   126         *  `{@link xdc.bld.ITarget#DebugGen}`.
   127         *
   128         *  Note: if you are using CCS 2.x, disable CodeMaestro to prevent
   129         *  instabilities when re-loading project files.  CodeMaestro can be
   130         *  disabled via: Options->"Customize ..."->"CodeMaestro Settings"
   131         *
   132         *  To debug an executable:
   133         *  @p(nlist)
   134         *      - load generated project for the executable:
   135         *             package/cfg/<cfg_name>.pjt
   136         *      - load generated GEL script for the executable:
   137         *             package/cfg/<cfg_name>.gel
   138         *      - load prerequisite packages:
   139         *             GEL->"XDC Package"->open_project
   140         *  @p
   141         *  where <cfg_name> is the name of the executable (foo.x62) with the
   142         *  '.' replaced by and '_' (foo_x62).
   143         *
   144         *  Alternatively, one can use the `ccs_start.pl` script in this package
   145         *  to automate the steps above.  In addition, it is possible to
   146         *  associate `ccs_start.bat` (also in this package) with the generated 
   147         *  `.pjt` files to automate the above by double-clicking on the `.pjt`
   148         *  file.
   149         *
   150         *  To avoid navigation to the executable via file menus, you can load
   151         *  the executable associated with the project via:
   152         *
   153         *      GEL->"XDC Package"->load_executable
   154         *
   155         *  @a(See Also) `xdc.bld.ITarget` contains addition information about
   156         *  how to create and use these templates.
   157         */
   158        override config xdc.bld.ITarget.DebugGen debugGen = {
   159            execTemplate   : "ti/targets/ccs_exec.xdt",
   160            execPattern    : "$(cfgDir)$(cfgName).pjt",
   161            packageTemplate: "ti/targets/ccs_package.xdt",
   162            packagePattern : "package/$(pkgName).pjt"
   163        };
   165        /*!
   166         *  ======== extensions ========
   167         *  File extensions recognized by TI targets
   168         *
   169         *  @a(TI Specifics)
   170         *  For TI targets, the `typ` string field of an
   171         *  `xdc.bld.ITarget.Extension` structure may be of the form
   172         * `"<cmd>:<langOpt>"` where `<cmd>` is one of `"asm"`, `"c"`, `"cpp"`,
   173         *  and `<langOpt>` is the language option to used to identify the source
   174         *  language of a source file.  This allows one to explicitly control the
   175         *  language flag passed to the compiler based on a source file's
   176         *  extension; in particular, one can define separate source extensions
   177         *  for "linear" and "scheduled" assembly files, or simply cause `".s62"`
   178         *  files to be treated as "linear" assembly rather than "scheduled"
   179         *  assembly.
   180         *
   181         *  For example,
   182         *  @p(code)
   183         *  tiTargets.C62.extensions[".s62"] = {suf: ".s62", typ: "asm:-fl"};
   184         *  @p
   185         *  causes all `".s62"` files to be treated as linear assembly.
   186         *
   187         *  If no ':' appears in the `typ` string, a default will be used:
   188         *  `"-fa"` for `"asm"` files `"-fc"` for `"c"` files, and `"-fp"` for
   189         *  `"cpp"` files.
   190         */
   191        override config xdc.bld.ITarget.Extension extensions[string] =
   192            xdc.bld.ITarget.extensions;
   194        /*!
   195         *  ======== profiles ========
   196         *  Standard options profiles for the TI tool-chain.
   197         */
   198        override config xdc.bld.ITarget.OptionSet profiles[string] = [
   199            ["debug", {
   200                compileOpts: {
   201                    copts: "-g",
   202                    defs:  "-D_DEBUG_=1",
   203                }
   204            }],
   205            ["release", {
   206                compileOpts: {
   207                    copts: "-O2",
   208                },
   209            }],
   210            ["profile", {
   211                compileOpts: {
   212                    copts: "-gp",
   213                },
   214            }],
   215            ["coverage", {
   216                compileOpts: {
   217                    copts: "-gp",
   218                },
   219            }],
   220            ["whole_program", {
   221                compileOpts: {
   222                    copts: "-oe -O2 -mo",
   223                },
   224            }],
   225            ["whole_program_debug", {
   226                compileOpts: {
   227                    copts: "-oe --symdebug:dwarf -mo",
   228                },
   229            }],
   230        ];
   232        /*!
   233         *  ======== versionMap ========
   234         *  Map of TI compiler version numbers to compatibility keys.
   235         *
   236         *  This map translates version string information from the compiler
   237         *  into a compatibility key.  The compatibility key is used to validate
   238         *  consistency among a collection of packages used in a configuration.
   239         *
   240         *  TI compiler strings are formed by parsing the output of the
   241         *  compiler's -version option and creating a string of the form:
   242         *  @p(code)
   243         *      <comp>_<ver>
   244         *  @p
   245         *  where `<comp>` is the first word of the output and `<ver>` is the
   246         *  version number that appears on this same line.
   247         *
   248         *  There are two forms of version numbers output by the TI code gen
   249         *  tools; an "old" style that is of the form "<major>.<minor>" and a
   250         *  new style of the form "<major>.<minor>.<update>[.<branch>][<qual>],
   251         *  where <major>, <minor>, <update>, and <branch> are non-negative
   252         *  integers and <qual> is of  the form "[IBAP]<yyddd>", and <yyddd>
   253         *  is the last two digits of the year concatenated with the number of
   254         *  the day.
   255         *
   256         *  If a compiler version is not found in this map the default is
   257         *  "1,0,<major>.<minor>" for old style version numbers, and
   258         *  "1,0,<major>.<minor>,<update>[.<branch>][,<yyddd>]" for new style
   259         *  version numbers.
   260         *
   261         *  The user only needs to extend this table when a significant
   262         *  incompatibility occurs (and this package doesn't know about it) or
   263         *  when two versions of the compiler should be treated as 100%
   264         *  compatible.
   265         *
   266         *  @a(Examples)
   267         *  @p(code)
   268         *      var C62 = xdc.useModule('ti.targets.C62');
   269         *
   270         *      // assert that 4.0 is forward compatible with 4.32
   271         *      C62.versionMap["TMS320C6x_4.32"] =  "1,0,4.0,0";
   272         *
   273         *      // assert that 4.28 is incompatible with all other compilers
   274         *      C62.versionMap["TMS320C6x_4.28"] =  "1,1,4.28,0";
   275         */
   276        override config string versionMap[string] = [
   277            ["TMS320C6x_4.32", "1,0,4.32,0"],
   278            ["TMS320C55x_2.56", "1,0,2.56,0"],
   279            ["TMS320C54x_3.83", "1,0,3.83,0"],
   280            ["TMS320C2000_3.07", "1,0,3.07,0"],
   281        ];    
   283        /*!
   284         *  ======== alignDirectiveSupported ========
   285         *  The compiler supports an align directive.
   286         */
   287        override readonly config Bool alignDirectiveSupported = true;
   289        /*!
   290         *  ======== ar ========
   291         *  The command used to create an archive
   292         */
   293        readonly config Command ar;
   295        /*!
   296         *  ======== arOpts ========
   297         *  User configurable archiver options.
   298         */
   299        config Options arOpts = {
   300            prefix: "",
   301            suffix: ""
   302        };
   304        /*!
   305         *  ======== lnk ========
   306         *  The command used to link executables.
   307         */
   308        readonly config Command lnk;
   310        /*!
   311         *  ======== lnkOpts ========
   312         *  User configurable linker options.
   313         */
   314        config Options lnkOpts = {
   315            prefix: "",
   316            suffix: ""
   317        };
   319        /*!
   320         *  ======== cc ========
   321         *  The command used to compile C/C++ source files into object files
   322         */
   323        readonly config Command cc;
   325        /*!
   326         *  ======== ccOpts ========
   327         *  User configurable compiler options.
   328         */
   329        config Options ccOpts = {
   330            prefix: "",
   331            suffix: ""
   332        };
   334        /*!
   335         *  ======== ccConfigOpts ========
   336         *  User configurable compiler options for the generated config C file.
   337         *
   338         *  By default, this parameter inherits values specified in ccOpts, by
   339         *  expanding $(ccOpts.prefix) and $(ccOpts.suffix) into the values
   340         *  specified in ccOpts for this target.
   341         */
   342        config Options ccConfigOpts = {
   343            prefix: "$(ccOpts.prefix) -mo",
   344            suffix: "$(ccOpts.suffix)"
   345        };
   347        /*!
   348         *  ======== asm ========
   349         *  The command used to assembles assembly source files into object files
   350         */
   351        readonly config Command asm;
   353        /*!
   354         *  ======== asmName ========
   355         *  The function that converts a C name into an assembly name
   356         */
   357        String asmName(String CName);
   359        /*!
   360         *  ======== asmOpts ========
   361         *  User configurable assembler options.
   362         */
   363        config Options asmOpts = {
   364            prefix: "",
   365            suffix: ""
   366        };
   368        /*!
   369         *  ======== vers ========
   370         *  The command used to get the tool-chain to return a version number.
   371         */
   372        readonly config Command vers;
   374        /*!
   375         *  ======== version ========
   376         *  The Compatibility Key associated with this target.
   377         *
   378         *  The first two components of this target Compatibility Key are '1,0'.
   379         *  The rest of the Key represents the compiler version. The third
   380         *  component combines the major and the minor version number in the format
   381         *  Major.Minor. The fourth component is the patch number, and the optional
   382         *  fifth component is the version of an Alpha or Beta release.
   383         *
   384         *  @a(Example)
   385         *  If this target's `rootDir` points to the compiler version 6.0.11, the 
   386         *  Compatibility Key is [1,0,6.0,11]. If this target's `rootDir` points to
   387         *  the compiler version 7.0.0B1, the Compatibility Key is [1,0,7.0,0,1]. 
   388         *  
   389         */
   390        override metaonly config String version;
   392        /*!
   393         *  ======== includeOpts ========
   394         *  Additional user configurable target-specific include path options
   395         */
   396        config string includeOpts;
   397    }
   398    /*
   399     *  @(#) ti.targets; 1, 0, 3,385; 2-24-2010 16:24:15; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdctargets/xdctargets-b36x/src/
   400     */