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XDCscript Debugging

Overview of script debugging techniques


Script debugging

This topic summarizes a variety of script debugging techniques.

"printf" Debugging

It is possible to easily print scaler and array values via the print() method. For example,

var i = 3;
var a = [1, 2, 3];
print("i = " + i);
print("a = [" + a + "]");
i = 3
a = [1,2,3]

Using JavaScript's reflection capabilities, it is also possible to display objects with named properties.

var obj = {foo: 1, bar: "a string"};
for (var i in obj) {
    print("obj." + i + " = " + obj[i]);
Output = a string = 1

The xdc.bld.Utils capsule provides a utility function to recursively display the value of an object.

var Utils = xdc.loadCapsule('xdc/bld/Utils.xs');
var a = {afield: "far"}
var b = {obj: a, name: "bee"};
Utils.display("b =  ", b);
b =  [object Object] {
    obj = [object Object] {
        afield = far
    name = bee

Trace Debugging

Many of the modules and capsules included with XDCtools have embedded "trace" statements that may be optionally enabled. These trace statements are printf-like statements that output informational messages about what a tool is currently doing.

This section outlines how to enable these statements and shows examples of useful traces.

Tracing package loads

Tracing package loads.  To enable tracing of package loads, set the XDC_TRACE_ENABLE environment variable as follows

export XDC_TRACE_ENABLE=xdc/
Tracing the configuration process

Tracing the configuration process.  To enable tracing during configuration, set the XDC_TRACE_ENABLE environment variable as follows

export XDC_TRACE_ENABLE=xdc/cfg/Main.xs
set XDC_TRACE_ENABLE=xdc/cfg/Main.xs
Tracing more than one thing

Tracing more than one thing.  It's also possible to enable more than one trace at a time. For example, to trace the configuration process and package loads at the same time, set the XDC_TRACE_ENABLE environment variable as follows

export XDC_TRACE_ENABLE="xdc/cfg/Main.xs;xdc/"
set XDC_TRACE_ENABLE=xdc/cfg/Main.xs;xdc/

The use of quotes (") in the definition of XDC_TRACE_ENABLE is important on Unix systems because ';' is used to separate commands. Similarly, it is important to not use quotes on Windows systems because the quotes will be treated as part of the file name to be traced.

Tracing the XDCspec file re-compilation

Tracing the XDCspec file re-compilation.  If XDC_TRACE_ENABLE is defined to include "xdc/services/spec", messages indicating the re-compilation of spec files it occurring. Suppose, for example, you set XDC_TRACE_ENABLE to the "xdc/services/spec".

export XDC_TRACE_ENABLE="xdc/services/spec"
set XDC_TRACE_ENABLE="xdc/services/spec"

Notes similar to the following will be displayed.

Note: BrowserSession compiling ...; could not find .ccs file
This message indicates that you are using a version of the XDCtools whose IDL processor is not compatible with the IDL processor used to originally build the package whose base directory is named in the message. This message is informative only; the only problem with recompiling the .xdc files is that the tools will take longer to complete.
Enabling trace from within scripts

Enabling trace from within scripts.  In addition to enabling trace on the command line as shown above, it is also possible to enable trace from within a script


For more information about using tracing within scripts see xdc.traceEnable reference documentation. For information about adding tracing to your modules see the XDCscript reference documentation of the $trace function.

Single-step Debugging

The underlying JavaScript engine for XDCscript is Rhino; a Mozilla open source implementation written entirely in Java. This engine is supported by a GUI debugger that allows one to single step debug any script.

This section shows how to enable this debugger for a variety of scripts in the RTSC environment.

xs Scripts

You can run the Rhino GUI debugger directly from the xs command line via the -g option.

   xs -g -f myscript.xs

When the debugger window appears, it will look something like the following figure.


You will notice that you are stopped in a file that is not related to your script. The debugger initially stops in xs.js, a top-level script that parses the xs command-line arguments and calls your script. To single step your script you should:

  1. open the Debug menu and un-select "Break on Function Enter"
  2. single step-over through the xs.js file until your script is about to be loaded
  3. single step-into your script

It's currently not possible to set a breakpoint in a file that has not already been loaded. You must single step until the file of interest is loaded and only at that point can you set breakpoints. Once a file has been loaded you can set a breakpoint as follows.

  1. open the Window menu, locate your script file (you may need to select the "More Windows ..." item), and select it
  2. set a breakpoint in your script by clicking in the left-most column
  3. click the Go button

Build Scripts

You can run the Rhino GUI debugger directly from the xdc command line by adding -g to the XDCOPTIONS settings.

xdc XDCOPTIONS=-g .make

When the debugger window appears, it will look something like the following figure.


You will notice that you are stopped in a file that is not related to your script. The debugger initially stops in bld.js, a top-level script that runs both the config.bld and package.bld scripts. To single step your script you should:

  1. open the Debug menu and un-select "Break on Function Enter"
  2. single step through the bld.js file until your script is about to be loaded
  3. single step-into your script

Alternatively, you can set a breakpoint in the file at the utils.load() function and repeatedly click the Go button watching for your package.bld (or config.bld) script to be loaded.

Config Scripts

NOTE:  to be written

[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 02-Oct-2009 22:10 UTC
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