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XDCscript - Map-Object

An ordered hash table type



var map = someMapObj;
map.length;           // Gets the number of values in this map. 
var someVar = map[i]; // Gets an element of this map whose index i is in the range 0..length-1. 
map[i] = someValue;   // Sets an element of this map whose index i is in the range 0..length-1. 
map[s] = someValue;   // Sets a map element given a string-value key s. 
var someVar = map[s]; // Gets a map element given a string-value key s. 
                      // Returns undefined if the designated element does not exist. 


A map is an aggregate that comprises an expandable ordered set of values of some common base type, indexed by strings as well as non-negative integers. Maps are a constrained hybrid of a JavaScript object and array; each map has a length property and map objects can be indexed either by a numeric index or by a string valued key.

Because of JavaScript's type conversion rules, it is not possible to distinguish between map["2"] and map[2]; strings that represent integral numbers are converted to numbers before accessing a map element's value. So, all string keys used to defined elements in a map must be non-numeric.

Unlike JavaScript arrays, maps range check indexes; attempts to index outside the range of defined values results in an error.

 map = [["zero", 0]];
 print(map["one"]);  // prints undefined
 print(map[1]);      // ERROR: map has just one element
 print(map["1"]);    // ERROR: same as above


Iterating over the elements of a map

Iterating over the elements of a map

/* display elements of map by index */
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    print("map[" + i + "] = " +[i]);
/* display elements of map by name */
for (var i in {
    print("map{" + i + "} = " +[i]);

When iterating of the elements of a map by name, the order is always the same as iterating by index starting from 0.

Deleting a map

Deleting a map = undefined;
Redefining a map

Redefining a map

Mod.MAP = [     /* redefine a map */
    ["one", 1],
    ["two", 2]
Deleting elements from a map

Deleting elements from a map

delete["two"]; /* delete the "two" element in the map */
Adding elements to a map

Adding elements to a map.  The special $putHead() and $putTail() operations will add a name-value pair to the head or tail or a map, respectively.

if (!"zero" in {
    Mod.MAP.$putHead("zero", 0);       /* add new ["zero", 0] to front of map */
if (!"zero" in {
    Mod.MAP.$putTail("zero", 0);       /* add new ["zero', 0] to end of map */

The special $putHead() and $putTail() operations will move existing elements to the head or tail, respectively.

/* reverse the elements of a map */
for (var k in {$putHead(k,[k]);/* move existing element to front of map */
Replacing elements in a map

Replacing elements in a map["two"] = 1; /* redefine the "two" element */[1] = "one"; /* redefine the second element element */
[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 02-Oct-2009 22:10 UTC
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