1    /* --COPYRIGHT--,EPL
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * --/COPYRIGHT--*/
    12    /*
    13     *  ======== Program.xdc ========
    14     */
    15    package xdc.cfg;
    17    /*!
    18     *  ======== Program ========
    19     *  The Program object for the configuration object model.
    20     *
    21     *  This module defines the "root" of the configuration object model; all
    22     *  configuration settings are for the executable represented by this
    23     *  object. Program configuration scripts reference this module via the
    24     *  global variable `Program`; i.e., `Program` implicitly initialized as
    25     *  follows:
    26     *  @p(code)
    27     *      var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.cfg.Program');
    28     *  @p
    29     *
    30     *  After a configuration script completes successfully, the XDC runtime
    31     *  generates the following files:
    32     *  @p(nlist)
    33     *      - package/cfg/<exe_name>.c
    34     *      - package/cfg/<exe_name>.xdl
    35     *  @p
    36     *  where `<exe_name>` is the name of the executable with the final '.'
    37     *  character replaced with an '_'.
    38     *
    39     *  The generated C file contains code and data from each module used by the
    40     *  program and must be compiled and linked with the other sources to
    41     *  produce the final executable.
    42     *
    43     *  The generated linker command file must also be used during this final
    44     *  link step.  This linker command file is produced by expanding a template
    45     *  specified by `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#linkTemplate}`.
    46     *  Each template is responsible for expanding templates specified by each
    47     *  imported package's `getSects` method (see `{@link xdc.IPackage#getSects}`).
    48     *  This allows each package participating in the configuration of an
    49     *  executable to contribute a portion of the executable's linker command file.
    50     */
    52    @Template("./Program.xdt")
    54    metaonly module Program {
    56        /*!
    57         *  ======== GenerationOptions ========
    58         *  Options that control the files generated as part of program
    59         *  configuration.
    60         *
    61         *  @field(debuggerFiles) If set to `true` in a configuration script,
    62         *          debugger project files will be generated as part of the
    63         *          configuration step.  If set to `false`, these files will not 
    64         *          be generated.
    65         *
    66         *          If it is not set (or set to undefined) and the environment
    67         *          variable `environment["xdc.cfg.gen.debuggerFiles"]` is
    68         *          non-`null`, then the default value of this parameter is taken
    69         *          to be the value of the following expression:
    70         *          @p(code)
    71         *              environment["xdc.cfg.gen.debuggerFiles"] == "true"
    72         *          @p
    73         *          This makes it is possible to enable the generation of
    74         *          debugger project files from build scripts by passing
    75         *          the option `-Dxdc.cfg.gen.debuggerFiles=true` to the
    76         *          configuration tool (see
    77         *          `{@link xdc.bld.Executable#Attrs.xsopts}` or
    78         *          `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#Attrs.xsopts}`).
    79         *
    80         *          Finally, if `debuggerFiles` is not set (or set to `undefined`)
    81         *          and the environment variable above is not defined,
    82         *          the generation of debugger project files occurs only if
    83         *          `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#build.profile}` contains
    84         *          the string `"debug"`.  So, unless otherwise specified, debug
    85         *          profiles result in debugger project files being generated.
    86         */
    87        struct GenerationOptions {
    88            Bool debuggerFiles; /*! if `true`, generate debugger "project" files */
    89        };
    91        /*!
    92         *  ======== SectionSpec ========
    93         *  Map that instructs the linker where to place output sections.
    94         *
    95         *  This structure contains some fields that are specific to TI targets.
    96         *  On non-TI targets, such fields are ignored.
    97         *
    98         *  @field(runSegment) Defines the memory segment where the section is
    99         *          to be run.
   100         *  
   101         *  @field(loadSegment) Defines the memory segment where the section is
   102         *          to be loaded. If 'runSegment' or 'loadSegment' is defined,
   103         *          but not both, the linker is instructed to use the defined
   104         *          field as the load and run allocation for the section. 
   105         *
   106         *  @field(runAddress) Defines the memory address where the section is
   107         *          to be run. It is an error if both 'runSegment' and 'runAddress'
   108         *          are specified.
   109         *  
   110         *  @field(loadAddress) Defines the memory address where the section is
   111         *          to be loaded. It is an error if both 'loadSegment' and
   112         *          'loadAddress' are specified. If 'runAddress' or 'loadAddress'
   113         *          is defined, but not both, the linker is instructed to use the
   114         *          defined field as the load and run address for the section.
   115         *
   116         *  @field(runAlign) If runSegment is specified, runAlign determines the
   117         *          alignment. It is an error if both 'runAlign' and 'runAddress'
   118         *          are specified.
   119         *  
   120         *  @field(loadAlign) If runSegment is specified, runAlign determins the
   121         *          alignment. It is an error if both 'loadAlign' and 'loadAddress'
   122         *          are specified.
   123         *
   124         *  @field(type) Defines flags for special section types (COPY, DSECT,
   125         *          NOLOAD).
   126         *
   127         *  @field(fill) Defines the value to initialize an uninitialized
   128         *  section.
   129         */
   130        struct SectionSpec {
   131            String runSegment;  /*! segment where section contents are run */
   132            String loadSegment; /*! segment where section contents are loaded */
   133            UInt runAddress;    /*! start address of section when run */
   134            UInt loadAddress;   /*! start address of section when loaded */
   135            UInt runAlign;      /*! alignment of section within runSegment */
   136            UInt loadAlign;     /*! alignment of section within loadSegment */
   137            String type;        /*! target-specific flags */
   138            UInt fill;          /*! fill value */
   139        };
   141        /*!
   142         *  ======== gen ========
   143         *  Generation options for this executable
   144         *
   145         *  This configuration parameter allows the program configuration script
   146         *  to control (to some extent) what files are generated as part of the
   147         *  configuration process.
   148         */
   149        config GenerationOptions gen;
   151        /*!
   152         *  ======== globalSection ========
   153         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   154         *  @_nodoc
   155         *
   156         *  Section where `{@link #globals}` are placed.
   157         *
   158         *  All globals specified in the application configuration file
   159         *  are placed into this section.
   160         *
   161         *  The default is `null`, which means the `{@link #dataSection}` is used.
   162         */
   163        config String globalSection = null;
   165        /*!
   166         *  ======== sysStack ========
   167         *  The size of the executable's initial system stack
   168         *
   169         *  On platforms that support a separate "system stack", this
   170         *  parameter sets its initial size (in units of chars).
   171         */
   172        config UInt sysStack = 0x1000;
   174        /*!
   175         *  ======== stack ========
   176         *  The size of the executable's initial stack
   177         *
   178         *  On platforms that enable control of the initial stack size (the
   179         *  stack that exists immediately after reset), this parameter specifies
   180         *  its initial size (in units of chars).
   181         */
   182        config UInt stack = 0x1000;
   184        /*!
   185         *  ======== heap ========
   186         *  The size of the executable's initial heap
   187         *
   188         *  On platforms that enable control of the size of the heap managed by
   189         *  the run-time support function malloc(), this parameter specifies
   190         *  its initial size (in units of chars).
   191         */
   192        config UInt heap = 0x1000;
   194        /*!
   195         *  ======== argSize ========
   196         *  The size allocated for command line args to the executable
   197         *
   198         *  On platforms that require static allocation of space to hold
   199         *  command line arguments, this parameter specifies its maximum size
   200         *  (in units of chars).
   201         */
   202        config UInt argSize = 0x200;
   204        /*!
   205         *  ======== execCmd ========
   206         *  The command used to run this executable
   207         *
   208         *  If it is not set by the configuration script, it is set by the
   209         *  program's platform package (during program configuration).
   210         *
   211         *  This command is run as follows:
   212         *  @p(code)
   213         *      execCmd <prog> <args>
   214         *  @p
   215         *  where, `<prog>` is the name of the executable
   216         *
   217         *  @a(Note)
   218         *  This parameter is ignored if the exec command is specified as part
   219         *  of the test; see `{@link xdc.bld.Test#Attrs}`.
   220         *  and `<args>` are the arguments specified in the test (if any).
   221         */
   222        config String execCmd;
   224        /*!
   225         *  ======== linkTemplate ========
   226         *  The template for the Program's linker command file
   227         *
   228         *  A template is used to create the linker command file for each
   229         *  program.  It can be optionally specified by setting this
   230         *  configuration parameter in the program's configuration script.  If
   231         *  `linkTemplate` it is not set or set to `null`, the template is
   232         *  obtained from the platform associated with this program (i.e., the
   233         *  platform named by the `{@link #platform}` config in this module).
   234         *  See `{@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#getLinkTemplate IPlatform.getLinkTemplate}`.
   235         *
   236         *  The `linkTemplate` string names a package path relative path; e.g.,
   237         *  if the linker template you want to specify is
   238         *  `"templates/big_n_hairy.xdt"` in the package `myCompany.myPackage`,
   239         *  `linkTemplate` should be set to:
   240         *  @p(code)
   241         *      "myCompany/myPackage/templates/big_n_hairy.xdt"
   242         *  @p
   243         *  If `linkTemplate` begins with the string `"./"`, the file is NOT
   244         *  searched for along the package path; instead the file name is taken
   245         *  to specify a file relative to the current working directory.
   246         *
   247         *  In any case, if `linkTemplate` is non-`null`, the file must exist; 
   248         *  otherwise, the configuration step will fail.
   249         */
   250        config String linkTemplate = null;
   252        /*!
   253         *  ======== main ========
   254         *  The main entry point for the program
   255         *
   256         *  This parameter is optionally set by the user's program
   257         *  configuration script.  If it is not set, then a "legacy" `main()`
   258         *  function is assumed to be linked into the program; otherwise,
   259         *  the value of `main` is used as the "main" entry point to the
   260         *  program.
   261         */
   262        config Int (*main)(Int, Char*[]);
   264        /*!
   265         *  ======== sectMap ========
   266         *  A section name to SectionSpec mapping
   267         *
   268         *  This is a program specific mapping of output section names to
   269         *  {@link #SectionSpec} objects. The map supports mapping of section
   270         *  names to memory names; see {@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#sectMap}.
   271         *
   272         *  This parameter enables program configurations to place named
   273         *  sections in platform specific memory regions.  During generation of
   274         *  the linker command file, sections are mapped to named memories by
   275         *  first consulting this table; if the table does not contain a mapping,
   276         *  the target classifies each section as either "code", "data" or
   277         *  "stack" {@link xdc.bld.ITarget#sectMap} and the platform defines a
   278         *  memory region for each of these section types
   279         *  ({@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#codeMemory}/
   280         *  {@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#dataMemory}).  If
   281         *  this does not produce a result, an error is generated.
   282         *  It is important to note that `sectMap` does not contain the complete
   283         *  section allocation for the program. It only contains the entries
   284         *  explicitly added to `sectMap`. To get the complete section
   285         *  allocation, a user should call {@link #getSectMap}.
   286         *
   287         *  Suppose for example that the platform defines a memory segment
   288         *  named "DDR2".  The following configuration statement places
   289         *  everything from the ".text" section into the "DDR2" segment.
   290         *
   291         *  @p(code)
   292         *      Program.sectMap[".text"] = new prog.SectionSpec();
   293         *      Program.sectMap[".text"].runSegment = "DDR2";
   294         *  @p
   295         *
   296         *  @a(Note)
   297         *  If BIOS 5 configuration script (Tconf script) is executed, the
   298         *  section allocations configured in the Tconf script take precedence
   299         *  over any settings for the same sections in this parameter.
   300         *
   301         *  @see #SectionSpec
   302         *  @see xdc.platform.IPlatform#sectMap
   303         *  @see xdc.bld.ITarget#sectMap
   304         */
   305        config Any sectMap[string]; /* section name => SectionSpec */
   307        /*!
   308         *  ======== system ========
   309         *  @_nodoc
   310         *  A facade for the {@link xdc.runtime.System#SupportProxy} parameter
   311         *
   312         *  The program configuration script may select an implementation of
   313         *  the `xdc.runtime.ISystemSupport` interface and "bind" it by setting
   314         *  this parameter. If the module assigned to this parameter does not
   315         *  inherit from `xdc.runtime.ISystemSupport`, the configuration will fail.
   316         *
   317         *  If this parameter is not set (or set to `undefined`), then a default
   318         *  implementation is used: `xdc.runtime.SysStd` or, if
   319         *  `Program.build.target.os` is `null`, `xdc.runtime.SysMin`.  Recall that
   320         *  `Program.build.target.os` is specified in the Build Object Model;
   321         *  `Program.build.target` is the target specified when the executable was
   322         *  added to the package.
   323         *
   324         *  If this parameter is set to `null`, then the `System` module is not
   325         *  linked into the application (unless 'Memory' is used); any references
   326         *  to `System`'s methods will result in a linker error.  By setting this
   327         *  parameter to `null`, one is asserting that `System`'s methods will not 
   328         *  be used.
   329         */
   330        config Any system;
   332        /*!
   333         *  ======== name ========
   334         *  The name of the executable file
   335         *
   336         *  This is the full file name (relative to the package's base) of the
   337         *  executable that results from this configuration.
   338         *
   339         *  @a(readonly)
   340         *  This parameter is set by the generated program configuration script
   341         *  and must not be modified.
   342         */
   343        config String name;
   345        /*!
   346         *  ======== buildPackage ========
   347         *  The name of the executable's package
   348         *
   349         *  This is the full package name (relative to the package's repository)
   350         *  of the package that contains the executable being configured.
   351         *
   352         *  @a(readonly)
   353         *  This parameter is set by the generated program configuration script
   354         *  and must not be modified.
   355         */
   356        config String buildPackage;
   358        /*!
   359         *  ======== endian ========
   360         *  The endianess of the executable
   361         *
   362         *  This parameter is an alias for `build.target.model.dataModel` and is
   363         *  set to one of the following values: `"big"`, `"little"`, or `null`.
   364         *
   365         *  @a(readonly)
   366         *  This parameter is set by the generated program configuration script
   367         *  and must not be modified.
   368         */
   369        config String endian = null;
   371        /*!
   372         *  ======== codeModel ========
   373         *  The memory model for code
   374         *
   375         *  This parameter is an alias for `build.target.model.codeModel` and is
   376         *  set to one of the following target-specific values: `"near"`, `"far"`,
   377         *  `"large"`, or `null`.
   378         *
   379         *  @a(readonly)
   380         *  This parameter is set by the generated program configuration script
   381         *  and must not be modified.
   382         */
   383        config String codeModel = null;
   385        /*!
   386         *  ======== dataModel ========
   387         *  The memory model for data
   388         *
   389         *  This parameter is an alias for `build.target.model.dataModel` and is
   390         *  set to one of the following target-specific values: `"near"`, `"far"`,
   391         *  `"large"`, or `null`.
   392         *
   393         *  @a(readonly)
   394         *  This parameter is set by the generated program configuration script
   395         *  and must not be modified.
   396         */
   397        config String dataModel = null;
   399        /*!
   400         *  ======== build ========
   401         *  This program's build attributes
   402         *
   403         *  This parameter allows arbitrary build attributes to be carried
   404         *  forward from the Build Object Model (BOM) into the configuration
   405         *  model for program configuration scripts to read.
   406         *
   407         *  Conceptually, this config parameter should be declared as follows:
   408         *  @p(code)
   409         *      struct BuildAttrs inherits xdc.bld.Executable.Attrs {
   410         *          config xdc.bld.ITarget.Module target;
   411         *      };
   412         *  @p
   413         *  All parameters of the target associated with the executable being
   414         *  configured are available through '`Program.build.target`'. Any config
   415         *  parameter set in the BOM's `{@link xdc.bld.Executable#attrs}` is also
   416         *  available through `{@link #build}`.  For example, the name of the
   417         *  target is `Program.build.target.name` and the name of the
   418         *  executable's configuration script is `Program.build.cfgScript`.
   419         *
   420         *  @a(readonly)
   421         *  This parameter is set by the generated program configuration script
   422         *  and must not be modified.
   423         */
   424        config Any build;   /*  BuildAttrs */
   426        /*!
   427         *  ======== cpu ========
   428         *  The execution context "seen" by the executable.
   429         *
   430         *  Since the execution context is largely determined by the CPU that
   431         *  runs the executable, this configuration parameter allows scripts with
   432         *  access to the program object to conditionally configure based on CPU
   433         *  characteristics (e.g., ISA or revision of a chip).
   434         *
   435         *  @a(readonly)
   436         *  This parameter is set by the platform's implementation of
   437         *  `xdc.IPackage` (i.e., `package.xs`).
   438         */
   439        config xdc.platform.IExeContext.Instance cpu;
   441        /*!
   442         *  ======== platformName ========
   443         *  The name of the executable's platform
   444         *
   445         *  This field is the name of the platform instance used to create the
   446         *  executable; e.g., `"ti.platforms.sim55xx"`, or
   447         *  `"ti.platforms.sim6xxx:TMS320C6416"`.
   448         *
   449         *  Platform instance names have the form:
   450         *  @p(code)
   451         *      <platform_pkg>:<instance_id>
   452         *  @p
   453         *  where `<platform_pkg>` is the name of the platform package 
   454         *  responsible for creating the platform instance and the optional
   455         *  "`:<instance_id>`" is a suffix that uniquely identifies the creation
   456         *  parameters for this instance.
   457         *
   458         *  The creation parameters are the values specified by the map
   459         *  `{@link xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment#platformTable}`;
   460         *  if this map does not contain the platform instance name, the
   461         *  instance is created with default values that are specific to the
   462         *  platform.
   463         *
   464         *  @a(readonly)
   465         *  This parameter is set by the generated program configuration script
   466         *  and must not be modified.
   467         */
   468        config String platformName;
   470        /*!
   471         *  ======== platform ========
   472         *  The executable's platform instance object
   473         *
   474         *  The platform instance that provided an execution context for the
   475         *  executable being configured.
   476         *
   477         *  @a(readonly)
   478         *  This parameter is set by the generated program configuration script
   479         *  and must not be modified.
   480         */
   481        config xdc.platform.IPlatform.Instance platform;
   483        /*!
   484         *  ======== global ========
   485         *  Global variable declarations
   486         *
   487         *  Assignments to this hash table become global symbols that can be
   488         *  used to directly reference objects.  These objects are declared
   489         *  in a generated header that is indirectly included by the header
   490         *  `xdc/cfg/global.h`.
   491         *
   492         *  Configuration scripts define symbols by adding new properties to
   493         *  `global`.
   494         *  @p(code)
   495         *      Program.global.myInstance = Mod.create();
   496         *      Program.global.myString = "hello world";
   497         *  @p
   498         *
   499         *  Programs can reference the symbols defined in `global` by including
   500         *  the C/C++ header `xdc/cfg/global.h` as follows:
   501         *  @p(code)
   502         *      #include <pkg/Mod.h>
   503         *      #include <xdc/cfg/global.h>
   504         *         :
   505         *      Mod_fxn(myInstance, ...);
   506         *      printf("greetings: %s\n", myString);
   507         *  @p
   508         *
   509         *  To compile sources that include `xdc/cfg/global.h`, one symbol must be
   510         *  defined before including this header:
   511         *  @p(dlist)
   512         *      - `xdc_cfg__header__`
   513         *          the package qualified name of the executable-specific C/C++
   514         *          header generated by the program configuration tool; e.g.,
   515         *          `local/examples/package/cfg/mycfg_x62.h`.
   516         *  @p
   517         *  For example, to compile sources that reference the values declared in
   518         *  `{@link #global}` for a TI C6x target with a generated
   519         *  configuration header named `package/cfg/mycfg_x62.h` in a package
   520         *  named `local.examples` the following command line is sufficient:
   521         *  @p(code)
   522         *      cl6x -Dxdc_cfg__header__=local/examples/package/cfg/mycfg_x62.h ...
   523         *  @p
   524         *
   525         *  The `xdc_cfg__header__` symbol is automatically defined when you use
   526         *  the the XDC Build Engine (`{@link xdc.bld}`) to create executables; see
   527         *  `{@link xdc.bld.Executable#addObjects}`
   528         *
   529         *  @see xdc.bld.Executable#addObjects
   530         */
   531        config Any global[string];
   533        /*!
   534         *  ======== symbol ========
   535         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   536         *  @_nodoc
   537         *
   538         *  global symbol specifications
   539         */
   540        config Any symbol[string];
   542        /*!
   543         *  ======== fixedCodeAddr ========
   544         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   545         *  @_nodoc
   546         *
   547         *  fixed location of code for ROM assemblies
   548         */
   549        config UInt fixedCodeAddr = 0;
   551        /*!
   552         *  ======== fixedDataAddr ========
   553         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   554         *  @_nodoc
   555         *
   556         *  fixed location of data for ROM assemblies
   557         */
   558        config UInt fixedDataAddr = 0;
   560        /*!
   561         *  ======== loadFixedDataAddr ========
   562         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   563         *  @_nodoc
   564         *
   565         *  Load location of fixed data accessed from ROM assemblies
   566         *
   567         *  If an application that imports ROM assemblies cannot load data
   568         *  accessed from ROM to a runtime address, this address specifies the
   569         *  load address. The load address is specified when the application is
   570         *  configured. The runtime address for the data is specified at the
   571         *  time a ROM assembly is built, using `fixedDataAddr`.
   572         */
   573        config UInt loadFixedDataAddr;
   575        /*!
   576         *  ======== loadRom ========
   577         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   578         *  @_nodoc
   579         *
   580         *  Control generation of 'type = DSECT' for ROM assemblies.
   581         *
   582         *  When there is no actual ROM on the target, for debugging purposes,
   583         *  we may need to load ROM sections to the target. If this parameter is
   584         *  set to `true`, the linker command file will allocate ROM sections in
   585         *  the same way as other sections.  
   586         */
   587        config Bool loadRom = false;
   589        /*!
   590         *  ======== exportModule ========
   591         *  Force all the symbols of a module to be part of a configuration
   592         *
   593         *  Although a call xdc.useModule() will force some of a module's methods
   594         *  to be part of a configuration, the linker is still free to omit any
   595         *  symbols that are not referenced.  Use of exportModule will force all
   596         *  methods of the specified module to be available.
   597         */
   598        Void exportModule(String modName);
   600        /*!
   601         *  ======== freezeRomConfig ========
   602         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   603         *  @_nodoc
   604         */
   605        Void freezeRomConfig(String modName, String cfgName);
   607        /*!
   608         *  ======== freezeRomParams ========
   609         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   610         *  @_nodoc
   611         */
   612        Void freezeRomParams( String modName );
   614        /*!
   615         *  ======== frozenRomConfig ========
   616         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   617         *  @_nodoc
   618         */
   619        Bool frozenRomConfig( String modName, String cfgName );
   621        /*!
   622         *  ======== getSectMap ========
   623         *  Return the complete mapping of section names to `{@link #SectionSpec}`
   624         *  entries
   625         *
   626         *  The returned map is assembled from `{@link xdc.bld.ITarget#sectMap}`,
   627         *  `{@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#sectMap}`,
   628         *  `{@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#codeMemory}`,
   629         *  `{@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#dataMemory}`,
   630         *  `{@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#stackMemory}` and `{@link #sectMap}`.
   631         *  The function can be called at any time during configuration, but if
   632         *  it is called before all packages had a chance to change `sectMap`,
   633         *  the returned map may not correspond to the actual section
   634         *  allocation as configured in the linker command file.
   635         *
   636         *  @a(returns)
   637         *  `getSectMap` returns a map with section names as keys and
   638         *  `{@link #SectionSpec}` entries as values.
   639         *
   640         *  @a(Note)
   641         *  If BIOS 5 configuration script (Tconf script) is executed, the
   642         *  section allocations configured in the Tconf script are also being
   643         *  returned.
   644         */
   645        function getSectMap();
   647        /*!
   648         *  ======== importAssembly ========
   649         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   650         *  @_nodoc
   651         */
   652        Void importAssembly(String asmName);
   654        /*!
   655         *  ======== importRomAssembly ========
   656         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   657         *  @_nodoc
   658         */
   659        Void importRomAssembly(String romAsmName);
   661        /*!
   662         *  ======== patchRomFxn ========
   663         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   664         *  @_nodoc
   665         */
   666        Void patchRomFxn(String modName, String fxnName, String patchSym);
   668        /*!
   669         *  ======== targetModules ========
   670         *  UNDER CONSTRUCTION
   671         *  @_nodoc
   672         *
   673         *  This function returns a list of target modules. The list is completed
   674         *  only after all packages are closed, and runtime.finalized() is closed,
   675         *  so the only time when this function can be safely called is from
   676         *  within module$static$init and instance$static$init functions, package
   677         *  validate() functions, and templates.
   678         */
   679        function targetModules();
   681    }
   682    /*
   683     *  @(#) xdc.cfg; 1, 0, 2, 0,236; 12-18-2009 12:26:30; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-u16x/src/packages/
   684     */