Each package release corresponds to an archive of a subset of the
developent package's contents. The contents of each release are
specified by an instance of the
Release module. Each instance
of the
Release module can optionally specify a "release script" that
can modify each file prior to it being added to the archive. This script
runs in the context of the "release file post-processing" model.
This module is the root of the "release file post-processing" model.
Each file in a release may be optionally post-processed by a filter
specified in
filterMap. Other fields of this module provide
a release-specific "context" for the operation of the filters. For
example, a filter may use
buildCount to prefix all C sources with comments that
identify where they originated.
All the fields of this module (except
filterMap) are initialized
before a "release script" is run. After the release script completes,
the release archive is created according to the filters specifed in
filterMap. Files that have no filter are copied without
modification into the release.
struct Manifest.Filter |
A file filter descriptor
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
var obj = new Manifest.Filter;
obj.operation = Any ...
// the JavaScript function to run
obj.args = Any[] ...
// additional arguments for operation
obj.newFileName = String ...
// the new file name
obj.newFileMode = String ...
// either "r" or "rw"
a JavaScript function that filters the specified
input file and puts the results in specified output file; it is
the output file that is archived as part of the release (not the
input file).
The operation is called as follows:
operation(filter, src, dst, base)
- filter
the filter object associated with the file being
processed (which specified operation as the function
to call)
- src
input file name (relative to the current working
- dst
output file name (relative to the current working
- base
string name of the file as it appears in the array
Manifest.files; unlike dst, it does not contain a
temporary directory name prefix.
array of arbitrary arguments passed to operation
(as a field of the filter object passed as the first argument to
the new name of the output file relative to the
top of the archive. Normally this name should include the
package's name but, in situations where a release must support a
non-RTSC conformant physical design, newFileName can be anything.
the access permissions of the output file.
Normally the file will have the access permissions that exist at
the time archive is created. However, there may be times when
the developer wants/needs to make a file readonly that is (for
development purposes) writable. Only two modes are supported "r"
(readonly) and "rw" (readable and writable).
config Manifest.buildCount // module-wide |
A unique build count for the released package
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
Manifest.buildCount = String undefined;
This string contains is a decimal number that increments at least
once every time the package is released. This string together with
the compatibility key forms a unique version number for the package.
This value is initialized before the release script or
any of its filters are run and should not be modified.
config Manifest.compatibilityKey // module-wide |
The released package's compatibility key
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
Manifest.compatibilityKey = String undefined;
This string contains the value declared in the package's package.xdc
specification file.
This value is initialized before the release script or
any of its filters are run and should not be modified.
config Manifest.files // module-wide |
An array of all files in the release
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
Manifest.files = String[] undefined;
The file names in this array include the package's name; i.e.,
these names are relative to the package's repository rather than
the package's build directory.
This value is initialized before the release script or any of its
filters are run. It contains the files specified directly or
indirectly by the package's build script.
It is possible to remove files from a release by removing it from
this array; only files in this array will appear in the release.
It is also possible to add files to a release by adding files to
this array. In fact, files added to the release can be generated
by the filter operation specified for the file in
filterMap. However, since these files are only present
in releases of a package (they are not built as part of the normal
build of all files and only appear in installed release of a package),
other packages should not refer to these files.
config Manifest.filterMap // module-wide |
A map of filters for each file in the release
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
This map is indexed by the name of the file (as it appears in the
files array) in the release and defines for each file a
filter that is applied to the file before it is archived in a
The following script fragment illustrates how one can
filter all *.c files in a release through a custom JavaScript
function named copyright.
function copyright(args, ...) { ...}
for (var i = 0; i < Manifest.files.length; i++) {
var fileName = Manifest.files[i];
if (fileName.match(/\.c$/) != null) {
Manifest.filterMap[fileName] = {operation: copyright};
config Manifest.packageName // module-wide |
The released package's name
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
Manifest.packageName = String undefined;
This string contains the value declared in the package's package.xdc
specification file.
This value is initialized before the release script or
any of its filters are run and should not be modified.
config Manifest.releaseName // module-wide |
The release's name
XDCscript usage |
meta-domain |
Manifest.releaseName = String undefined;
This string contains the value declared in the package's package.bld
build script; it is the name of the output archive without the
".tar" extension.
This value is initialized before the release script or
any of its filters are run and should not be modified.