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ROV Module Writers Guide

Customizing content presentation in the Run-time Object Viewer

For a given RTSC module, ROV will automatically display the module's raw state in ROV--the module state structure and all of the instance state structures, as well as the module's configuration information. This doesn't require any action on the part of the module writer. Module writers have the opportunity, however, to process this raw data and display richer and more meaningful data to the client.

With XDCtools, module writers have the ability to easily contribute to ROV and to the ROV GUI displayed in Code Composer Studio. This guide details how to make a module work with ROV to provide data to display.


What you'll need to know

You should already be familiar and comfortable with creating RTSC modules.

You should also be comfortable with the ROV GUI in CCS 4. The ROV Users Guide is not required reading if you feel comfortable with the GUI itself.

How to use this guide

This guide is divided into a number of sub-topics which should generally be read in order.

To begin, the Fundamentals article lays down all of basic concepts of how ROV views are created. This will prepare you to write a very basic ROV view. The Getting Started article will then walk you through the creation and testing of your first view using these basic concepts. Creating a simple ROV view should solidify your understanding of how ROV works and give you the confidence to work towards a more full-featured view.

The Processing Data article goes into further detail about the functionality ROV provides for retrieving arbitrary data from the target, such as retrieving arrays of data or structures at given addresses. ROV provides many features for retrieving and processing data, and this article will explain the approach and guidelines for using these features.

At this point, you can begin planning out the views you want to provide with your module. The View Types article discusses each of the four view types and serves as a reference for using each of them. Each view type works with either module state or instance state, and each view has a different representation in the ROV GUI in CCS 4. Look over this article to determine which view types you will want for your module, and then return to it later as a reference.

You're now ready to begin writing the views for your module. Use the approach you followed in Getting Started, and follow the simple conventions in Conventions and Keywords.

You should begin by getting the most basic features of your views working. Some of the fields in your view will undoubtedly require some advanced ROV functionality to process and display, however, such as a pointer to a structure or an array. For each specific ROV use case, refer to the Module Writer FAQ where you'll find all of the ROV features discussed in question and answer form with code snippets. All of these advanced ROV operations are also formally documented in the CDOC for the xdc.rov.Program module, which can be used as a reference after first referring to the Module Writer FAQ.

The following list summarizes these steps.


  1. Read Fundamentals, then follow Getting Started to create a basic ROV view.
  2. Read Processing Data to learn how to make a more advanced view.
  3. Start planning out the views for your module. Read View Types to decide what view types to use.
  4. Begin writing your views, following the methodology in Getting Started, and follow the simple conventions in Conventions and Keywords.
  5. As you encounter specific ROV use cases, look them up in the Module Writer FAQ and follow the code snippets there. You can also look at the xdc.rov.Program CDOC as a more formal reference.


Fundamentals The basics of creating an ROV view
Getting Started Steps for writing your first ROV view
Processing Data Retrieving and processing target data
View Types Different ways to display data in the ROV GUI
Conventions and Keywords Discussion of conventions for naming views, functions, etc.
Module Writer FAQ Discussion of specific ROV tasks and use cases
Full Examples Complete examples to test or use as templates

See also

RTSC+CCStudio v4 QuickStart Using CCStudio v4 to create, build, and debug RTSC projects
Runtime Object Viewer Using ROV for Eclipse-Based Debugging

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