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XDCscript - Module-Object.$instances

An array of instance objects managed by this module




where «Mod» is a module object.


The $instances property of a module object is an array of all Instance objects that have been created (via «Mod».create()) during configuration. This array does not contain any embedded instances. To get the list of all instance that are embedded in other objects, you can use «Mod».$objects.


var LoggerBuf = xdc.module("xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf");
for (var i = o; i < LoggerBuf.$instances.length; i++) {

See also

XDCscript - Module-Object.create Create a new Instance object managed by this unit
XDCscript - Module-Object.$objects An array of embedded instance objects managed by this module
[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 11-Jun-2009 18:06 UTC
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