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Command -

Repository management tool



xs [options ...]

For a complete description of this tool's options, see its Cdoc reference page


The repoman tool creates and manages package repositories. It displays information about archived packages, extracts archived packages, extracts repositories from bundles and deletes packages from repositories. Both textual and graphical versions of this tool are provided. The textual tool is and the graphical tool is

The repoman tool, especially its current command-line option set, is preliminary and subject to change in a future release. See the online documentation for the and packages to get the most recent information about this tool.

For the command-line tool, the main options are:

Display package info for an archive directory or tar file.
Display package names only.
Extract packages from an archive directory or tar file.
Delete packages from a repository.
Copy packages to a repository.
Save repository information to a file.
Restore one or more repositories from information in a file.
Create one or more repositories from information in a file.

Several of these options require the specification of a packagename or packagearchive.

A package name to use. May contain wildcards. For example, ti.platforms.sim6xxx or ti.catalog.c??00 or ti.platforms.*.
A version/key can also be attached to a package name as follows: ti.platforms.c6000[1,0,0,0,313835]. A prefix of the full version/key may also be used as follows: ti.platforms.c6000[1,0]. If a package name has multiple matches either with or without a version/key specified, the most recent is selected.
The name of a package archive to use. May contain wildcards. For example, or ./depot/*.zip.

There are a number of other options that can be used in conjunction with these options, but one of these options is required on the command line to tell repoman what action it is supposed to take. This document describes the main functions first and gives the syntax for each. Later, it lists the various extra options you can use in combination with the main options.

The -t and -n options display information. The -t option displays the file, release name, label, version, category, buildable, required packages, references, and description. The -n option displays only the name. The syntax for these informational functions is:

xs -t [-v] [-p path ] [ packagename... | packagearchive... ]
xs -n [-v] [-p path ] [ packagename... | packagearchive... ]

The -x option can extract packages from an archived directory or tar file to a destination repository. If any of the packages in the specified package list are not compatible, the operation is not performed. The syntax is:

xs -x [-v] [-D] [-R] [-f] [-r destrepo ]
                     [-p path ][-b [ bundlerepository... ]]
                     [ packagename... | packagearchive... ]

The following example extracts the package ti.platforms.sim6xxx from an archive in /db/trees/app-a01 to c:/xdc/packages:

xs -x -r c:/xdc/packages -p /db/trees/app-a01 ti.platforms.sim6xxx

The following example extracts the examples repository from c:/xdc-Win32.tar.gz to c:/myexamples:

xs -x -r c:/myexamples -b examples c:/xdc-Win32.tar.gz

The -d option deletes a package from a repository. If the package has any subdirectories that contain packages, they will be left intact. After the package is deleted, if the package has no subdirectories with packages, empty directories that are part of the fully qualified package are deleted, too.

The syntax is:

 xs -d [-v] [-r destrepo ] packagename...

The following example deletes the package ti.platforms.sim6xxx from c:/xdc/packages:

xs -d -r c:/xdc/packages ti.platforms.sim6xxx

The -c option copies packages to a destination repository. The syntax is:

xs -c [-v] [-r destrepo] [-p path]

The following example copies the package ti.catalog.c6000 from c:\srcdir\packages to c:\destdir\packages:

xs -c -r c:\destdir\packages -p c:\srcdir\packages ti.catalog.c6000

The -o option saves repository information to the "outfile" file to be used in a subsequent restore or create operation. The syntax is:

xs -o outfile [-p searchpath] repository ...

The following example saves package information for repository c:/myrepo to the c:/myrepo.rmn file. It also saves the c:/pkgarchives;c:/testpkgs search path:

xs -o c:/myrepo.rmn -p "c:/pkgarchives;c:/testpkgs" c:/myrepo

The --rrestore option restores one or more repositories from information in the "infile" file. The syntax is:

xs --rrestore -i infile [-p searchpath] [infile_repo_indicies]

The following example restores all the packages in c:/myrepo from information that was saved to the file c:/myrepo.rmn. It uses the search path c:/pkgarchives;c:/testpkgs to find and copy the packages. The example creates c:/myrepo if it doesn't exist.

xs -rrestore -i c:/myrepo.rmn -p "c:/pkgarchives;c:/testpkgs"

The --rcreate option creates one or more repositories from information in the "infile" file. The syntax is:

xs --rcreate -i infile [-p searchpath]
                     [infile_repo_indicies] dest_repo0 ...

The following example creates the new repository c:/mynewrepo from information that was saved to the file c:/myrepo.rmn for the repository c:/myrepo. It uses the search path c:/pkgarchives;c:/testpkgs to find and copy the packages. When created, c:/mynewrepo will be identical to c:/myrepo when its package information was saved with the -o option.

xs -rcreate -i c:/myrepo.rmn -p "c:/pkgarchives;c:/testpkgs" c:/mynewrepo

Additional command-line options

The other options that can be used on the repoman command line with the main options described in the previous section are as follows:

The repositories to be extracted when -x is used to extract repositories from a bundle. In this case, the last argument specifies the bundle file to extract from. If omitted, use "packages". Use with: -x.
Also extracts dependent packages. Use with: -x.
Force all packages to be extracted, regardless of incompatibilities. Use with: -x.
-p path
Search the specified directory. If the -p option is omitted, the current directory is searched. Use with: -t, -n, -x, -c.
-r destrepo
Use specified destination repository. If omitted, use the repository for the current package. If there is no current package, use the current working directory. Use with: -x, -d, -c.
Also recursively extracts dependent packages. Use with: -x.
Print informative messages during execution. Use with: all.

See also

Command - Interactive repository management tool Client documentation for

Personal tools
package reference