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—— LANDSCAPE orientation
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References to external resources


Books and Papers

Cheesman, J. Danials, J.; UML Components, Addison-Wesley, 2001

Flanagan, D.; JavaScript, The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition, O'Reilly 2002.

Szyperski,C.; Component Software, Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, 1998.

Vaughn,G.V., Elliston,B., Tromey, T., Taylor, I.L.; GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool, New Riders, 2001.

Web Links

Microsoft .NET naming conventions:

GNU Make - online manual and tips from Paul Smith, the maintainer of GNU make.

Parr, Terence; Humans should not have to grok XML, IBM Developer Works, 01 Aug 2001

Real-Time Software Components - support newsgroup and documentation

Texas Instruments, Download page for XDCtools

Vaughn,G.V., Elliston,B., Tromey, T., Taylor, I.L.; Home page for The Goat Book ("GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool")

Domain-specific Frameworks and Standards

AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR),

Motor Industry Software Reliability Association,

Embedded Component Models

Koala - The Koala Component Model for Consumer Electronics Software

TinyOS - Components and Interfaces, the nesC compiler and nesC reference manual

eCos - from its description:

One of the key technological innovations in eCos is the configuration system. The configuration system allows the application writer to impose their requirements on the run-time components, both in terms of their functionality and implementation, [...] this enables eCos developers to create their own application-specific operating system and makes eCos suitable for a wide range of embedded uses. Configuration also ensures that the resource footprint of eCos is minimized as all unnecessary functionality and features are removed. The configuration system also presents eCos as a component architecture. This provides a standardized mechanism for component suppliers to extend the functionality of eCos and allows applications to be built from a wide set of optional configurable run-time components.

Pin - Pin Component Technology (V1.0) and Its C Interface; Scott Hissam, James Ivers, Daniel Plakosh, Kurt C. Wallnau; Technical Note CMU/SEI-2005-TN-001

PECOS - Components for embedded software: the PECOS approach

JavaScript and Java References

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