1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    /*
    13     *  ======== IPlatform.xdc ========
    14     *
    15     */
    17    package xdc.platform;
    19    /*!
    20     *  ======== IPlatform ========
    21     *  Configuration-time interface to all platforms.
    22     *
    23     *  This interface defines the elements that must be implemented by all
    24     *  "platform packages".  All programs are built to execute on a platform
    25     *  and each program includes exactly one platform package (which defines
    26     *  the platform).
    27     *
    28     *  Platform packages contain exactly one module named "Platform" which
    29     *  implements the `xdc.platform.IPlatform` interface defined here.
    30     *
    31     *  Program configuration scripts may read (but not modify) the attributes
    32     *  provided by this interface from the global `Program` object; see
    33     *  `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#platform}`.
    34     */
    35    metaonly interface IPlatform
    36    {
    37        /*!
    38         *  ======== Board ========
    39         *  Board-level description.
    40         */
    41        struct Board {
    42            string   id;            /*! unique id within the platform */
    43            string   boardName;     /*! name of the board */
    44            string   boardFamily;   /*! optional family name */
    45            string   boardRevision; /*! optional revision string */
    46        };
    48        /*!
    49         *  ======== Memory ========
    50         *  A named contiguous range of addresses.
    51         *
    52         *  Memory structures are used in the description of the memory available
    53         *  from CPUs and platforms.
    54         */
    55        struct Memory {
    56            string      comment;    /*! description of this block */
    57            string      name;       /*! name of memory segment */
    58            string      space;      /*! "code", "data", "code/data", etc... */
    59            unsigned    page;       /*! page of memory segment */
    60            unsigned    base;       /*! base address of memory segment */
    61            unsigned    len;        /*! length of memory segment */
    62            string      access;     /*! attributes of memory: "RWX" must be u.c.*/
    63        };
    65        /*! Type to be used for maps of Memory objects */
    66        typedef Memory MemoryMap[string];
    68    instance:
    69        /*!
    70         *  ======== create ========
    71         *  Constructor for IPlatform instances.
    72         *
    73         *  @param(name)    the name of the platform instance being created
    74         *
    75         *                  This name is the suffix of the platform
    76         *                  specification supplied in the build script after
    77         *                  the platform name (and optional ':') prefix has
    78         *                  been removed.  So the platform instance name
    79         *                  "joes.platform.foo:bar" results in the name "bar"
    80         *                  and the name "joes.platform.foo" result in the name
    81         *                  "".
    82         *
    83         *  @param(args)    deprecated parameter that should not be used in
    84         *                  a platform instance implementation
    85         *
    86         */
    87        create(string name, any args);
    89        /*
    90         *  ======== memTab ========
    91         *  A mapping of memory names to external memory objects.
    92         *
    93         *  This hash table is used to map linker memory region names ("EPROG",
    94         *  "EDATA", etc.) to `{@link xdc.platform.IPlatform#Memory}` objects.
    95         *  During generation of linker command files, for example, this table
    96         *  may be used to genenerate physical memory map declarations.
    97         *
    98         *  Platforms with a fixed memory map can initialize this table
    99         *  "statically" in Platform.xdc using the following syntax:
   100         *  @p(code)
   101         *      override config xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory memTab[string] = [
   102         *          ["PMEM", {name: "PMEM", base: 0x00000200, len: 0x0000FE00}],
   103         *              :
   104         *      ];
   105         *  @p
   106         *  Alternatively, platforms can initialize this table dynamically in
   107         *  the platform package's `init()` function (see `{@link xdc.IPackage}`)
   108         *  using the following syntax:
   109         *  @p(code)
   110         *    function init()
   111         *    {
   112         *              :
   113         *        this.memTab["PMEM"] = {name: "PMEM", base: 0x200, len: 0xFE00};
   114         *              :
   115         *    }
   116         *  @p
   117         *  @a(readonly)   this parameter is set by the platform and read by
   118         *              program configuration scripts.
   119         */
   120    //    config Memory memTab[string];     /* memory name => memory object */
   122        /*!
   123         *  ======== externalMemoryMap ========
   124         *  A mapping of memory names to memory objects for external memory.
   125         *
   126         *  This parameter defines the external portion of the platform's memory
   127         *  map.
   128         */
   129        readonly config xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory externalMemoryMap[string];
   131        /*!
   132         *  ======== customMemoryMap ========
   133         *  A custom mapping of memory names to memory objects.
   134         *
   135         *  This parameter allows platform instances to completely overwrite a 
   136         *  default memory map based on the internal memory map coming from CPU's
   137         *  memory map and externalMemoryMap.
   138         *
   139         *  Custom memory map must fit within the default memory map.
   140         */
   141        config xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory customMemoryMap[string];
   143        /*!
   144         *  ======== renameMap ========
   145         *  A map for renaming memory objects.
   146         *
   147         *  This map renames memory objects. If you do not want to change
   148         *  addresses in the default memory map, but you only want to rename the
   149         *  existing memory objects, you should use this parameter.
   150         *
   151         *  This map and 'customMemoryMap' should not be used together because this
   152         *  map renames the default memory, but then 'customMemoryMap' replaces the
   153         *  default memory objects. The parameters 'codeMemory', 'dataMemory' and
   154         *  'stackMemory' are not automatically reassigned to new names. It is the
   155         *  user's responsibility to set those parameters accordingly to 
   156         *  'renameMap'.
   157         */
   158        config string renameMap[string];
   160        /*!
   161         *  ======== dataMemory ========
   162         *  The default segment for data sections.
   163         *
   164         *  Each target has a section map with keys equal to the names of all
   165         *  sections that compiler and assembler for that target generate. The
   166         *  value for each key is either "code" or "data" or "stack". A linker
   167         *  template reads that map and puts all "data" sections in the segment
   168         *  defined by this configuration parameter.
   169         *
   170         *  @see #codeMemory
   171         *  @see #stackMemory
   172         */
   173        config string dataMemory;
   175        /*!
   176         *  ======== codeMemory ========
   177         *  The default segment for code sections.
   178         *
   179         *  Each target has a section map with keys equal to the names of all
   180         *  sections that compiler and assembler for that target generate. The
   181         *  value for each key is either "code" or "data" or "stack". A linker
   182         *  template reads that map and puts all "code" sections in the segment
   183         *  defined by this configuration parameter.
   184         *
   185         *  @see #dataMemory
   186         *  @see #stackMemory
   187         */
   188        config string codeMemory;
   190        /*!
   191         *  ======== stackMemory ========
   192         *  The default segment for stack.
   193         *
   194         *  Each target has a section map with keys equal to the names of all
   195         *  sections that compiler and assembler for that target generate. The
   196         *  value for each key is either "code" or "data" or "stack". A linker
   197         *  template reads that map and puts all "stack" sections in the segment
   198         *  defined by this configuration parameter.
   199         *
   200         *  @see #dataMemory
   201         *  @see #codeMemory
   202         */
   203        config string stackMemory;
   205        /*!
   206         *  ======== sectMap ========
   207         *  A mapping of linker output section names to memory segments.
   208         *
   209         *  This hash table is used to map a particular COFF output section
   210         *  (".text", ".stack", etc.) to a memory segment defined by this
   211         *  platform's memory map.
   212         *
   213         *  This sectMap is referenced by linker command file templates during
   214         *  generation to create linker command files. The default allocation of
   215         *  sections is defined by matching ITarget.sectMap, and codeMemory and
   216         *  dataMemory parameters from a platform. Additionally, if
   217         *  Platform.sectMap is defined, it can override that default allocation
   218         *  for sections listed in Platform.sectMap. Finally, if a section has an
   219         *  entry in Program.sectMap, that entry overrides all other allocations.
   220         */
   221        config string sectMap[string]; /* section name => memory segment */
   223        /*!
   224         *  ======== getCpuDataSheet ========
   225         *  Get the Cpu data sheet object corresponding to specified cpu id.
   226         *
   227         *  This function executes in either the Configuration object model
   228         *  or the Build object model.
   229         *
   230         *  @param(cpuId)   a string that corresponds to the platform-specific id
   231         *                  of a CPU on this platform that runs executables.
   232         *
   233         *  @a(returns)     Returns an `{@link xdc.platform.ICpuDataSheet}`
   234         *                  instance object that corresponds to the specified
   235         *                  cpuId.
   236         *
   237         *  @a(throws)      `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   238         */
   239        function getCpuDataSheet(cpuId);
   240    //    xdc.platform.ICpuDataSheet.Instance getCpuDataSheet(string cpuId);
   242        /*!
   243         *  ======== getCreateArgs ========
   244         *  DEPRECATED
   245         *  @_nodoc
   246         *
   247         *  Get the value of the args parameter used to create this instance
   248         *
   249         *  This function executes in either the Configuration object model
   250         *  or the Build object model.
   251         *
   252         *  @a(returns)     Returns the "args" object that passed to this
   253         *                  module's create method when the instance was created.
   254         *
   255         *  @a(throws)      `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   256         */
   257        function getCreateArgs();
   258    // any getCreateArgs();
   260        /*!
   261         *  ======== getExeContext ========
   262         *  Get execution context object corresponding to the specified program.
   263         *
   264         *  This is called before the program's configuration script runs to 
   265         *  get the Cpu object that is assigned to the program's cpu field.
   266         *
   267         *  Note: that the build script for the program is responsible for
   268         *  specifying the CPU; this is done by either implicitly naming the
   269         *  platform or explicitly naming a particular CPU on the platform
   270         *  (see `{@link xdc.bld.Executable#Attrs.cpuId}`).
   271         *
   272         *  This function executes in the Configuration object model.
   273         *
   274         *  @param(prog)    the `{@link xdc.cfg.Program}` object representing the
   275         *                  program being configured.
   276         *
   277         *                  This object contains the following properties that
   278         *                  allows the platform to determine the appropriate Cpu
   279         *                  object to return (if there is more than one):
   280         *                      `prog.build.cpuId`,
   281         *                      `prog.build.cpuArgs`, 
   282         *                      `prog.build.target`,
   283         *
   284         *  @a(returns)     Returns an `{@link xdc.platform.IExeContext}` instance
   285         *                  object that corresponds to the CPU that will run the
   286         *                  specified program.
   287         *
   288         *  @a(throws)      `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   289         */
   290        function getExeContext(prog);
   291    //    xdc.platform.IExeContext.Instance getExeContext(xdc.cfg.Program.Module prog);
   293        /*!
   294         *  ======== getExecCmd ========
   295         *  Get the exec command used to run the program on this platform.  
   296         *
   297         *  This function is called after the program's configuration script runs
   298         *  and returns commands that are used to load and run the specified
   299         *  program.  These commands are placed in a makefile that is included
   300         *  by the client package's generated makefile.  Thus, the commands may
   301         *  refer to macros defined in this environment; e.g., `$(SHELL)` and
   302         *  `$(XDCROOT)`, etc.
   303         *
   304         *  The special macro `$(1)` expands to test-specific arguments
   305         *  (`{@link xdc.bld.Test#attrs.execArgs}`) that are passed from the test
   306         *  to the platform's exec command.  Thus, all platforms that support
   307         *  arguments to their exec command, should embed "`$(1)`" within the
   308         *  command string at the appropriate place to have these arguments
   309         *  interpreted the exec command.
   310         *
   311         *  For example, a platform that uses a shell script to run executables
   312         *  and allows options to be passed to the shell script might return
   313         *  the following string:
   314         *  @p(code)
   315         *      "$(SHELL) <exec_path> $(1) <exe_name>"
   316         *  @p
   317         *  where, `<exec_path>` is the absolute path to the platform's exec
   318         *  shell script, and `<prog_name>` is the name of the executable relative
   319         *  to the package's base directory (i.e., `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#name}`).
   320         *
   321         *  This function executes in the Configuration object model.
   322         *
   323         *  @param(prog)    the `{@link xdc.cfg.Program}` object representing the
   324         *                  program being configured.
   325         *
   326         *                  This object contains the following properties that
   327         *                  allows the platform to determine the appropriate Cpu
   328         *                  object to return (if there is more than one):
   329         *                      `prog.build.cpuId`,
   330         *                      `prog.build.cpuArgs`,
   331         *                      `prog.build.target`
   332         *
   333         *  @param(platPath) full path to the platform package for the program
   334         *
   335         *  @a(returns)     Returns a string of commands used to execute this
   336         *                  program in the context of the XDC generated makefiles.
   337         *                  
   338         *  @a(throws)      `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   339         */
   340        function getExecCmd(prog, platPath);
   341    //    string  getExecCmd(xdc.cfg.Program.Module prog, string platPath);
   343        /*!
   344         *  ======== getLinkTemplate ========
   345         *  Get Linker Command file template used to link an executable.
   346         *
   347         *  In the event that no template is provided by the program
   348         *  configuration script (see `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#linkTemplate}`), 
   349         *  the template file identified by this method is used to generate the
   350         *  linker command file used to create the executable.
   351         *
   352         *  This function executes in the Configuration object model and
   353         *  is called after the program configuration script runs.  The template
   354         *  is expanded in the context of the Configuration Object Model.  
   355         *
   356         *  @param(prog)    the `{@link xdc.cfg.Program}` object representing the
   357         *                  program being configured.
   358         *
   359         *                  This object contains the following properties that
   360         *                  allows the platform to determine the appropriate link
   361         *                  template to return:
   362         *                  @p(blist)
   363         *                      - `prog.build.cpuId`,
   364         *                      - `prog.build.cpuArgs`,
   365         *                      - `prog.build.target`
   366         *                  @p
   367         *  @a(returns)     Returns a path string to a template file or `null`.  If
   368         *                  `null`, no linker command file is generated; otherwise
   369         *                  this path is relative to the package path.
   370         *                  
   371         *  @a(throws)      `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   372         */
   373        function getLinkTemplate(prog);
   374    //    string getLinkTemplate(prog);
   375    }
   376    /*
   377     *  @(#) xdc.platform; 1, 0, 1, 0,207; 6-9-2009 20:09:02; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc-t50x/src/packages/
   378     */