1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    /*
    13     *  ======== ITarget.xdc ========
    14     *
    15     */
    16    package xdc.bld;
    18    /*!
    19     *  ======== ITarget ========
    20     *  The interface between code generation tool-chains and the XDC Build
    21     *  Engine.
    22     *
    23     *  This interface defines an abstract interface that must be supported by
    24     *  a compiler tool-chain in order to be used in an XDC build environment.
    25     *  This interface allows the XDC Build engine to treat all compiler tool
    26     *  chains uniformly; thus, it is possible to add support for a new compiler
    27     *  without making *any* changes to the build engine.
    28     */
    29    metaonly interface ITarget {
    31        /*!
    32         *  ======== Model ========
    33         *  Target runtime model.
    34         *
    35         *  @field(`endian`)    this string specifies the endianess of the
    36         *                      generated code.  Valid values include:
    37         *                      @p(dlist)
    38         *                          - `"big"`
    39         *                              big endian
    40         *                          - `"little"`
    41         *                              little endian
    42         *                          - `null`
    43         *                              unspecified
    44         *                      @p
    45         *
    46         *  @field(`codeModel`) this string specifies a target-specific code size
    47         *                      model.  Valid values include:
    48         *                      @p(dlist)
    49         *                          - `"near"`
    50         *                              C54 near mode
    51         *                          - `"far"`
    52         *                              C54 far mode
    53         *                          - `undefined`
    54         *                              unspecified
    55         *                      @p
    56         *
    57         *  @field(`dataModel`) this string specifies a target-specific data size
    58         *                      model.  Valid values include:
    59         *                      @p(dlist)
    60         *                          - `"large"`
    61         *                              C55, C28 large model
    62         *                          - `undefined`
    63         *                              unspecified
    64         *                      @p
    65         * @see #model
    66         */
    67        struct Model {
    68            String endian;      /*! endian-ness of this target */
    69            String codeModel;   /*! target-specific code model */
    70            String dataModel;   /*! target-specific data model */
    71        }
    73        /*!
    74         *  ======== name ========
    75         *  Nickname for this target.
    76         *
    77         *  This name is typically the name of the module without the package
    78         *  name prefix.  Thus, it is not necessarily globally unique.
    79         *
    80         *  Use the `$name` property of the module to get a globally unique name
    81         *  for the target.
    82         */
    83        readonly config String name;
    85        /*!
    86         *  ======== suffix ========
    87         *  Suffix appended to all objs, libraries, and executable.
    88         *
    89         *  All files generated by this target (object files, archives,
    90         *  executables, etc.) have file names whose extensions end with
    91         *  suffix.  In particular, targets create files with the following
    92         *  extensions:
    93         *  @p(dlist)
    94         *      - `".a<suffix>"`
    95         *              archive files (i.e., libraries)
    96         *      - `".o<suffix>"`
    97         *              object files
    98         *      - `".s<suffix>"`
    99         *              assembly language source (see `{@link #scompile()}`)
   100         *      - `".x<suffix>"`
   101         *              executable files
   102         *
   103         *  This suffix should be chosen to globally and uniquely identify the
   104         *  EABI (Embedded Application Binary Interface) of the objects produced
   105         *  by this target.  Targets with the same suffix should
   106         *  should produce 100% EABI compatible objects and, targets with different
   107         *  suffixes should produce objects with incompatible EABIs.
   108         *
   109         *  @see #scompile()
   110         */
   111        readonly config String suffix;
   113        /*!
   114         *  ======== compatibleSuffixes ========
   115         *  Array of suffixes used by targets compatible with this target
   116         *
   117         *  This array is used to identify a set of targets that produce
   118         *  code that can be linked with code produced by this target, where the
   119         *  order of suffixes defines the order of preferrence. This
   120         *  parameter is used by `findSuffixes()`.
   121         *
   122         *  For example, an Arm target which builds for v6 architecture might have
   123         *  the following values in its `compatibleSuffix`: ["v5T", "MV470"].
   124         *  This means that code produced by targets with suffixes "v5T' and
   125         *  "MV470" can be linked with code produced by that target, and that "v5T"
   126         *  code is more preferred than "MV470" code.
   127         */
   128        config String compatibleSuffixes[];
   130        /*!
   131         *  ======== isa ========
   132         *  CPU Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
   133         *
   134         *  This parameter is used to identify a set of targets that produce
   135         *  code for a common ISA.  This is used by build scripts that need to
   136         *  build for all targets that support a particular device.
   137         *
   138         *  For example, the build script for a package that is designed for
   139         *  the TMS32064xx (and no other CPU) can easily specify that it
   140         *  should be built for all targets that generate code for the
   141         *  TMS320C64xx without having to specify a specific target.  This
   142         *  allows the user to add new targets (big endian, little endian,
   143         *  different compilers, etc.) that build for the TMS320C64xx without
   144         *  having to modify the package's build script.
   145         *
   146         *  Note that this field should not be confused with platform ISA
   147         *  names; this field is defined by target tool-chains and may differ
   148         *  from the names given by a CPU device.
   149         *
   150         *  @see xdc.platform.ICpuDataSheet
   151         */
   152        readonly config String isa;
   154        /*!
   155         *  ======== model ========
   156         *  Run-time model
   157         *
   158         *  This structure identifies a particular run-time model
   159         *  used by the compiler to generate instructions.
   160         */
   161        readonly config Model model;
   163        /*!
   164         *  ======== os ========
   165         *  Name of OS required to run programs built for this target.
   166         *
   167         *  Native executables are run by the host OS.  This OS often
   168         *  defines runtime interfaces that all executables (implicitly or
   169         *  explicitly) use.
   170         *
   171         *  If os is undefined, then no OS is required.
   172         */
   173        readonly config String os;
   175        /*!
   176         *  ======== rts ========
   177         *  Name of a run-time support package to include
   178         *
   179         *  Development environments often provide a set of common run-time
   180         *  support functions that all other code can easily utilize; e.g.,
   181         *  some means for performing a "printf", normal program termination
   182         *  with "exit status", etc.  If the `rts` parameter is non-`null`, it is
   183         *  the name of a package that is implicitly imported when building
   184         *  any executable that is built using this target.  If `rts` is
   185         *  undefined, no rts package is imported.
   186         *
   187         *  This parameter makes it possible for the target producer to name
   188         *  a package that provides a target-specific implementation of a runtime
   189         *  support interface.  Clients of a target do not need to explicitly
   190         *  name a target specific rts implementation; thus, it is not
   191         *  possible for the client to inadvertently name the wrong (or an
   192         *  incompatible) rts implementation.
   193         *
   194         *  Note: this package is *NOT* included if the executable's
   195         *  `{@link xdc.bld.Executable#attrs}.rtsName` attribute is set to `null`;
   196         *  see {@link xdc.bld.Executable#Attrs}.  It is also not included if the
   197         *  executable is a legacy DSP/BIOS program.
   198         */
   199        readonly config String rts;
   201        /*!
   202         *  ======== base ========
   203         *  A target that this target is based upon.
   204         *
   205         *  If non-`null`, this target shares the same tool-chain of the specified
   206         *  base target.  This parameter is used to determine various default
   207         *  values for target configuration parameters.  For example, the default
   208         *  setting of `{@link #rootDir}` is the value of the base's
   209         *  `{@link #rootDir}` setting.
   210         */
   211        readonly config ITarget.Module base;
   213        /*!
   214         *  ======== dllExt ========
   215         *  @_nodoc dlls are not yet fully supported
   216         */
   217        config String dllExt;
   219        /*!
   220         *  ======== execExt ========
   221         *  Extension for executables.
   222         *
   223         *  Operating systems and tools often have a strong preference for a
   224         *  specific extension for executables; e.g., Windows expects executables
   225         *  to have the extension "`.exe`".  If this parameter is set, executables
   226         *  will be given the specified extension instead of the default
   227         *  "`.x<suffix>`", where `<suffix>` is the target's suffix parameter.
   228         *
   229         *  The `execExt` is an expression that is expanded prior to use.
   230         *  Expressions of the form "`$(name)`" within the
   231         *  pattern string are expanded if "`name`" is one of the built-in
   232         *  variables listed below.
   233         *
   234         *  Built-in variables for `execExt`:
   235         *  @p(dlist)
   236         *      - `trgName`
   237         *              the target's `name` property
   238         *      - `trgSuffix`
   239         *              the target's `suffix` property
   240         *      - `platPName`
   241         *              the executable's platform package name
   242         *      - `platIName`
   243         *              the executable's platform instance name
   244         *  @p
   245         *
   246         *  @a(Example) If you want to build a portable executable for multiple
   247         *  targets side-by-side and you want (or need) to use a fixed extension
   248         *  such as ".out" for all executables, setting `execExt` to
   249         *  `"_$(trgSuffix).out"` for all targets ensures that all generated
   250         *  executables will have unique names and yet share a common extension
   251         *  of `".out"`.
   252         */
   253        config String execExt;
   255        /*!
   256         *  ======== platform ========
   257         *  The default platform name for this target
   258         *
   259         *  Build scripts often build for just one platform per target.  This
   260         *  parameter allows one to establish a default platform for each 
   261         *  target in a build.
   262         *
   263         *  If this parameter is `null` or `undefined` and `{@link #platforms}`
   264         *  array is non-empty, it is initialized to be the first element of the
   265         *  platforms array (i.e., `{@link #platforms[0]}`).
   266         */
   267        config String platform;
   269        /*!
   270         *  ======== platforms ========
   271         *  A set of platforms that can support this target
   272         *
   273         *  Some build scripts build executables for "all" platforms; e.g.,
   274         *  regression test suites.  This  parameter allows one to establish
   275         *  a set of platforms that build scripts can legitimately use to
   276         *  create executables, for example.
   277         *
   278         *  If this array is empty (i.e., has length 0) and `{@link #platform}`
   279         *  is non-`null`, platforms is initialized to an array of one element
   280         *  equal to `{@link #platform}`.
   281         */
   282        config String platforms[] = [];
   284        /*!
   285         *  ======== binaryParser ========
   286         *  The name of a object file parser
   287         *
   288         *  The value of this configuration parameter is the name of a
   289         *  module or Java class that implements the ?? interface.  This
   290         *  interface is used to extract information from the object files
   291         *  produced by this target.
   292         *
   293         *  @_nodoc object file readers are not yet fully supported
   294         */
   295        config String binaryParser;
   297        /*!
   298         *  ======== version ========
   299         *  The Compatibility Key associated with this target.
   300         *
   301         *  @a(Readonly) This value is automatically computed by the XDC Build
   302         *  Engine by executing the `{@link #getVersion()}` function after 
   303         *  `package.bld` completes but prior to generating `package.mak`.
   304         */
   305        config String version;
   307        /*!
   308         *  ======== versionRaw ========
   309         *  The unmodified version string associated with this target.
   310         *
   311         *  @a(Readonly) This value is automatically computed by the XDC Build
   312         *  Engine by executing the `{@link #getVersion()}` function after 
   313         *  `package.bld` completes but prior to generating `package.mak`.
   314         *
   315         *  @_nodoc
   316         */
   317        config String versionRaw;
   319        /*!
   320         *  ======== DebugGen ========
   321         *  Debugger integration support.
   322         *
   323         *  This structure specifies additional files that are generated
   324         *  in order to support integration with a debugger.  For example, the
   325         *  default setting for TI targets specifies the generation of CCS
   326         *  project files that allow one to easily debug executables that have
   327         *  been constructed from multiple packages.
   328         *
   329         *  There are two "types" of debug support files that are generated;
   330         *  one for the package as a whole, and one for each executable.
   331         *  Since packages may contain portable sources that are built for more
   332         *  than one target, a "package-level" file is generated for each target
   333         *  used in the package.  A separate file is generated for each
   334         *  executable built within the package.
   335         *
   336         *  The `execTemplate` and `packageTemplate` fields name a template that
   337         *  is expanded in the context of the config model and the build
   338         *  model, respectively.  These fields should be set to a file name
   339         *  string which is relative to the package path; e.g., the string
   340         *  "`ti/targets/cc_exec.xdt`" refers to the file "`cc_exec.xdt`" in the
   341         *  `ti.targets` package located along the package path.
   342         *
   343         *  Preconditions for the `execTemplate`:
   344         *  @p(dlist)
   345         *      - `this`
   346         *              the configured program object (`xdc.cfg.Program`);
   347         *              i.e., the program object *after* the program's
   348         *              configuration script completes.
   349         *      - `$args`
   350         *              array of arguments passed to the template
   351         *
   352         *      - `$args[1]`
   353         *              the name of the executable being produced for this
   354         *              configuration.
   355         *
   356         *      - `environment`
   357         *              hash table of XDC global parameters; e.g., `"xdc.path"`,
   358         *              `"xdc.root"`, ...
   359         *  @p
   360         *  Preconditions for the `packageTemplate`:
   361         *  @p(dlist)
   362         *      - `this`
   363         *              the "package contents" object (i.e.,
   364         *              `xdc.bld.PackageContents`) *after* the package's
   365         *              build script (`package.bld`) completes.
   366         *      - `$args`
   367         *              array of arguments passed to the template
   368         *
   369         *      - `$args[0]`
   370         *              the target (a module implementing the
   371         *              `{@link xdc.bld.ITarget}` interface)
   372         *
   373         *      - `$args[1]`
   374         *              hash-table of all package sources
   375         *
   376         *      - `environment`
   377         *              hash table of XDC global parameters; e.g., `"xdc.path"`,
   378         *              `"xdc.root"`, ...
   379         *  @p
   380         *  The `execPattern` and `packagePattern` fields are expressions that
   381         *  are expanded prior to template expansion to determine the name of
   382         *  the output file.  Expressions of the form "`$(name)`" within the
   383         *  pattern string are expanded if "`name`" is one of the built-in
   384         *  variables listed below.
   385         *
   386         *  Built-in variables for `execPattern`:
   387         *  @p(dlist)
   388         *      - `cfgName`
   389         *              the name of the generated configuration file (without
   390         *              any directory prefix);
   391         *      - `cfgDir`
   392         *              the name of the directory containing the config file;
   393         *      - `exeName`
   394         *              the name of the executable file (without any 
   395         *              directory prefix);
   396         *      - `exeDir`
   397         *              the directory containing the executable file.
   398         *  @p
   399         *  Both the `exeDir` and `cfgDir` are relative to the directory 
   400         *  containing the `package.bld` script.
   401         *
   402         *  Built-in variables for `packagePattern`:
   403         *  @p(dlist)
   404         *      - `pkgName`
   405         *              the package's name (e.g., `"ti.targets"`);
   406         *      - `trgName`
   407         *              the target's `name` property;
   408         *      - `trgSuffix`
   409         *              the target's `suffix` property.
   410         *
   411         * @see #debugGen
   412         */
   413        struct DebugGen {
   414            String execTemplate;    /*! debugger template for executable */
   415            String execPattern;     /*! exec file name pattern */
   416            String packageTemplate; /*! debugger template for package */
   417            String packagePattern;  /*! package file name pattern */
   418        }
   420        /*!
   421         *  ======== debugGen ========
   422         *  Debugger/IDE file generation support.
   423         *
   424         *  This parameter allows one to automatically generate files that
   425         *  can be used by an IDE to more easily debug (and possibly rebuild)
   426         *  specified goals.
   427         *
   428         *  To avoid unnecessary build time overhead, these files are not always
   429         *  generated; by default, they are only generated for "debug" profiles.
   430         *  The generation of these files is controlled by the
   431         *  `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#gen}` configuration parameter.  To force these
   432         *  files to be generated for a particular executable, add the following
   433         *  line to the executable's program configuration script:
   434         *  @p(code)
   435         *      Program.gen.debuggerFiles = true;
   436         *  @p
   437         *
   438         *  It is also possible to disable the generation of selected files by
   439         *  setting the appropriate fields of `{@link #DebugGen}` to `null` in
   440         *  your `config.bld` script.
   441         */
   442        config DebugGen debugGen;
   444        /*!
   445         *  ======== Extension ========
   446         *  File extension to file type association.
   447         *
   448         *  This structure is used by the Build Engine to determine whether a 
   449         *  file should be treated as C++, C, or assembly language source.
   450         *
   451         *  @field(suf) the file extension including any '.' characters
   452         *
   453         *  @field(typ) the type of the file having this extension.
   454         *              Allowable file type identifiers include:
   455         *              @p(dlist)
   456         *                 - `"c"`
   457         *                      C language source file
   458         *                 - `"asm"`
   459         *                      assembly language source file
   460         *                 - `"cpp"`
   461         *                      C++ language source file
   462         *
   463         *  @see #extensions
   464         */
   465        struct Extension {
   466            String suf;     /*! file extension (including any '.') */
   467            String typ;     /*! type of this file; e.g., `"c"`, `"asm"`, ... */
   468        };
   470        /*!
   471         *  ======== extensions ========
   472         *  File extensions recognized by this target.
   473         *
   474         *  This is a user modifiable table used to customize file extensions
   475         *  recognized by each target.
   476         *
   477         *  For example, to add a new assembly language extension, say "`.s64`",
   478         *  to the target `ti.targets.C64P`, add the following lines to the
   479         *  build model startup script:
   480         *  @p(code)
   481         *      var C64P = xdc.module('ti.targets.C64P');
   482         *      C64P.extensions[".s64"] = {
   483         *          suf: ".s64", typ: "asm"
   484         *      };
   485         *
   486         *  Note that individual targets may add additional language types.
   487         *
   488         *  It is also possible to remove default extensions.  For example, to
   489         *  remove the "`.asm`" extension from the target `ti.targets.C64P`, add
   490         *  the following lines to the build model startup script:
   491         *  @p(code)
   492         *      var C64P = xdc.module('ti.targets.C64P');
   493         *      delete C64P.extensions[".asm"];
   494         *  @p
   495         */
   496        config Extension extensions[string] = [
   497            [".asm", {suf: ".asm", typ: "asm"}],
   498            [".c",   {suf: ".c",   typ: "c"  }],
   499            [".cpp", {suf: ".cpp", typ: "cpp"}],
   500            [".cxx", {suf: ".cxx", typ: "cpp"}],
   501            [".C",   {suf: ".C",   typ: "cpp"}],
   502            [".cc",  {suf: ".cc",  typ: "cpp"}],
   503        ];
   505        /*!
   506         *  ======== versionMap ========
   507         *  Map of compiler version numbers to compatibility keys.
   508         *
   509         *  `versionMap` is a user modifiable table used to map tool-chain 
   510         *  version numbers to Compatibility Keys.
   511         *
   512         *  Each target defines the format of the tool-chain version obtained
   513         *  from the tool-chain.  The user can then map new tool-chain version
   514         *  strings to an appropriate compatibility key.  
   515         *
   516         *  Each target must respect the mapping defined by this table; i.e.,
   517         *  if the user supplies a compatibility key in this map, it must be
   518         *  returned when `{@link #getVersion()}` is called.
   519         *
   520         *  Thus, it is possible for the user to assert that any two compiler
   521         *  tool chains should be treated as equivalent (or incompatible) by
   522         *  mapping their version numbers to identical (incompatible)
   523         *  compatibility keys.
   524         *
   525         *  @see ti.targets.ITarget#versionMap
   526         */
   527        config String versionMap[string] = [
   528        ];
   530        /*!
   531         *  ======== alignDirectiveSupported ========
   532         *  The compiler supports an align directive.
   533         */
   534        readonly config Bool alignDirectiveSupported = false; 
   536        /*!
   537         *  ======== rootDir ========
   538         *  Installation directory for this target's code generation tools.
   539         *
   540         *  Since each target potentially "wraps" a different compiler tool-chain
   541         *  and each tool-chain will, in general, assume a different physical
   542         *  design for the installation of the compiler and its associated
   543         *  libraries and headers, one must consult each specific target to know
   544         *  how to set this parameter.
   545         *
   546         *  If the `{@link #base}` parameter is `null`, this parameter *must* be
   547         *  set by the user; otherwise, `rootDir` defaults to the value
   548         *  `base.rootDir`.
   549         */
   550        config String rootDir;
   552        /*!
   553         *  ======== CompileOptions ========
   554         *  Options passed to the compiler/assembler.
   555         *
   556         *  @field(aopts)   a string of target-specific assembler options
   557         *  @field(copts)   a string of target-specific C/C++ compiler options
   558         *  @field(defs)    a string of macro definitions each of the form
   559         *                  "`-Dname=value`" separated by white space
   560         *  @field(incs)    a string of include directories each of the form
   561         *                  "`-Idir`" separated by white space
   562         *
   563         *  @a(Predefined Macros)
   564         *  The XDC Build Engine automatically adds several predefined macros via
   565         *  `-D` definitions that enable conditional compilation of source files
   566         *  based on build-specific attributes.
   567         *  @p(dlist)
   568         *      - `xdc_bld__profile_`{profile_name}
   569         *          this symbol is always defined and {profile_name} is the
   570         *          compile goal's (see `{@link #CompileGoal}`) profile name.
   571         *  @p
   572         *
   573         *  In addition, each target defines a set of macros that enable clients
   574         *  to portably support big/little endian targets, for example.  These
   575         *  macros are indirectly included by sources that include `xdc/std.h`; 
   576         *  see `{@link xdc}`.
   577         *
   578         *  @see #OptionSet
   579         *  @see #CompileGoal
   580         *  @see xdc
   581         */
   582        struct CompileOptions {
   583            String aopts;       /*! goal specific ASM options */
   584            String copts;       /*! goal specific C compiler options */
   585            String defs;        /*! goal specific C/ASM definition options */
   586            String incs;        /*! goal specific C/ASM include options */
   587        };
   589        /*!
   590         *  ======== OptionSet ========
   591         *  Collection of tool-chain options.
   592         *
   593         *  This structure is used to define a collection of tool-chain
   594         *  options that are used as a group to achieve some effect supported
   595         *  by the tool-chain.  For example, some compilers require that
   596         *  specific options be passed to the compiler *and* linker in order
   597         *  to generate execution profile information or code coverage
   598         *  statistics.
   599         *
   600         *  @field(compilerOptions) a set of compiler/assembler options
   601         *  @field(linkOpts)        a string of target-specific linker options
   602         *  @field(archiveOpts)     a string of target-specific archiver options
   603         *  @field(filters)         an array of filters applied (in order) to
   604         *                          tool-chain commands
   605         *
   606         *  @see #profiles
   607         */
   608        struct OptionSet {
   609            CompileOptions  compileOpts;    /*! profile-specific compiler opts */
   610            String          linkOpts;       /*! profile-specific linker opts */
   611            String          archiveOpts;    /*! profile-specific archiver opts */
   613            ITargetFilter.InstDesc  filters[]; /*! ITargetFilter instance descs */
   614        };
   616        /*!
   617         *  ======== profiles ========
   618         *  Profiles supported by this target.
   619         *
   620         *  A profile is a collection of tool options used to create a
   621         *  library or executable that supports a certain "flavor" of library
   622         *  or executable; e.g., "debug" or "release".
   623         *
   624         *  Some profile names are supported by all targets even though the
   625         *  targets use different compilers (and therefore different options).
   626         *  These profile names makes it possible for a package to build
   627         *  libraries or executables in a "debug" (or "release") profile
   628         *  independent of the target, for example.
   629         *
   630         *  All targets are required to support "debug" and "release" profile
   631         *  names.
   632         *
   633         *  Profile options are added to beginning of any goal specific options
   634         *  specified by the user before being passed to the target.
   635         */
   636        config OptionSet profiles[string] = [
   637            ["release", {}],
   638            ["debug", {}],
   639        ];
   641        /*!
   642         *  ======== CompileGoal ========
   643         *  The goal specification passed to the `{@link #compile}`
   644         *  function.
   645         *
   646         *  @see #compile
   647         *  @see #scompile
   648         */
   649        struct CompileGoal {
   650            String base;        /*! base name of the source and destination */
   651            String dstPrefix;   /*! directory prefix of destination file */
   652            String dstSuffix;   /*! suffix of destination file; e.g., ".o62" */
   653            String srcSuffix;   /*! optional suffix of source file; e.g., ".c" */
   654            String srcPrefix;   /*! optional directory prefix of source file */
   655            String profile;     /*! index into profiles map */
   656            CompileOptions opts;/*! goal specific compiler options */
   657            Bool configOpts;    /*! true if compiling the generated C config file */
   658        };
   660        /*!
   661         *  ======== LinkGoal ========
   662         *  The goal specification passed to the `{@link #link}` function.
   663         *
   664         *  @see #link
   665         */
   666        struct LinkGoal {
   667            String base;        /*! base name of the source and destination */
   668            String dstPrefix;   /*! directory prefix of destination file */
   669            String dstSuffix;   /*! suffix of destination file; e.g., ".x62" */
   670            String files;       /*! string of files to link with */
   671            String profile;     /*! index into profiles map */
   672            String opts;        /*! goal specific linker options */
   673            Bool dllMode;       /*! true if we're linking an assembly */
   674            Bool isRom;         /*! reflects the `isRom` attribute */
   675        };
   677        /*!
   678         *  ======== ArchiveGoal ========
   679         *  The goal specification passed to the `{@link #archive}`
   680         *  function.
   681         *
   682         *  @see #archive
   683         */
   684        struct ArchiveGoal {
   685            String base;        /*! base name of the source and destination */
   686            String dstPrefix;   /*! directory prefix of destination file */
   687            String dstSuffix;   /*! suffix of destination file; e.g., ".a62" */
   688            String files;       /*! String of files to archive */
   689            String profile;     /*! index into profiles map */
   690            String opts;        /*! goal specific archiver options */
   691        };
   693        /*!
   694         *  ======== CommandSet ========
   695         *  The commands necessary to create a specified goal.
   696         *
   697         *  This structure is the return value of the `{@link #compile}`,
   698         *  `{@link #link}` and `{@link #archive}` functions.  This value is then
   699         *  used to generate a makefile or any other files necessary to generate
   700         *  a specified goal.
   701         *
   702         *  @field(msg)     a brief synopsis of the commands specified by `cmds`;
   703         *                  this string is output in lieu of `cmds` when building
   704         *                  in "non-verbose" mode.
   705         *
   706         *  @field(cmds)    a single string of commands that must be executed
   707         *                  to complete the specified operation.  Multiple
   708         *                  commands may be specified by separating each command
   709         *                  with the '\n' character.
   710         *
   711         *                  To facilitate the creation of "portable" makefiles and
   712         *                  to simplify the implementation of targets, certain
   713         *                  distinguished "macros" may be embedded in this string.
   714         *                  The build engine replaces these macros with the
   715         *                  values described below.
   716         *                  @p(dlist)
   717         *                      - `$(rootDir)`
   718         *                          the target's `{@link #rootDir}` configuration
   719         *                          parameter
   720         *                      - `$(packageBase)`
   721         *                          the target package's
   722         *                          `{@link xdc.IPackage#packageBase}` property
   723         *                      - `$(XDCINCS)`
   724         *                          a set of "-I" options that names each
   725         *                          repository in the package path
   726         *                  @p
   727         *
   728         *  @field(envs)    an array of "name=value" strings that represent
   729         *                  environment variables that are defined prior to the
   730         *                  execution of the commands specified by `cmds`
   731         *
   732         *  @field(path)    an array of directory names that are used to compose
   733         *                  the PATH environment variable that is in effect when
   734         *                  the commands specified by `cmds` are run.
   735         *
   736         *  @see #archive
   737         *  @see #compile
   738         *  @see #scompile
   739         *  @see #link
   740         */
   741        struct CommandSet {
   742            String msg;         /*! brief message describing subsequent commands */
   743            String cmds;        /*! commands necessary to generate goal */
   744            String path[];      /*! host-independent representation of PATH */
   745            String envs[];      /*! environment variable settings for the cmds */
   746        };
   748        /*!
   749         *  ======== archive ========
   750         *  Create an archive.
   751         *
   752         *  This function is called during makefile generation to convert build
   753         *  goals into specific commands that generate the specified goal.
   754         *
   755         *  @param(goal) the `{@link #ArchiveGoal}` defining the archive to build.
   756         *
   757         *  @a(returns)
   758         *  This function returns a `{@link #CommandSet}`.  If non-`null`, this
   759         *  object defines the commands that must be executed to create the
   760         *  specified object file.  If `null`, then goal can not be achieved. 
   761         *
   762         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   763         */
   764        CommandSet* archive(ArchiveGoal *goal);
   766        /*!
   767         *  ======== compile ========
   768         *  Compile a source file into an object file.
   769         *
   770         *  This function is called during makefile generation to convert build
   771         *  goals into specific commands that generate the specified object
   772         *  file goal.
   773         *
   774         *  @param(goal) a `{@link #CompileGoal}` that specifies what file to
   775         *               compile, the output file name, and any goal-specific
   776         *               options to use
   777         *
   778         *  @a(returns)
   779         *  This function retuns a `{@link #CommandSet}`.  If non-`null`,
   780         *  this object defines the commands that must be executed to create the
   781         *  specified object file.  If `null`, then goal can not be achieved. 
   782         *
   783         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   784         */
   785        CommandSet* compile(CompileGoal *goal);
   787        /*!
   788         *  ======== scompile ========
   789         *  Compile a source file into an assembly language file.
   790         *
   791         *  This function is called during makefile generation to convert build
   792         *  goals into specific commands that generate the specified assembly
   793         *  language source goal.
   794         *
   795         *  @param(goal) a `{@link #CompileGoal}` that specifies what file to
   796         *               compile, the output file name, and any goal-specific
   797         *               options to use
   798         *
   799         *  @a(returns)
   800         * This function returns a `{@link #CommandSet}`.  If non-`null`, this
   801         * object defines the commands that must be executed to create the
   802         * specified assembly language file.  If `null`, then goal
   803         * can not be achieved or is unnecessary (e.g., because
   804         * the source file is already an asm file).
   805         *
   806         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   807         */
   808        CommandSet* scompile(CompileGoal *goal);
   810        /*!
   811         *  ======== link ========
   812         *  Link object files to produce an executable.
   813         *
   814         *  This function is called during makefile generation to convert build
   815         *  goals into specific commands that generate the specified goal.
   816         *
   817         *  @param(goal) a `{@link #LinkGoal}` that specifies the output file
   818         *               name, a list of files to link with, and any goal-specific
   819         *               options to use
   820         *
   821         *  @a(returns)
   822         *  This function returns a `{@link #CommandSet}`.  If non-`null`, this
   823         *  object defines the commands that must be executed to create the
   824         *  specified object file.  If `null`, then goal can not be
   825         *  achieved. 
   826         *
   827         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   828         */
   829        CommandSet* link(LinkGoal *goal);
   831        /*!
   832         *  ======== getVersion ========
   833         *  Get a target-specific Compatibility Key string
   834         *
   835         *  This function is called during makefile generation to obtain a 
   836         *  target-specific Compatibility Key string.  This string is of the
   837         *  form:
   838         *  @p(code)
   839         *      "<pkg>.<mod>{<d0>,<d1>,<d2>,<d3>"
   840         *  @p
   841         *  where, `<pkg>.<mod>` is the name of the target, and `<d0>`, `<d1>`,
   842         *  etc. forms a Compatibility Key.
   843         *
   844         *  @a(returns)
   845         *  This function returns a string that encodes the name of the target
   846         *  and its Compatibility Key.
   847         *
   848         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   849         */
   850        String getVersion();
   852        typedef String StringArray[];
   854        /*!
   855         *  ======== getISAChain ========
   856         *  Get this target's ISA "is compatible with" relation.
   857         *
   858         *  Returns an array of ISA names (including this target's ISA) that
   859         *  represents the "is a" relation between ISA's.  The array starts with
   860         *  the most general ISA and ends with this target's ISA or with the
   861         *  optionally specified argument.  This relation is used to:
   862         *  @p(nlist)
   863         *      - pre-define macro definitions that enable code to be
   864         *        conditionally compiled based on compatible versions of a
   865         *        target's ISA.
   866         *
   867         *      - locate appropriate source files during makefile generation;
   868         *        each ISA named in a chain causes the extensions ".s"isa to be
   869         *        added to the ITarget.extensions table (in the reverse order
   870         *        that they appear in the chain).  For example, if a target's
   871         *        ISA is "64P" and the returned chain is ["62", "64", "64P"],
   872         *        the following assembly language suffixes are added to
   873         *        the target's extensions table: ".s64P", ".s64", ".s62".
   874         *
   875         *      - determine the assembly language suffix used during legacy BIOS
   876         *        configuration; the first element of the target's ISA chain
   877         *        defines the suffix.  For example, if a target's ISA is "64P"
   878         *        and the returned chain is ["62", "64", "64P"], the assembly
   879         *        suffix is ".s62".
   880         *  @p
   881         *
   882         *  This relation may also be used in the future to help validate
   883         *  combinations of targets and platforms; a target's CPU ISA must
   884         *  appear on the chain specified by the platform's CPU ISA.
   885         *
   886         *  @param(isa) the ISA identifier string for the ISA to lookup; if null
   887         *              then the target's ISA is used (ITarget.isa).
   888         *
   889         *  @a(returns)
   890         *  This function returns an array of ISA strings where the last string
   891         *  is the optionally specified ISA string or this target's ISA,
   892         *  and the first string is the "base" ISA in the
   893         *  is source compatible" relationship.
   894         *  If the specified ISA string is not in this target's chain
   895         *  of compatible targets, `null` is returned.
   896         *
   897         *  @a(throws)  `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors.
   898         *  
   899         */
   900        function getISAChain(isa);
   902        /*!
   903         *  ======== findSuffix ========
   904         *  Find the suffix that is compatible with this target.
   905         *
   906         *  This function determines the list of targets supported by the
   907         *  package given as the argument. From that list, this function
   908         *  returns the suffix of a target that is compatible with this target.
   909         *  Compatibility in this case means that object files created by a
   910         *  target having the suffix returned by this function can be linked
   911         *  into an executable produced using this target. In the case where more
   912         *  than one suffix is compatible, this function returns a suffix in the
   913         *  following order of preference:
   914         *  @p(nlist)
   915         *      - if this target's suffix is in the list, that suffix is returned.
   916         *
   917         *      - suffixes from `compatibleSuffixes` are matched against the list
   918         *        from the first to the last, and the first one with the match is
   919         *        returned.
   920         *  @p
   921         *
   922         *  @param(pkg) a package object or an array of target suffix strings
   923         *              (see `{@link #suffix}`).
   924         *
   925         *  @a(returns)
   926         *  This function returns the suffix string of a target compatible with
   927         *  this target or `null` if `pkg` does not support any target compatible
   928         *  with this target.
   929         *
   930         */
   931        function findSuffix(pkg);
   933        /*!
   934         *  ======== selectSuffix ========
   935         *  Select the suffix that is compatible with this target.
   936         *
   937         *  From a list of suffixes supplied as an argument, this function
   938         *  returns the suffix compatible with this target. Compatibility in
   939         *  this case means that object files created by a target having the
   940         *  suffix returned by this function can be linked into an executable
   941         *  produced using this target. In the case where more than one suffix
   942         *  is compatible, this function returns a suffix in the following order
   943         *  of preference:
   944         *  @p(nlist)
   945         *      - if this target's suffix is in the list, that suffix is returned.
   946         *
   947         *      - suffixes from `compatibleSuffixes` are matched against the list
   948         *        from the first to the last, and the first one with the match is
   949         *        returned.
   950         *  @p
   951         *
   952         *  @param(suffixList)      an array of target suffix strings
   953         *                          (see `{@link #suffix}`).
   954         *
   955         *  @a(returns)
   956         *  This function returns the suffix string of a target compatible with
   957         *  this target or `null` if no such suffix is found in the list of
   958         *  suffixes specified by the first argument.
   959         *
   960         */
   961        String selectSuffix(StringArray suffixList);
   963        /*!
   964         *  ======== sectMap ========
   965         *  Output section name to segment type mapping
   966         *
   967         *  This hash table is used to determine whether a particular object file
   968         *  output section (".text", ".stack", etc.) requires 'data', 'code' or
   969         *  'stack' memory segment.
   970         *
   971         *  This `sectMap` is referenced by linker command file templates during
   972         *  generation to create linker command files. The Platform defines the
   973         *  default memory segments for code and data, and based on this map and
   974         *  the default segments, the linker command file template places an
   975         *  output section into a physical memory segment.
   976         *
   977         *  Note that the `{@link xdc.cfg.Program}` object and the
   978         *  `{@link xdc.platform.IPlatform}` instance have a
   979         *  `sectMap` parameter. Both the `Program`'s and `IPlatform`'s `sectMap`
   980         *  can augment and/or override the placement for a section, but
   981         *  `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#sectMap}` takes precedence. Therefore, this
   982         *  `sectMap` and the default segments from the platform define an
   983         *  initial section map which is then augmented by the `Program`'s and
   984         *  `IPlatform`'s section map.
   985         */
   986        readonly config String sectMap[string];
   988        /*!
   989         *  ======== TypeInfo ========
   990         *  @_nodoc
   991         *
   992         *  @see #StdTypes
   993         */
   994        struct TypeInfo {
   995            int size;
   996            int align;
   997        }
   999        /*!
  1000         *  ======== StdTypes ========
  1001         *  Standard base types supported by all targets
  1002         *
  1003         *  @see #stdTypes
  1004         */
  1005        struct StdTypes {
  1006            TypeInfo t_IArg;
  1007            TypeInfo t_Char;
  1008            TypeInfo t_Double;
  1009            TypeInfo t_Float;
  1010            TypeInfo t_Fxn;
  1011            TypeInfo t_Int;
  1012            TypeInfo t_Int8;
  1013            TypeInfo t_Int16;
  1014            TypeInfo t_Int32;
  1015            TypeInfo t_Int40;
  1016            TypeInfo t_Int64;
  1017            TypeInfo t_Long;
  1018            TypeInfo t_LDouble;
  1019            TypeInfo t_LLong;
  1020            TypeInfo t_Ptr;
  1021            TypeInfo t_Short;
  1022        }
  1024        /*!
  1025         *  ======== stdInclude ========
  1026         *  Standard C/C++ types header
  1027         *
  1028         *  This string identifies a header containing the C/C++ definitions
  1029         *  required to enable use of `xdc/std.h` in C/C++ sources; see
  1030         *  `{@link xdc}`.
  1031         *
  1032         *  The value of this string is used by `xdc/std.h` to include
  1033         *  target-specific definitions of the types `Int8`, `Int16`, etc.  In
  1034         *  addition, this header supplies target-specific definitions of the
  1035         *  predefined `xdc_target__*` macros required by `{@link xdc xdc/std.h}`.
  1036         *
  1037         *  Since this header must supply target-specific values for
  1038         *  target-independent names the structure of this header is usually of
  1039         *  the form:
  1040         *  @p(code)
  1041         *      // if target macros are not already defined, 
  1042         *      #if !defined(xdc_target_macros_include__)
  1043         *          // include target-specific definitions
  1044         *          #if defined(TARGET1)
  1045         *              #include "target1.h"
  1046         *          #elif defined(TARGET2)
  1047         *              #include "target2.h"
  1048         *          #elif ...
  1049         *              :
  1050         *          #else
  1051         *              #error unsupported target
  1052         *          #endif
  1053         *      #endif
  1054         *      // include common definitions
  1055         *          :
  1056         *  @p
  1057         *  The check of the symbol `xdc_target_macros_include__` exists to
  1058         *  allow others that define new targets to include this header to
  1059         *  get common definitions for a family of related targets.
  1060         *
  1061         *  To simplify the creation of the target-specific header files, the
  1062         *  template file `stddefs.xdt` in this package can be used to
  1063         *  automatically generate the required definitions from each target's
  1064         *  `.xdc` specification.
  1065         */
  1066        readonly config String stdInclude;
  1068        /*!
  1069         *  ======== stdTypes ========
  1070         *  Size and alignment for standard base types
  1071         *
  1072         *  The values of size are the values returned by the 
  1073         *  target-specific `sizeof()` operator applied to the specified
  1074         *  type (as defined by the C language).  The align value is the number
  1075         *  of chars used in the alignment of the specified type.
  1076         */
  1077        readonly config StdTypes stdTypes = {
  1078            t_IArg          : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1079            t_Char          : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1080            t_Double        : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1081            t_Float         : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1082            t_Fxn           : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1083            t_Int           : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1084            t_Int8          : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1085            t_Int16         : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1086            t_Int32         : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1087            t_Int40         : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1088            t_Int64         : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1089            t_Long          : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1090            t_LDouble       : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1091            t_LLong         : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1092            t_Ptr           : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1093            t_Short         : { size: 0, align: 0 },
  1094        };
  1096        /*!
  1097         *  ======== bitsPerChar ========
  1098         *  The number of bits in a variable of type `char`
  1099         *
  1100         *  This constant allows one to determine the precise number of bits in
  1101         *  each of the types specified in the stdTypes map.  For example, the
  1102         *  number of bits in the target t's `int` type is
  1103         *  @p(code)
  1104         *      t.stdTypes.t_Int.size * t.bitsPerChar
  1105         *  @p
  1106         */
  1107        readonly config Int bitsPerChar = 8;
  1108    }
  1109    /*
  1110     *  @(#) xdc.bld; 1, 0, 2,208; 6-9-2009 20:08:43; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc-t50x/src/packages/
  1111     */