1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
     3     *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4     *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5     *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6     *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
     7     * 
     8     *  Contributors:
     9     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    10     * 
    11     * */
    12    /*
    13     *  ======== Executable.xdc ========
    14     */
    15    package xdc.bld;
    17    /*!
    18     *  ======== Executable ========
    19     *  Model of a file that can be loaded and executed on a platform.
    20     *
    21     *  Executable instances represent executable files.  Instances must be
    22     *  created via the `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#addExecutable()}`
    23     *  function; this ensures that each executable created appears in the
    24     *  package's manifest and that it properly "inherits" appropriate default
    25     *  attributes from the containing package.
    26     */
    27    metaonly module Executable {
    29        /*!
    30         *  ======== Attrs ========
    31         *  Optional attributes for an Executable instance.
    32         *
    33         *  Unspecified attributes are "inherited" from
    34         *  `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#attrs}`;
    35         *  i.e., if one of fields in this structure is unspecified *and* this
    36         *  field's name matches a field name in
    37         *  `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#attrs}`, then this field's value
    38         *  defaults to the value in specified by
    39         *  `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#attrs}`.  This mechanism makes it
    40         *  possible to establish package-wide default values for any of the
    41         *  "inherited" attributes.
    42         *
    43         *  Suppose, for example, that you want all executable files in this
    44         *  package to be build with the 'release' profile, but one particular file
    45         *  must be built with 'debug' (because it is a source example).  The
    46         *  following build script fragment shows how this can be accomplished:
    47         *  @p(code)
    48         *      Pkg.attrs.profile = 'release';
    49         *      var exe = Pkg.addExecutable('example', ..., {profile: 'debug'});
    50         *  @p
    51         *  @field(cfgArgs) This string may contain any expression that can be
    52         *          assigned to a JavaScript property.  It is evaluated in
    53         *          the configuration domain after the platform package is
    54         *          imported and just prior to running the executable's
    55         *          configuration script.  Its value (after evaluation) is
    56         *          assigned to `Program.build.cfgArgs`; so, program
    57         *          configuration scripts can use this property to adjust their
    58         *          behavior based on values specified in a build script.
    59         *
    60         *          For example, a package's build script might build an
    61         *          executable for each possible level of a "trace" value:
    62         *          @p(code)
    63         *              for (t = 0; t < NUM_TRACE_LEVELS; t++) {
    64         *                      :
    65         *                  Pkg.addExecutable("myExe" + t, targ, plat, {
    66         *                      cfgArgs:   "{traceLevel: " + t + "}",
    67         *                      cfgScript: "myExe.cfg"
    68         *                  });
    69         *              }
    70         *          @p
    71         *
    72         *          In this case, the configuration script `myExe.cfg` can
    73         *          reference the "trace level" set in the build script by
    74         *          referencing the `Program.build.cfgArgs` object directly:
    75         *          @p(code)
    76         *              if (Program.build.cfgArgs.traceLevel == 1) {
    77         *                  :
    78         *              }
    79         *          @p
    80         *
    81         *  @field(cfgArgsEncoded) This boolean flag indicates whether the
    82         *  string `cfgArgs` should be treated as an encoded string (via ECMA-262
    83         *  `escape()`) or not.  If this field is `true`, the string is treated
    84         *  as an encoded string and is decoded via `unescape()` prior to
    85         *  interpretation.
    86         *
    87         *  @field(incs)  This string contains include path options used by
    88         *          the compiler (or assembler) to locate include files; e.g.,
    89         *          "-I ../../include -I ../c55xx".  Note that the syntax of 
    90         *          this string may be target dependent.
    91         *
    92         *  @field(defs)  This string contains options used by the
    93         *          compiler (or assembler) to define macros; e.g.,
    94         *          "-D_C6xxx -DDEBUG=1".  Note that the syntax of 
    95         *          this string may be target dependent.
    96         *
    97         *  @field(aopts)  This string contains options used by the assembler
    98         *          to produce object files; e.g., "-mP1".  Note that the syntax
    99         *          of this string may be target dependent.
   100         *
   101         *  @field(copts)  This string contains options used by the C/C++
   102         *          compiler to produce object files; e.g., "-o3 -mi1".  Note
   103         *          that the syntax of this string may be target dependent.
   104         *
   105         *  @field(lopts)  This string contains options used by the linker
   106         *          produce object files; e.g., "-l mylib.lib".  Note
   107         *          that the syntax of this string may be target dependent.
   108         *
   109         *  @field(tcopts)  This string contains options passed to `tconf`.
   110         *          Deprecated, use `xsopts` instead.
   111         *
   112         *  @field(xsopts)  This string contains options passed to `xs`
   113         *          when running configuration scripts; e.g., to turn on the
   114         *          reporting of warnings this string can be set to "-js -w",
   115         *          or to define the name-value pair "FOO=bar" available via
   116         *          the environment hash-table `xsopts` should be set to
   117         *          "-DFOO=bar".
   118         *
   119         *  @field(cfgHome)  This string names the package that is bound to
   120         *          the Configuration Model's `$homepkg`.  This home package
   121         *          is automatically loaded as part of configuration and, as
   122         *          a result, may contribute libraries to the configuration.
   123         *
   124         *          If this parameter is not specified, the package containing
   125         *          the configuration script is used as the home package.  This
   126         *          ensures that the results of a configuration script are
   127         *          independent of the package building the configuration.  In
   128         *          most cases, the build package is the package containing the
   129         *          configuration script and this distinction is not important.
   130         *          But there are times when it is important to control the home
   131         *          package; e.g., when an external tool generates a
   132         *          configuration script from information supplied by another
   133         *          package or when a configuration script in not in any package.
   134         *
   135         *  @field(cfgScript)  This string names the program configuration
   136         *          script used to create the files necessary to create the
   137         *          executable.  If `cfgScript` is not specified, the configuration
   138         *          script is assumed to be `<name>.cfg`, where `<name>` is the
   139         *          base name of the executable.  If `cfgScript` is set to `null`,
   140         *          the executable is assumed to be a "legacy" application that
   141         *          defines `main()` directly and does not require any
   142         *          `{@link xdc.runtime}` support.
   143         *
   144         *          If this string is set to a non-`null` value, and does not have
   145         *          an extension, then the extension `".cfg"` is automatically
   146         *          added.
   147         *
   148         *          If the specified configuration file does not exist in the
   149         *          package where the executable is being built and
   150         *          the name does not begin with `"./"`, it is searched 
   151         *          for along the package path.  Thus, it is possible to use
   152         *          configuration scripts in other packages to build executables;
   153         *          e.g., to use the configuration script "myExe.cfg" from a
   154         *          `ti.bios.examples.hello` package, `cfgScript` should be set
   155         *          to `"ti/bios/examples/hello/myExe.cfg"`.
   156         *
   157         *          The package containing the specified configuration script is 
   158         *          imported prior to running the configuration script and this
   159         *          package is used to set `xdc.$homepkg`; thus, configuration
   160         *          scripts that use `xdc.$homepkg` will configure the same
   161         *          executable independent of the package building the executable.
   162         *
   163         *  @field(profile)  This string names a profile defined by the
   164         *          executable's target.  The profile specifies a set of compiler,
   165         *          linker, and archiver options that are to be used when 
   166         *          producing the executable.  Note that these tool options are
   167         *          in addition to any options specified via `aopts`, `copts`,
   168         *          etc.
   169         *
   170         *          If this field is not set or set to `null`, the value of
   171         *          `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#attrs.profile}` is used.  If
   172         *          `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#attrs.profile}` is not
   173         *          specified or equal to `null`, the `"release"` profile is used.
   174         *
   175         *  @field(cpuId)  This string is used to uniquely identify the
   176         *          particular CPU on a platform that will run the executable; on
   177         *          platforms that contain a single CPU, this string is ignored.
   178         *
   179         *  @field(rtsName)  This string names a RunTime Support (RTS) package that
   180         *          will be implicitly loaded prior to running the executables
   181         *          configuration script.  If this field is set to `null`, then
   182         *          no RTS package will be loaded.  If this field is not set (or
   183         *          set to `undefined`), the RTS package specified by this
   184         *          executable's target will be used (see
   185         *          {@link xdc.bld.ITarget#rts}) .
   186         *
   187         *  @field(cpuArgs)  This field is an hash-table of name-value pairs
   188         *          interpreted by the CPU as register settings that exist at the
   189         *          time that the executable is loaded; e.g., it is possible to
   190         *          specify a non-reset value for the `PMST` register on a C54xx
   191         *          CPU by setting this parameter to `{PMST: 0xffff}`.
   192         *
   193         *  @field(exportCfg)  If this field is set to true, the configuration
   194         *          script will be part of the releases named in the releases
   195         *          array.  If it is unspecified (or set to `null`) and the
   196         *          release specifies that configurations are to be exported,
   197         *          the configuration script will be part of the release.  In
   198         *          all other cases, the configuration is not part of the
   199         *          release.
   200         *
   201         *  @field(exportSrc)  If this field is set to true, the sources
   202         *          specified via `{@link xdc.bld.Executable#addObjects()}`
   203         *          will be part of the releases named in the releases
   204         *          array.  If it is unspecified (or set to `null`) and the
   205         *          release specifies that sources are to be exported,
   206         *          the sources will be part of the release.  In
   207         *          all other cases, the sources is not part of the
   208         *          release.
   209         *
   210         *  @field(exportExe)  If this field is set to true, the executable
   211         *          will be part of the releases named in the releases
   212         *          array.  If it is unspecified (or set to `null`) and the
   213         *          release specifies that configurations are to be exported,
   214         *          the executable will be part of the release.  In
   215         *          all other cases, the executable is not part of the
   216         *          release.
   217         *
   218         *  @field(releases)  This array contains releases that will contain the
   219         *          executable.  Thus, a single executable can be part of any set 
   220         *          of releases.  Each executable is always added to the 
   221         *          package's "default release" in addition to any releases
   222         *          specified in the releases array.
   223         *
   224         *  @field(test) If this field is set, it defines default attributes for
   225         *          tests added to this executable, including the implicitly
   226         *          added test (see {@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#addExecutable}).
   227         *
   228         *  @field(linkTemplate) If this field is set, it defines the linker 
   229         *          command file template to be used to link this executable.  
   230         *          This specification may, however, be overridden by the
   231         *          configuration script (see
   232         *          {@link xdc.cfg.Program#linkTemplate}).
   233         *
   234         *          As with configuration scripts, if the specified file does not
   235         *          exist in the package where the executable is being built and
   236         *          the name does not begin with `"./"`, it is searched for along
   237         *          the package path.  Thus, it is possible to use templates in
   238         *          other packages to build executables; e.g., to use the linker
   239         *          command file "`myExe.cmd`" from the `ti.bios.examples.hello`
   240         *          package, `linkTemplate` should be set to
   241         *          `"ti/bios/examples/hello/myExe.cmd"`.
   242         *
   243         *  @see #attrs
   244         *  @see xdc.bld.PackageContents#Attrs
   245         */
   246        struct Attrs {
   247            String  profile;        /*! target options profile */
   248            String  aopts;          /*! asm options for objs added to this exe */
   249            String  copts;          /*! C/C++ options for objs added to this exe */
   250            String  defs;           /*! definitions for objs added to this exe */
   251            String  incs;           /*! include opts for objs added to this exe */
   252            String  lopts;          /*! linker options for this exe */
   253            String  tcopts;         /*! `tconf` options for this exe */
   254            String  xsopts;         /*! `xs` options for this exe */
   255            String  cpuId;          /*! optional id of CPU on platform */
   256            String  rtsName;        /*! optional run time support package name */
   257            any     cpuArgs;        /*! optional register settings */
   258            String  cfgScript;      /*! optional name of config script */
   259            String  cfgHome;        /*! optional home package of config model */
   260            String  cfgArgs;        /*! optional arguments passed to cfgScript */
   261            Bool    cfgArgsEncoded; /*! if true, cfgArgs is encoded via escape() */
   262            Bool    exportExe;      /*! export executable's exe file? */
   263            Bool    exportCfg;      /*! export executable's config script? */
   264            Bool    exportSrc;      /*! if true, export exe sources to releases */
   265            Release.Instance releases[]; /*! releases that this exe is a part of */
   266            Test.Attrs  test;       /*! test attrs for tests added to this exe */
   267            String  linkTemplate;   /*! linker command file template for this exe*/
   268            Bool    isRom;          /*! if true, exe is a ROMable sub-assembly */
   269        };
   271    instance:
   272        /*!
   273         *  ======== create ========
   274         *  @_nodoc
   275         *  Instances should only be created via PackageContents.addExecutable()
   276         */
   277        create();
   279        /*!
   280         *  ======== name ========
   281         *  base name of the executable.
   282         *
   283         *  This name is used to construct the final executable file name as
   284         *  follows:
   285         *  @p(code)
   286         *      <name>.x<target_suffix>
   287         *  @p
   288         *  where `<name>` is name and `<target_suffix>` is the suffix defined 
   289         *  by each target that the file is built for. See NOTE in 
   290         * `{@link xdc.bld}` for filename rules.
   291         *
   292         *  Note: if the same executable is to be built for different platforms
   293         *  (having the same target), then name must "encode" the platform's
   294         *  name.
   295         */
   296        config String name;
   298        /*!
   299         *  ======== platform ========
   300         *  The name of the platform that will run this executable.
   301         *
   302         *  Platform's are modeled as a package that has a module called
   303         *  "Platform"; thus the platform name is really a package name.
   304         */
   305        config String platform;
   307        /*!
   308         *  ======== target ========
   309         *  The target (on a platform) that executable should be built for.
   310         *
   311         *  This parameter is used to determine the target to use for any
   312         *  objects added to the executable.
   313         *
   314         *  During configuration, the executable's platform package can
   315         *  validate that the target is compatible with the configuration of
   316         *  the platform; the target object is accessible via the expression
   317         *  `Program.build.target`.
   318         */
   319        config ITarget.Module target;
   321        /*!
   322         *  ======== attrs ========
   323         *  This executable's optional attributes.
   324         *
   325         *  These attributes are "inherited" by all objects added to this
   326         *  executable; i.e., any object attribute that is undefined but is
   327         *  defined here will be assigned the value from these attributes.
   328         *
   329         *  Similarly, any unspecified attributes that also appear in
   330         *  `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#Attrs}` are inherited from
   331         *  `{@link xdc.bld.PackageContents#attrs}`.
   332         *
   333         *  @see xdc.bld.PackageContents#Attrs
   334         */
   335        config Executable.Attrs attrs;
   337        /*!
   338         *  ======== addObjects ========
   339         *  Add specified object to be built and linked into this executable.
   340         *
   341         *  All objects added to the executable are built with the symbol
   342         *  `xdc_cfg__header__` defined to be the name of the executable-specific
   343         *  C header generated by the program configuration tool.  This symbol
   344         *  is used by the `xdc/cfg/global.h` header to include the generated
   345         *  header file; see `{@link xdc.cfg.Program#global}`.  Thus, it is
   346         *  possible to portably include configuration specific definitions in a
   347         *  source file that is used in many different configurations.
   348         *
   349         *  For example, a portable `main.c` might be structured as follows:
   350         *  @p(code)
   351         *      #include <xdc/std.h>
   352         *      #include <ti/bios/include/log.h>
   353         *
   354         *      #include <xdc/cfg/global.h>    // include declaration of trace
   355         *      
   356         *      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   357         *      {
   358         *          LOG_printf(trace, "hello world");
   359         *              :
   360         *      }
   361         *  @p
   362         *
   363         *  @a(Examples)
   364         *
   365         *      1. Locate a source file whose name starts with "hello" with
   366         *      an extension supported by the executable's target, compile it
   367         *      and link it into the executable `myExe`:
   368         *      @p(code)
   369         *          myExe.addObjects(["hello"]);
   370         *      @p
   371         *      If hello.c exists compile and add to `myExe`, if hello.asm exists
   372         *      assemble and add to `myExe`, etc.  If no such file is located,
   373         *      a warning is emitted.
   374         *
   375         *      2. Compile hello.c and add to the executable `myExe`:
   376         *      @p(code)
   377         *          myExe.addObjects(["hello.c"]);
   378         *      @p
   379         *      3. Names may include sub-directory prefixes.  In this case, the
   380         *      source will be located in a sub-directory of the current
   381         *      package.  The following statement declares that the file
   382         *      "`foo/hello.c`" should be compiled and linked into the executable
   383         *      `myExe`:
   384         *      @p(code)
   385         *          myExe.addObjects(["foo/hello.c"]);
   386         *      @p
   387         *      As in the previous examples, the extension ".c" is optional. 
   388         *      In case an extension is not supplied, each extension
   389         *      understood by the target will be tried until a source file
   390         *      is located.
   391         *
   392         *      4. It is also possible to supply file specific compilation
   393         *      options.
   394         *      @p(code)
   395         *          myExe.addObjects(["fir.c", "iir.c"], {defs: "-D_DEBUG"});
   396         *      @p
   397         *      In this case, both files fir.c and iir.c will be compiled
   398         *      with the "`-D_DEBUG`" flag.  Any setting of attrs.defs in the
   399         *      executable or package is overridden by this definition.
   400         *
   401         *  @param(names)       array of base names of the sources of object files
   402         *                      to be created and linked into the executable.
   403         *                      See NOTE in `{@link xdc.bld}` for filename rules.
   404         *  @param(objAttrs)    optional `{@link xdc.bld.Object#Attrs}` for the
   405         *                      array of objects added; all objects named by names
   406         *                      will be given the attributes `objAttrs`.
   407         *  @a(returns)         `void`
   408         *
   409         *  @a(throws)          `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors
   410         *
   411         *  @see xdc.cfg.Program#global
   412         */
   413        Void addObjects(String names[], Object.Attrs objAttrs = {});
   415        /*!
   416         *  ======== addTest ========
   417         *  Add specified test to executable.
   418         *
   419         *  A test encapsulates an executable and a set of arguments passed to
   420         *  the executable when it is run.
   421         *
   422         *  Tests are run by naming the goal "`<test_name>.test`" on the xdc
   423         *  command line; `<test_name>` is the test's name.
   424         *
   425         *  Multiple tests may have the same name; in this case, it is possible
   426         *  to run all tests using the single goal "`<test_name>.test`" 
   427         *
   428         *  @param(testAttrs)   test attrs object (`{@link xdc.bld.Test#Attrs}`)
   429         *
   430         *  @a(returns)         the `{@link xdc.bld.Test}` instance object created
   431         *
   432         *  @a(throws)          `Error` exceptions are thrown for fatal errors
   433         */
   434        Test.Instance addTest(Test.Attrs testAttrs);
   435    }
   436    /*
   437     *  @(#) xdc.bld; 1, 0, 2,208; 6-9-2009 20:08:42; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc-t50x/src/packages/
   438     */