1    /*
     2     *  Copyright 2009 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
     3     *
     4     *  All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
     5     *  Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
     6     *  granted through contract.
     7     *
     8     */
    10    /*
    11     *  ======== ITMS320C64_512K.xdc ========
    12     *
    13     */
    14    package ti.catalog.c6000;
    16    /*!
    17     *  ======== ITMS320C64_512K ========
    18     *  An interface implemented by all TMS320C64xx devices with 512KB of internal
    19     *  memory.
    20     *
    21     *  This interface is defined to factor common data about this family into
    22     *  a single place; all TMS320C64xx devices with 512KB of internal
    23     *  memory extend this interface.
    24     */
    25    metaonly interface ITMS320C64_512K inherits ti.catalog.ICpuDataSheet
    26    {
    28        config long cacheSize[string] = [
    29            ["4-way cache (0k)",   0x00000],
    30            ["4-way cache (32k)",  0x08000],
    31            ["4-way cache (64k)",  0x10000],
    32            ["4-way cache (128k)", 0x20000],
    33            ["4-way cache (256k)", 0x40000],
    34        ];
    36        readonly config ti.catalog.c6000.ICacheInfo.CacheDesc cacheMap[string] =  [
    37             ['l2Mode',{desc:"L2 Cache",
    38                         map : [["4-way cache (0k)",0x0000],
    39                                ["4-way cache (32k)",0x8000],
    40                                ["4-way cache (64k)",0x10000],
    41                                ["4-way cache (128k)",0x20000],
    42                                ["4-way cache (256k)",0x40000]],
    43                         defaultValue: "4-way cache (0k)",
    44                         memorySection: "IRAM"}]
    45        ];
    47    instance:
    48        override config int     minProgUnitSize = 1;
    49        override config int     minDataUnitSize = 1;    
    50        override config int     dataWordSize    = 4;
    52        override config string   cpuCore        = "6400";
    53        override config string   isa="64";
    54        override config string   cpuCoreRevision = "1.0";
    56        /*!
    57         *  ======== memMap ========
    58         *  The default memory map for this device
    59         */
    60        config xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory memMap[string]  = [
    61            ["IRAM", {
    62                name:       "IRAM",
    63                comment:    "Internal L2 memory",
    64                base:       0x00000,
    65                len:        0x80000,
    66                space:      "code/data",
    67                access:     "RWX"
    68            }],
    69        ];
    70    }
    71    /*
    72     *  @(#) ti.catalog.c6000; 1, 0, 0, 0,173; 6-4-2009 14:07:52; /db/ztree/library/trees/platform-k10x/src/
    73     */