vicp.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Describes the interface to the VICP manager.

The VICP user interface library wraps file system calls to an associated kernel module (irqk.ko), which needs to be loaded in order for calls to to this library to succeed.

To install irqk.ko, enter % insmod irqk.ko on a Linux command line.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define VICP_VERSION   0x01000000


enum  VICP_Status {
  VICP_OK = 0,

Status codes for VICP API return values.

enum  VICP_ResourceType {

Resource types to be used for all APIs.

enum  VICP_InterruptLine {

Source of VICP resource interrupt.

enum  VICP_InterruptType {

Type of ARM interrupt support.



int VICP_init (void)
 VICP initialization API.
int VICP_exit (void)
 VICP finalization API.
VICP_Status VICP_register (VICP_ResourceType resource, VICP_InterruptLine intrLine, VICP_InterruptType intrType)
 Registers resource with requested interrupt type.
VICP_Status VICP_unregister (VICP_ResourceType resource)
 Frees previously requested resource.
VICP_Status VICP_wait (VICP_ResourceType resource)
 Waits for the transfer corresponding to this resource to complete.
VICP_Status VICP_done (VICP_ResourceType resource, int *done)
 Checks if the transfer corresponding to this resource is complete.
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