dman3.h File Reference

Detailed Description

DMAN3 Interface Definitions - 3rd Generation DMA Manager. Application interface to the DMA Manager. Grants DMA resources to xDAIS algorithms.

#include <ti/xdais/ialg.h>
#include <ti/xdais/idma3.h>
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Data Structures

struct  DMAN3_Params
 The module configuration structure for DMAN3 implementation. It is set at design time by the system integrator to ensure optimal sharing of DMA resources for the execution environment. More...


#define DMAN3_GTNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.dman3"
#define DMAN3_MAXGROUPS   20
Defines: DMAN3 Status Codes

#define DMAN3_SOK   0
#define DMAN3_EFAIL   -2
#define DMAN3_EFREE   -3
#define DMAN3_EOUTOFTCCS   -4
#define DMAN3_ETCCCONFIG   -6


typedef Bool(* DMAN3_ScratchAllocFxn )(IALG_Handle alg, Int mutexId, IALG_MemRec *memTab, Int numRecs)
 Function prototype for allocating IDMA3 Object's env from shared scratch memory. Algorithms might specify a particular IDMA3 protocol that provides custom DMA services. This protocol might require extra memory for the IDMA3 object's environment. DMAN3_ScratchAllocFxn might be used to allocate this memory. If this is NULL, then the env will be allocated from persistent memory.
typedef Void(* DMAN3_ScratchFreeFxn )(Int mutexId, Void *addr, Uns size)
 Function prototype for freeing IDMA3 Object's env from shared scratch memory. If this is NULL then env will be freed from persistent memory.


Int DMAN3_grantDmaChannels (Int groupId, IALG_Handle algHandle[], IDMA3_Fxns *dmaFxns[], Int numAlgs)
 Add one or several algorithms to the DMA Manager. The DMA Manager will grant DMA resources to the algorithms as a result. This function is called when initializing XDAIS algorithm instances.
Void DMAN3_exit (Void)
 Finalization method of the DMAN module.
Int DMAN3_createChannels (Int groupId, IDMA3_ChannelRec dmaTab[], Int numChans)
 Allocate and initialize memory for one or several channel handles.
Void DMAN3_init (Void)
 Initialization method of the DMAN3 module. DMAN3_init() uses externally configured and provided DMAN3_PARAMS to initialize DMAN3 resources (QDMA channel map, memory heap...).
Int DMAN3_releaseDmaChannels (IALG_Handle algHandle[], IDMA3_Fxns *dmaFxns[], Int numAlgs)
 Remove logical channel resources from one or several algorithm instances.
Int DMAN3_freeChannels (IDMA3_Handle channelTab[], Int numChans)
 Free memory for array of channel handles.


 Default module configuration structure (defined in dman3.c).

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