videnc.h File Reference

Detailed Description

The VIDENC video encoder codec interface. Provides the user an interface to create and interact with XDAIS algorithms that are compliant with the XDM IVIDENC video encoder interface.

#include <ti/xdais/dm/xdm.h>
#include <ti/xdais/dm/ividenc.h>
#include <ti/sdo/ce/Engine.h>
#include <ti/sdo/ce/visa.h>
#include <ti/sdo/ce/skel.h>
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Data Structures

struct  IVIDENC_CodecClassConfig
 Definition of IVIDENC codec class configurable parameters. More...




typedef IVIDENC_Status VIDENC_Status
typedef VISA_Handle VIDENC_Handle
 Opaque handle to a VIDENC codec.
typedef struct IVIDENC_Params VIDENC_Params
 This structure defines the parameters necessary to create an instance of a video encoder object.
typedef IVIDENC_InArgs VIDENC_InArgs
typedef IVIDENC_OutArgs VIDENC_OutArgs
typedef IVIDENC_Cmd VIDENC_Cmd
typedef IVIDENC_DynamicParams VIDENC_DynamicParams


VIDENC_Handle VIDENC_create (Engine_Handle e, String name, VIDENC_Params *params)
 Create an instance of a video encoder algorithm.
Int32 VIDENC_process (VIDENC_Handle handle, XDM_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM_BufDesc *outBufs, VIDENC_InArgs *inArgs, VIDENC_OutArgs *outArgs)
 Execute the process() method in this instance of a video encoder algorithm.
Int32 VIDENC_control (VIDENC_Handle handle, VIDENC_Cmd id, VIDENC_DynamicParams *params, VIDENC_Status *status)
 Execute the "control" method in this instance of a video encoder algorithm.
Void VIDENC_delete (VIDENC_Handle handle)
 Delete the instance of a video encoder algorithm.
XDAS_Int32 VIDENC_processAsync (VIDENC_Handle handle, XDM_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM_BufDesc *outBufs, IVIDENC_InArgs *inArgs, IVIDENC_OutArgs *outArgs)
 Perform asynchronous submission to this instance of a video decoder algorithm.
XDAS_Int32 VIDENC_processWait (VIDENC_Handle handle, XDM_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM_BufDesc *outBufs, IVIDENC_InArgs *inArgs, IVIDENC_OutArgs *outArgs, UInt timeout)
 Wait for a return message from a previous invocation of VIDENC_processAsync() in this instance of an video decoder algorithm.
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