GCC Cortex-A15 with hard FP Size Benchmarks

Target Platform: ti.platforms.evmDRA7XX

Tool Chain Version: 7.2.1

BIOS Version: bios_6_75_00_11_eng_keystone3

XDCTools Version: xdctools_3_51_00_12_core_eng

See the SYS/BIOS User Guide for detailed application configuration information

Constructed Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 52964 910 0 53874 1024 512 0 20352 21888
Semaphore 53412 1034 0 54446 1024 512 0 20384 21920
Mutex 53600 1110 0 54710 1024 512 0 20428 21964
Clock 54104 1178 0 55282 1024 512 0 20468 22004

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

Created Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 55364 1286 0 56650 1024 512 0 20360 21896
Semaphore 54572 1262 0 55834 1024 512 0 20368 21904
Mutex 54308 1194 0 55502 1024 512 0 20368 21904
Clock 54760 1262 0 56022 1024 512 0 20372 21908

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

POSIX Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
PThread 58216 1326 0 59542 1024 1536 0 20756 23316
Semaphore 58416 1326 0 59742 1024 1536 0 20784 23344
Mutex 58696 1326 0 60022 1024 1536 0 20828 23388
Timer 60272 1394 0 61666 1024 1536 0 20832 23392

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes