SYS/BIOS GA Release Notes

This release note is divided into the following sections:

Introduction, Documentation, What's New, Upgrading And Compatibility Information, Host Support, Dependencies, Device Support, Validation Information, Known Issues, Benchmarks, Versioning, Technical Support And Product Updates,


SYS/BIOS is a GA release of SYS/BIOS 6.35.00.

SYS/BIOS is a real-time operating system that provides pre-emptive deterministic multithreading. The SYS/BIOS releases introduce a completely new SYS/BIOS kernel and toolset. The SYS/BIOS releases include numerous major enhancements, including completely new kernel APIs. They also include compatibility layers and tooling to facilitate easy porting of applications developed on DSP/BIOS 5.x releases.

A number of tools and libraries that were provided as an integrated part of DSP/BIOS 5.x releases must now be downloaded separately to obtain a functional solution. It is essential for even experienced DSP/BIOS users to refer to the Getting Started Guide and to the Upgrading and Compatibility Information section for further details.

Please read the Getting Started Guide for help installing and setting up your environment to use SYS/BIOS

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The following documentation is provided with this release. These documents are also available via teh CCS Eclipse help table of contents.

License and manifest.
Additional online sources of documentation.

Release notes from previous releases are also available in the release notes archive directory.

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What's New

SYS/BIOS GA Release (this release).

Defects Fixed in SYS/BIOS GA (Fixes since SYS/BIOS
ID                               Headline
SDOCM00098990    BIOS should generate its own _malloc_r, _free_r, ... for targets that use gcc CG Tools
SDOCM00098960    add Resource Explorer description to the getting started guide
SDOCM00098881    Remove stairstep example from SYS/BIOS 6.35.00 release
SDOCM00098880    deprecate ti.sysbios.rta.Agent and update the docs and xgconf UI to recommend use of UIA
SDOCM00098846    Load module task delete hook using incorrect Heap handle to free allocated memory
SDOCM00098740    BIOS 6: A8F/A15F interrupt dispatcher does not preserve some critical floating point registers
SDOCM00098704    BIOS 6: C6x Exception handler corrupts ISR stack
SDOCM00098585    BIOS 6: Update user manual to describe new build behavior when BIOS.libType = BIOS.LibType_Debug
SDOCM00098547    Update CG Tools for C28x to v6.1.0
SDOCM00098530    Clock_startI() can set an incorrect timeout for TickMode_DYNAMIC
SDOCM00098503    BIOS 6.35 Release New Benchmarks
SDOCM00098502    Use Hwi_getStackInfo() for stack checking and getting stack base/size in hal/Hwi_stack.c
SDOCM00098474    BIOS.includeXdcRuntime = true does not include Core-smem.c in custom build flow.
SDOCM00098398    GIO.xs should use "$externPtr(fxns)" instead of "&" + fxns"
SDOCM00098361    ship "release" version of the pre-built libraries with minimal symbols
SDOCM00098360    use GA 1.0.0 for ARP32
SDOCM00098118    BIOS.includeXdcRuntime = true tries to build 'xdc/runtime/Types.c' which doesn't exist
SDOCM00097915    add gcc/Linaro A8F and A15F target support to SYS/BIOS
SDOCM00097914    udpate Examples.xs to use short 'name' for assorted BIOS examples
SDOCM00097895    BIOS 6: Clock module example should use 'Clock.doTick' rather than 'Clock.tick'
SDOCM00097874    BIOS 6: BIOS module ROV view is broken for platforms with no memory defined at location 0.
SDOCM00097833    update BIOS User's Guide Appx D (footprint) to use BIOS.assertsEnabled and BIOS.logsEnabled (instead of Defaults)
SDOCM00097826    Add platform file and support for BeagleBone AM335x
SDOCM00097825    Add platform file and support for AM3358 Starter Kit
SDOCM00097742    BIOS 6: To support ROM-ability, replace all static functions and data in SYS/BIOS modules with fully spec'd counterparts
SDOCM00097690    BIOS 6: A8 TimestampProvider_get64() is not thread safe
SDOCM00097633    Arp32 (Eve) Timer ROV view needs to be fixed
SDOCM00097570    BIOS 6: Add Assert that Task scheduler is unlocked to all blocking APIs before they call Task_disable()
SDOCM00097569    BIOS 6: Enhance Swi_disable() and GateSwi_enter() CDOC to describe effects of Task_disable() side effect.
SDOCM00097568    BIOS 6: reword Swi xgconf reference to "mask" to match "trigger"
SDOCM00097566    BIOS 6: Beef up the CDOC for Task_delete() to sensitize the user to the need for care when using it.
SDOCM00097490    (Child) BIOS 6: Tesla AMMU ROV view shows bogus names for Large Page descriptors
SDOCM00097478    (Child) BIOS 6: Custom build flow doesn't support package.bld flow with non-co-located source files.
SDOCM00097419    (Child) Add triggerSensitivity and targetProcList instance param to GIC  Hwi
SDOCM00097416    (Child) BIOS c66 support needs to fix single mfence errata
SDOCM00097415    (Child) BIOS needs to support Secure Kernel for 6614
SDOCM00097327    (Child) BIOS 6: OMAP5430 C64T is not supported in 6.34.00
SDOCM00097319    (Child) BIOS 6: M3 Hwi_reconfig() writes to const array can result in bus error if array is in flash.
SDOCM00097316    Add support of the MSP430 timer’s ID and IDEX dividers to enable longer timeouts
SDOCM00097281    BIOS 6: Clean up Clock module's "application never calls clock_tick" GUI option.
SDOCM00097254    (Child) BIOS.xs needs to be updated for correct timings on Concerto F28M36xx devices
SDOCM00097160    (Child) need to deliver ti.sysbios.fatfs.utils utilties for Windows as well as Linux
SDOCM00097154    (Child) BIOS 6: Using configuro build flow, ducati M3 applications fail to bring in _c_int00.
SDOCM00096983    BIOS 6: Do not export pre-built libraries' generated .c and .cfg files
SDOCM00096968    Need to address special case where heap butts up to 4GB address boundary
SDOCM00096955    BIOS 6: pre-built instrumented and nonInstrumented library build flows have a flaw in their makefile dependencies
SDOCM00096911    (Child) do not open example .c files by default (update Example.xs file) -- causes undesired focus change in TRex
SDOCM00096865    (Child) BIOS 6: Under certain code placement and unicache conditions, GateDualCore_enter() will stall indefinitely.
SDOCM00096820    (Child) Add Generic Timer support for A15
SDOCM00096782    (Child) Add Long Descriptor format support to A15 MMU module
SDOCM00096771    add module-specific instance heap description to 6.7.4 of the SYS/BIOS User's Guide
SDOCM00096708    update Memory/malloc discussion in Appendix D (footprint) to use BIOS.heapSize
SDOCM00096559    remove ti.sysbios.genx package -- examples are now supported via TI Resource Explorer
SDOCM00096558    BIOS 6: Add Clock_isRunning() instance API to determine whether an object is currently active.
SDOCM00096515    (Child) BIOS 6 (M3 target): unresolved symbols when BIOS.taskEnabled = false, or BIOS.swiEnabled = false
SDOCM00096422    HeapBuf_free needs to assert block being freed is within range
SDOCM00096191    remove MSP430/COFF support
SDOCM00095826    remove and ti.sdo.ipc test cases from regresstest
SDOCM00095573    Need to resolve remaining regresstest failures for IAR for MSP430
SDOCM00095551    remove a few remaining 'freezeRomConfig()' from a couple xs files
SDOCM00094716    Need a Swi_setFuncs API to allow args to be changed once the Swi is created
SDOCM00094583    BIOS 6: xgconf link to hal Cache delegate doesn't work if there is no family specific Cache delegate
SDOCM00094213    BIOS 6: shouldn't allow Task.deleteTerminatedTasks == true and Task.enableIdleTask = false;
SDOCM00093052    BIOS 6: Bios_Legacy_App_Note needs to state that converted files are NOT compatible with Grace GUI configuration
SDOCM00091088    BIOS UG needs to say that app C code needs #include <xdc/cfg/global.h> to access symbols hanging from obj
SDOCM00089988    Add Clock tick suppression for Stellaris devices
SDOCM00086832    Clock xgconf/grace page should disable or hide Timer Control when app tick or no tick is selected
SDOCM00084332    (Child) Make "LibType_Debug" build profile be similar to LibType_Custom but with no optimizations. Stop exporting package lib
SDOCM00082438    C6x - Hwi.resetVectorAddress should also change the COFF/ELF entry point to this reset address
SDOCM00082034    BIOS 6: Add Swi readyQ ROV view similar to Task readyQ view
SDOCM00078998    add Swi_getParams()/setParams() (or some such) to cover use case for BIOS 5.x's SWI_getattrs()/setattrs()
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Upgrading and Compatibility Information

SYS/BIOS releases have many significant changes from DSP/BIOS 5.x.  It is important to understand the information below in order to successfully use SYS/BIOS and to migrate applications from DSP/BIOS 5.x.

SYS/BIOS software downloads






The '' and 'ti.sdo.utils' packages are no longer provided with SYS/BIOS

The ti.sysbios.ipc package and its modules have been deprecated

The module has been deprecated

Placing of sections using MEM configs is no longer supported (ie MEM.TEXTSEG is unsupported)

The configuration item is no longer supported

SYS/BIOS no longer contains all the tools and objects you will need

Migrating DSP/BIOS 5.x applications to SYS/BIOS back to top

Host Support

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Device Support

Click here  for the list of supported devices.
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Validation Information

Click here for the list of compilers used to build and validate this release (scroll down to Supported Targets section).

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Known Issues

The following issues are known to affect this release:

ID                              Headline
SDOCM00082528    Linker command file inserted regardless of platform selected for C28 examples
SDOCM00074130    ROV should reference kernel object names versus object addresses
SDOCM00068360    No data displayed in RTA Exec Graph when attaching to running target

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    For a full description of Benchmarks please see the appendices in the SYS/BIOS 6 User's Guide. back to top


All releases have 4 digits ( This includes GA and pre-releases (engineering, alpha/EA, beta, etc.). Pre-releases are denoted with a suffix (e.g. or

This product's version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory (e.g. bios_6_30_00_00).

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. SYS/BIOS with directory bios_6_30_01_15. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Please note that version numbers and compatibility keys are NOT the same. For an explanation of compatibility keys, please refer to the 'Upgrade and Compatibility Information' section.

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Technical Support and Product Updates

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Last updated: February 11, 2013 Build Ver: Rev: k20