Texas Instruments

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ARP32 far model Size Benchmarks

Target Platform: ti.platforms.evmTDA3XX

Tool Chain Version: 1.0.7

BIOS Version: bios_6_50_00_06_eng

XDCTools Version: xdctools_3_50_00_09_eng

See the SYS/BIOS User Guide for detailed application configuration information

Constructed Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 9080 371 480 9931 1024 512 0 1436 2972
Semaphore 10084 499 480 11063 1024 512 0 1468 3004
Mutex 10352 715 480 11547 1024 512 0 1512 3048
Clock 10708 783 480 11971 1024 512 0 1552 3088

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

Created Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 11020 607 596 12223 1024 512 0 1472 3008
Semaphore 11924 809 596 13329 1024 512 0 1480 3016
Mutex 12024 841 596 13461 1024 512 0 1480 3016
Clock 12368 909 596 13873 1024 512 0 1484 3020

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

POSIX Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
PThread 14196 771 764 15731 1024 512 0 1728 3264
Semaphore 14292 771 764 15827 1024 512 0 1756 3292
Mutex 14552 771 760 16083 1024 512 0 1760 3296
Timer 15808 839 764 17411 1024 512 0 1764 3300

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes