TI Cortex-M4 Timing Benchmarks

ti.platforms.simplelink:CC3200:1 (compiler version: 5.1.5)

Benchmark Cycles (1)
Interrupt Latency 82 (2)
Hwi_restore() 0
Hwi_disable() 2
Hwi dispatcher prolog 85
Hwi dispatcher epilog 189
Hwi dispatcher 266
Hardware Interrupt to Blocked Task 426
Hardware Interrupt to Software Interrupt 293
Swi_enable() 60
Swi_disable() 8
Post Software Interrupt Again 27
Post Software Interrupt without Context Switch 82
Post Software Interrupt with Context Switch 155
Create a New Task without Context Switch 1566
Set a Task Priority without a Context Switch 133
Task_yield() 159
Post Semaphore, No Waiting Task 42
Post Semaphore No Task Switch 151
Post Semaphore with Task Switch 201
Pend on Semaphore, No Context Switch 55
Pend on Semaphore with Task Switch 211
Clock_getTicks() 7

(1) The benchmark application was built using BIOS.LibType_Custom with the following BIOS.customCCOpts settings: "--endian=little -mv7M4 --float_support=vfplib --abi=eabi -q -ms --opt_for_speed=2 --program_level_compile -o3".

Timings were obtained using the CC3200 Launchpad board running at 80MHz.

(2) The M4 target also supports zero latency interrupts. See ti.sysbios.family.arm.m3.Hwi CDOCs for details. Due to RTC Timer register access times, when the SYS/BIOS Clock module uses the CC3200 RTC timer as its tick source, interrupt latencies can be as high as 200 microseconds. These unusually high latencies should only occur once every 36 hours or so. See the CDOCs for the ti.sysbios.family.arm.cc32xx.Timer module for more details.