GCC Cortex-A15 with hard FP Timing Benchmarks

ti.platforms.evmDRA7XX (compiler version: 4.7.3)

Benchmark Cycles (1)
Interrupt Latency 499
Hwi_restore() 80
Hwi_disable() 78
Hwi dispatcher prolog 446
Hwi dispatcher epilog 330
Hwi dispatcher 770
Hardware Interrupt to Blocked Task 1402
Hardware Interrupt to Software Interrupt 802
Swi_enable() 310
Swi_disable() 3
Post Software Interrupt Again 153
Post Software Interrupt without Context Switch 318
Post Software Interrupt with Context Switch 390
Create a New Task without Context Switch 2265
Set a Task Priority without a Context Switch 336
Task_yield() 718
Post Semaphore, No Waiting Task 163
Post Semaphore No Task Switch 535
Post Semaphore with Task Switch 885
Pend on Semaphore, No Context Switch 160
Pend on Semaphore with Task Switch 759
Clock_getTicks() 0

(1) The benchmark application was built using BIOS.LibType_Custom with the following compiler options:

"-mcpu=cortex-a15 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard -mabi=aapcs -O3 -Wunused -Wunknown-pragmas -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Dti_sysbios_Build_useHwiMacros -Dfar= -D__DYNAMIC_REENT__".

Timings were obtained using the sdp5430 evaluation board.

The A15 core was running at 800MHz, with L1 & L2 caches enabled, and all code & data placed in External RAM starting at 0x80000000.