Texas Instruments Technology for Innovators(tm)

XDCtools 3.10.02 Release Notes

September 08, 2008

Introduction, Documentation, What's New, Upgrade & Compatibility Information, Host Support, Dependencies, Device Support, Validation InfoKnown Issues, Version Information, Technical Support.


RTSC / XDC (eXpanDed C) is a standard for reusable software components, optimized for real-time embedded systems. RTSC components have hardware-neutral formal interfaces, are configurable offline to optimize memory and performance, and support custom automation in the development environment via a scripting language.

XDCtools 3.10.02 is a Patch Release. It includes the following sets of packages:

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The product documentation for this release is available in two formats:

Both formats are delivered with the product in the docs subdirectory. The most up-to-date docs can also be viewed on-line at:

Release notes from previous product releases are available in the relnotes_archive directory.

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What's New

The following significant changes have been made in the 3.10.02 release:

Product name change

Starting with release 3.10 this product is known as "XDCtools", replacing its previous name "XDC". For now we'll continue to refer to pre-3.10 product releases as "XDC" but will use "XDCtools" for new releases.

The name of the default product install location has also changed from "xdc_version" to to "xdctools_version".

Note: The change in the name of the default installation directory may require customers to change makefiles or other build artifacts when migrating to this release.

Default product install location

By default, XDCtools will now install under "C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments" on Windows, instead of its previous "C:\". Note that on Windows XDCtools now supports space characters in the install location and in repository names.

Note: If you are using XDCtools from Makefiles or other build systems, the space character in the path to XDCtools may impact your own build files. Workarounds are to quote the path to XDCtools in your makefiles, or to install XDCtools in a non-default location.

Integration with Code Composer Studio v4

XDCtools now integrates with Code Composer Studio v4 (CCSv4) IDE and is bundled with the CCSv4 Early Adopter product. Users can build and run applications that use RTSC content in an integrated graphical environment.

The integration features include:

RTSC-pedia documentation

The product documentation has been rewritten to make it easier to find what you need, more accurate, more complete, and more up to date.

In addition to the documents delivered in the product, we'll update and add to the documents on a public web site, so you can always access the most useful information available. Check for announcements at http://rtsc.eclipse.org.

Easy-to-use targets and platforms for Arm GCC/Linux

The new gnu.targets.arm.* RTSC target modules can be used with any GCC-based compiler for Arm. Three such targets are available: gnu.targets.arm.GCArmv5T, GCArmv6 and GCArmv7A. These targets support Arm instruction set devices, using little-endian byte ordering, and using GLIBC. The targets are binary compatible with the gnu.targets.MVArm9 and gnu.targets.codesourcery.GCArmv5T targets. The new targets are configured by setting the name of the gcc executable in their LONGNAME config parameter, typically in config.bld.

The new host.platforms.arm platform package supports any Arm-based board that does not need a platform memory map. Many Linux-based applications don't care about memory map, since Linux takes care of that for user space. This RTSC platform package supports most such applications, even on custom hardware, without the need for a custom RTSC platform package.

The host.platforms.arm platform need only be configured to name the (Arm-based) device present on the board, which can then supply the device's on-chip memory map and other similar information. The device is named using the platform's config params deviceName and catalogName, typically in the user's config.bld file.

Updated CDOC documentation tool

The xdc.tools.cdoc and xdc.tools.cdoc.sg documentation tools feature a new presentation format along with complete and accurate API information for all spec'd RTSC objects. The tools remain command-line compatible with previous releases.

Targets can declare binary compatibility

The xdc.bld.ITarget interface now supports features for declaring and testing binary compatibility between different targets. This allows the targets for device families with compatible instruction sets, such as Arm and TI C6000 devices, to mix target content built for different instruction sets. The new features are the findSuffix() method and the compatibleSuffixes config param, and are of interest to anyone who writes a target or a getLibs() function.

3.10.02 (This Release)


The following defects were resolved in this release:

SDSCM00027729    Need RTSC platform for DM360 / DM365 / DM36x 
SDSCM00027851    xdc.tools.path.sg aborts
SDSCM00027678    Occasionally, unable to create a module instance in XGCONF GUI 
SDSCM00027646    duplicate code in xdc.tools.path and xdc.tools.repoman
SDSCM00027521    On Windows ,In CDOC E_assertFailed link does not open in xdc.runtime.assert
SDSCM00027502    On LINUX OS, EULA is not getting displayed while installing XDC  in standard mode
SDSCM00027484    xgconf Input tab doesn't display user created module instances when placed in the Program.global namespace
SDSCM00027434    Incorrect memory map when using ti.platforms.evmDRA416
SDSCM00027395    configuro doesn't issue error on frozen DA830 ROM parameters
SDSCM00027394    package releases using zip may miss some files
SDSCM00027152    XGCONF generates incorrect configuration script
SDSCM00026998    XGCONF: Need a way to make instance handle as global one
SDSCM00026961    CCS 3.3 Component Manager will not select XDCtools
SDSCM00026930    Error Module CDOC has broken link
SDSCM00026703    ROV - Crashes when opened while target is running
SDSCM00026702    ROV - "No program loaded" and missing progress barSDSCM00025788    cdoc for ICmd tools should provide "man page" view
SDSCM00025571    command line tools are inconsistently/incoherently documented
SDSCM00024872    Documentation of array turns into pointer
SDSCM00024653    import statement in one unit doesn't allow importing another unit from the same package
SDSCM00024228    CDOC for module-wide functions declared in interfaces has an extra parameter
SDSCM00023252    cdoc: links don't work in summaries
SDSCM00022789    cdoc sometimes eats spaces between words
SDSCM00021758    cdoc structure field format look terrible
SDSCM00021755    links can't be copied from cdoc pages into emails
SDSCM00018481    cdoc fails on interfaces with toString methods
SDSCM00015400    TI targets should have '-mo' (or equivalent), xdc.runtime should build with -mo

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Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Warning:Starting with XDC 2.95, XDC packages with target content are incompatible with target content from previous releases. Compatibility of meta only content is not affected. Packages with target content would require a recompile. Starting with XDC 3.00 release both backward and forward compatibility is maintained for all content.

Package Compatibility Keys

The packages comprising the XDC release are uniquely identified by a compatibility key defined in the package.xdc file of a package. Please note that the package compatibility keys are independent of XDC product release numbers.

Package compatibility keys are intended to:

  1. Enable tooling to identify incompatibilities between components, and
  2. Convey a level of compatibility between different releases to set end user expectations.

Package compatibility keys are composed of 4 comma-delimited numbers - M, S, R, P - where:

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Host Support

This release supports the following hosts:

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This release requires the following other software components and tools versions to successfully function:

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Device Support

This release supports the following device families:

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Validation Information

This release was built and validated against using the following components:

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Known Issues

SDSCM00027823    LoggerBuf numEntries has no power of 2 restriction
SDSCM00027445    Escaped characters in config string are not put in generated C-file.
SDSCM00027439    Need to revisit Error, Assert and Log Ids when we can break compatibility with primus ROM
SDSCM00027405    cdocWindow_size issue
SDSCM00027197    Some common$ fields should be sealed for the ROM assembly flow (currently none are sealed)
SDSCM00027163    XGCONF shows invalid user options
SDSCM00027155    XGCONF generates script statements in incorrect order
SDSCM00027001    cdoc index.html first frame is not loaded correctly on Linus OS
SDSCM00026563    Assert: if Test_isLoaded is false, get incorrect string instead of ""
SDSCM00026409    XDC builds on Windows hang after sometime and need carriage return to continue
SDSCM00026224    XDC remarks when using -pdr
SDSCM00025416    ROV - decoder problem with signed values.
SDSCM00024907    ROM - Setting Memory.defaultHeapInstance does not update common$.instanceHeap
SDSCM00024799    Assert_raise__I may not work with ROM
SDSCM00024640    Exception information in configuration step is not preserved

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Version Information

This product's version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory, e.g. xdctools_3_00.

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. XDCtools 3.00.03 with directory xdctools_3_00_03. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Please note that version numbers and compatibility keys are NOT the same. For an explanation of compatibility keys, please refer to the 'Upgrade and Compatibility Information' section.

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Technical Support

For technical support, contact rtsc_champs@list.ti.com

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Last updated: September 08, 2008 Build Ver: Rev: j49