Texas Instruments Technology for Innovators(tm)

XDC 3.05 Release Notes

Mar 28, 2008

Introduction, Known Issues, Documentation, What's New, Upgrade & Compatibility Information, Host Support, Dependencies, Device Support, Validation Info, Version Information, Technical Support.


eXpress DSP Components (XDC) is a standard for reusable software components, optimized for real-time embedded systems. XDC components have hardware-neutral formal interfaces, are configurable offline to optimize memory and performance, and support custom automation in the development environment via a scripting language.

This XDC release includes the following sets of packages:

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Known Issues

SDSCM00023774Partial stack traces are emitted if an exception is thrown in the 'close' method in package.xs
SDSCM00023772gnu.targets.Linux86 target no longer supports GCC 3.X
SDSCM00021754links into cdoc don't work with IE
SDSCM00021126name resolution fails on Windows
SDSCM00021087ti.targets.c6x targets need to flag incompatible libraries when using whole_program and 6.1/6.0 tool mix
SDSCM00023928The -P option to cdoc is broken

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The following documentation is available:

Release notes from previous releases are also available in the relnotes_archive directory.

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What's New

The following significant changes have been made in the 3.05 release:


3.05 (This Release)




The following defects were resolved in this release:

SDSCM00024530Unable to create static instance of GateNull
SDSCM00024226xs xdc.tools.cdoc.sg --help dumps stack
SDSCM00024033if not set, LoggerBuf's default TimestampProxy should be assigned to Timestamp's proxy (not TimestampNull)
SDSCM00023991Main and Memory modules "namedModule" value being set true, internally though default is false
SDSCM00023979RuntimeExecptions should display stack traceback
SDSCM00023873CDOC does not escape some illegal XML characters
SDSCM00023813Core_createObject() should use 'malloc' not 'calloc' for consistent create/construct precondition
SDSCM00023810SysStd_ready CDOC issue
SDSCM00023793xs -m option is broken
SDSCM00023686cdoc does not allow @nodoc of fields
SDSCM00023578Error in lexical analysis phase does not return information about location
SDSCM00023530GNU targets should use lazy version check on codegen tools
SDSCM00023249paths ending with '/' are not treated as identical to those without the '/' on Windows
SDSCM00023225Gate_enterSystem() does not always enter the System gate
SDSCM00023044SysMin needs user supplied flush function
SDSCM00022985can't create genx examples
SDSCM00022982Can't open online documention for XDC package - xs xdc.tools.cdoc.sg
SDSCM00022905CDOC @see must be allowed anywhere in a comment
SDSCM00022794XDC tool does not report location of type error in specification file
SDSCM00022597"cdoc -l C" fails on meta-only units
SDSCM00022492xdc.runtome.LoggerBuf may corrupt memory
SDSCM00022491xdc.runtime.Memory may leak memory
SDSCM00022475GetStats for Heapmin allocs returns invalid free size on PADK
SDSCM00022464HeapMin CDOC issues
SDSCM00022284Error_raise may spontaneously abort
SDSCM00021931Configuro BTI uses config.importPath incorrectly
SDSCM00021901Error_getMsg returns extra char along with message
SDSCM00021757cdoc struct field summaries are not output
SDSCM00021756cdoc shows bogus internal data structures not in any spec file
SDSCM00021754links into cdoc don't work with IE
SDSCM00021676instanceof fails on structs
SDSCM00021675xdc.runtime.Error.getCode() always returns 0
SDSCM00021632System_atexit() always returns FALSE (new bug in 3.00.03)
SDSCM00021045System_printf() should support %f for floating point parts
SDSCM00021044Add format description to System_printf() cdoc (similar to SYS_printf())
SDSCM00021033Error_getSite returns null for file name field
SDSCM00021010'Ptr' type for ti.targets.C28_float should be 2 words (not 1)
SDSCM00020839In XDC Diags module: setMask API is not working
SDSCM00020828assorted configuration parameters for binding system gate are confusing
SDSCM00020777In XDC Diags module: setMaskEnabled API is not working correctly
SDSCM00020682LoggerBuf_flushAll ( ) does not flush log to stdout
SDSCM00020681In XDC Memory module: The Memory Free API wrongly updates the Total Free Size
SDSCM00020676Log and System need to support 32-bit floats
SDSCM00020605troubleshooting doc indexed by error codes
SDSCM00020604XDC error messages should be short and helpful
SDSCM00020582platform ti.platforms.sdp3430 must support TI and GCC targets
SDSCM00020449xdc.useModule() fails on interfaces
SDSCM00020425ROM - No default heap inst in romimage
SDSCM00020418Poor error message for misplaced package requires statement
SDSCM00020380rtsarm9/boot.asm in ti.targets.arm9 contains 16-bit code in 32-bit section
SDSCM00020305LoggerBuf_Params needs more description in CDOC
SDSCM00020304LoggerBuf_flush() description needs modification in CDOC
SDSCM00020303LoggerBuf_getNextEntry() needs more description in CDOC
SDSCM00020302Conversion functions from LoggerBuf_Struct * to LoggerBuf_Handle missing in CDOC
SDSCM00020276Issue with errorID.code parameters
SDSCM00020271Errors in XDC Getting Started Guide
SDSCM00019876CDOC for Memory_getMaxDefaultTypeAlign needs modification
SDSCM00019875We need to have Memory_isBlocking API
SDSCM00019775Configuro Fails in CreateProcess() call in WindowsXP if XDCPATH too long
SDSCM00019319HeapStd documentation should discuss heap locking
SDSCM00019240HeapStd needs to check Program.heap before creating instance
SDSCM00019143Diags: ENTRY and EXIT masks have issues with SysStd
SDSCM00019114Diags: setMaskMeta() is not recognised
SDSCM00019111Diags: Config Parameter "setMaskEnabled" has issues
SDSCM00018941cdoc static generation should allow generation of both C and XS
SDSCM00018922xdc.runtime.Text.isLoaded = false does not work
SDSCM00018901System should validate that System gate is non-blocking and not preemptive
SDSCM00018900Need to handle STATIC_POLICY in System.xs
SDSCM00018899Need more comments in System module
SDSCM00018190xdc.runtime.Defaults needs proper xdoc
SDSCM00017878random characters in the XDCPATH environment variable cause problems, error message is vague
SDSCM00017876Module inheritance not shown in cdoc
SDSCM00017816xdoc parser fails on doc tag before module
SDSCM00016712LoggerBuf.enableFlush = true does not work as expected when using SysMIn.
SDSCM00016323Error_raise requires too much stack
SDSCM00015332XDC Verbose option should print the full path to each package it loads
SDSCM00015096cdoc should include all the good stuff from xdoc (except back bug) and replace xdoc
SDSCM00012331xdoc does not show override docs
SDSCM00012325xdoc @a and @b headings should support multiple white space separated words
SDSCM00010402Object deletion must be carefully orchestrated so ROV doesn't get confused
SDSCM00007080XDC command help message is hard to find
SDSCM00007060'can't find package' error could be clearer

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Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Warning:Starting with XDC 2.95, XDC packages with target content are incompatible with target content from previous releases. Compatibility of meta only content is not affected. Packages with target content would require a recompile. Starting with XDC 3.00 release both backward and forward compatibility is maintained for all content.

Package Compatibility Keys

The packages comprising the XDC release are uniquely identified by a compatibility key defined in the package.xdc file of a package. Please note that the package compatibility keys are independent of XDC product release numbers.

Package compatibility keys are intended to:

  1. Enable tooling to identify incompatibilities between components, and
  2. Convey a level of compatibility between different releases to set end user expectations.

Package compatibility keys are composed of 4 comma-delimited numbers - M, S, R, P - where:

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Host Support

This release supports the following hosts:

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This release requires the following other software components and tools versions to successfully function:

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Device Support

This release supports the following device families:

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Validation Information

This release was built and validated against using the following components:

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Version Information

This product's version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory, e.g. xdc_3_00.

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. XDC 3.00.03 with directory xdc_3_00_03. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Please note that version numbers and compatibility keys are NOT the same. For an explanation of compatibility keys, please refer to the 'Upgrade and Compatibility Information' section.

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Technical Support

For technical support, contact rtsc_champs@list.ti.com

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Last updated: Mar 28, 2008 Build Ver: Rev: i05