Texas Instruments Technology for Innovators(tm)

XDC 3.00 Release Notes

August 13, 2007

Introduction, Known Issues, Documentation, What's New, Upgrade & Compatibility Information, Host Support, Dependencies, Device Support, Validation Info, Version Information, Technical Support.


eXpress DSP Components (XDC) is a standard for reusable software components, optimized for real-time embedded systems. XDC components have hardware-neutral formal interfaces, are configurable offline to optimize memory and performance, and support custom automation in the development environment via a scripting language.

This XDC release includes the following sets of packages:

Known Issues



The following documentation is available:

Release notes from previous releases are also available in the relnotes_archive directory.

What's New

The following significant changes have been made since 2.95: (This Release)

XDC Runtime



XDC Core

Configuro Build Tool

Repoman Repository Management Tool

Xdoc / Cdoc Package Documentation Tool

Path Tool

Configuration Viewer Tool

Other Tools




The following minor enhancements were resolved:

ID Headline
SDSCM00017350 CDOC should allow doxygen stylesheet
SDSCM00017825 need "registryfree" install of xdc tools


The following defects were resolved:

ID Headline
SDSCM00016858 The sdkPath property of the Win32 target should support absolute path
SDSCM00017928 incorrect XDCPATH causes xdc.tools.path.sg to emit strange warning and fail
SDSCM00018207 cdoc.sg viewer cannot resolve name ti.sysbios.interfaces.ITimer
SDSCM00018222 CDOC should not show @_nodoc functions in the TOC on LHS of page
SDSCM00018234 CDOC - move "Details" to the top of each module page and change title to "Summary"
SDSCM00018237 configuro generates duplicate -I for xdc/packages in compiler.opt file
SDSCM00018294 System_abort is passing an invalid string to the Proxy's abort
SDSCM00018304 Parts of SysStd are being pulled in along with SysMin (and vica versa).
SDSCM00018328 platform packages should not depend on xdc.runtime
SDSCM00018352 XDC build for Windows Host throws Link Error with lnkx86
SDSCM00018395 rts470 boot code needs reset function hook
SDSCM00018543 cdoc.sg index shows meta create() and construct() as target
SDSCM00018616 arm whole_program should use --recursion_limit=20 switch
SDSCM00018673 add release notes, getting started guide, user guide, cdoc, repoman, pathman under shortcuts in start menu for xdc installs
SDSCM00018692 Display horizontal rule in cdoc graphical viewer
SDSCM00018710 global TSK_Obj symbols created by Program.symbol in legacy bios are not correct
SDSCM00018831 HeapStd should fail when passed an unsupport alignment
SDSCM00018832 HeapStd is not thread safe
SDSCM00018833 System atexit handlers should always execute with the system gate entered
SDSCM00018885 Cdoc viewer crash in Node.xs
SDSCM00019014 XDC config is slow to write the generated .c file
SDSCM00019018 ti.targets.rts5000 boot code fails for C55 small model
SDSCM00019039 can't set multiple import path in the CCS - XDC tab

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Warning: Beginning with XDC 2.95, XDC modules with target content (i.e. non-meta-only) are incompatible with non-metaonly modules from XDC 2.94 and earlier. Metaonly modules are not affected. Non-metaonly modules require at least a recompile.

Warning: Beginning with xdc-o02, internal C files generated when building package schemas are named package_<package name>.c instead of <package_name>.c. This may introduce incompatibilities with older xdc-n and xdc-o trees (XDC 2.X products). The compatibility with metaonly xdc-m packages (XDC 1.X products) is still maintained.

Compatibility Key Definitions

Compatibility keys are intentionally independent of Marketing product numbers and are intended to:

  1. Enable tooling to identify incompatibilities between components, and
  2. Convey a level of compatibility between different releases to set end user expectations.

Compatibility keys are composed of 3 comma-delimited numbers - M,S,R - where:

Host Support

This release supports the following hosts:


This release requires the following other software components and tools versions to successfully function:

Device Support

This release supports the following device families:

Validation Information

This release was built and validated against using the following components:

Version Information

This product's version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory, e.g. xdc_3_00.

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. XDC 3.00.03 with directory xdc_3_00_03. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Please note that version numbers and compatibility keys are NOT the same. For an explanation of compatibility keys, please refer to the 'Upgrade and Compatibility Information' section.

Technical Support

For technical support, contact rtsc_champs@list.ti.com

Last updated: August 13, 2007