Closed Defects in Release

ID Summary State Reported In Release Target Release Workaround Release Notes
CODEGEN-3597 ELF header field e_phoff should be 0 when no program header is present Fixed ARM_17.6.0.STS ARM_17.9.0.STS ELF header field e_phoff should be 0 when no program header is present, and ELF header field e_shoff should be 0 when no section headers are present.
CODEGEN-2372 C2000 hex utility emits spurious warning about creating an extra output file Fixed ARM_17.6.0.STS ARM_17.9.0.STS Ignore the warning or suppress it with option --diag_suppress=21117. The Hex utility sometimes emits spurious warnings about writing data to auto-generated files.
CODEGEN-2371 Compiler library automatic build with mklib fails Fixed ARM_17.6.0.STS ARM_17.9.0.STS Add quotes around argument to offending 'echo' command in lib/src/Makefile of the tool's installation.
CODEGEN-2286 palign(8) of .init_array messes up __TI_INITARRAY_Limit address Fixed ARM_17.9.0.STS ARM_17.9.0.STS In the linker command file, replace .init_array > FLASH, palign(8), fill = 0xffffffff with the following GROUP statement: GROUP { .init_array } > FLASH, palign(8) The palign(8) on GROUP will ensure that any required padding is added after .init_array. However, both the size of .init_array and the value of __TI_INITARRAY_Limit remain unchanged. Applying palign(8) to .init_array caused __TI_INIT_ARRAY_Limit to be set to the end of .init_array including the padding. This broke RTS startup code responsible for calling constructors because the table of constructors now includes invalid data. This bug has been fixed and __TI_INIT_ARRAY_Limit is no longer affected by padding.
CODEGEN-2209 Link error with gcc debug information Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS ARM_17.6.0.STS None When linking against GCC code, a project failed to build due to a relocation error, generating the message "fatal error #10232". Specifically, the problem was caused by debug information left in the GCC object file for eliminated comdat sections. GCC puts debug information into a common section called .debug_info. Once the comdat section was eliminated, the debug symbol pointed to a deleted section, causing an error in the TI linker.
CODEGEN-2123 Compiler manuals incorrectly document option --gen_preprocessor_listing as --gen_parser_listing Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS ARM_17.3.0.STS The correct name of the compiler option is --gen_preprocessor_listing.
CODEGEN-2119 Stack usage assistant call graph misses callee relationship for some direct calls Fixed ARM_17.6.0.STS ARM_17.6.0.STS The Object File Display utility failed to detect function callees when generating call graph information for functions that contain nested blocks.
CODEGEN-2113 Hex utility mishandles space in directory name of output file Fixed ARM_17.6.0.STS ARM_17.6.0.STS Use directory names without spaces for output files. The hex utility did not correctly handle spaces in output directory and file names.
CODEGEN-2098 Temp filename collisions on Windows with many parallel invocations Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS ARM_17.6.0.STS In some cases with a large number of compilations in parallel on Windows, the compiler could create temporary files with colliding names, resulting in strange compilation failures.
CODEGEN-2065 Compiler documentation implies --check_misra compiler option not needed if pragma used Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS ARM_17.3.0.STS The --check_misra compiler option is required to enable MISRA checking even if the CHECK_MISRA pragma is used.
CODEGEN-2060 Even though option --buffer_diagnostics is not used, compiler issues diagnostic that says it is deprecated Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS None The --buffer_diagnostics compiler option was deprecated as of MCU compilers v16.6.0.STS because this setting became the default behavior for the compiler. However, the option was passed to the linker and the linker issued a remark stating the option was deprecated.
CODEGEN-2053 Compiler incorrectly reorders struct assign for small, volatile structs with bit-fields Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS Use optimization level 0 or off (option --opt_level) For a very specific optimization, the optimizer may drop a volatile qualifier from a struct assignment. In some cases, the compiler may later perform an incorrect optimization, most commonly incorrectly reordering volatile assignments. This bug can only happen in a function compiled with optimization level 1 or higher which contains both of the following: 1) A struct assign where the destination is volatile, and the source is a known constant, and the struct contains a bit-field, and the struct is of size "int" or smaller. 2) Any bit-field access (read or write) other than as part of a struct assign or initialization expression. That is, the name of the bit-field is present in the access expression. Note that the optimizer can create this situation by inlining functions, so 1 and 2 might be in different functions in the source code. Consider a tree x = y where x and y are of type struct S. If the value of y is known at compile time (e.g. a const value), the optimizer will try to turn the struct constant into an integer constant (possibly combining bit-fields) and rewrite the tree to look like this: "(unsigned *)x = 32;" However, if y is volatile, that should be "*(volatile unsigned *)x = 32;" Because the access is not volatile, instruction scheduling could cause this instruction to drift past nearby volatile accesses.
CODEGEN-2050 Use of -o4 causes linker XML map file to have missing input_file entries Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS
CODEGEN-2047 CMSIS Core v5 is not compliant with TI ARM Compiler Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS The __INLINE macro in the TI compiler RTS linkage.h is no longer used and can be removed. CMSIS v5 defines the macro __INLINE, which interferes with the TI compiler RTS definition of the same macro in linkage.h.
CODEGEN-1976 Value of __cplusplus is wrong Fixed ARM_17.3.0.STS If possible, use the -ps or --strict_ansi options. This mode will use the strict definition of __cplusplus, which is 199711L. Our parser mimicked G++ behavior for the value of this macro in relaxed ANSI mode. This reproduced a bug in G++ versions v.4.7 and v.4.3 that has since been fixed.
CODEGEN-1705 Compiler documentation and RTS disagree on function names _TI_start_pprof_collection and _TI_stop_pprof_collection Fixed ARM_16.12.0.STS
CODEGEN-1656 Using --gen_profile_info does not work with -o4 Fixed ARM_17.6.0.STS ARM_17.6.0.STS Lower the optimization level to -o3. Previously, link time optimization failed when profiling options --gen_profile_info and use_profile_info were specified in combination with the --opt_level=4 option. The errors were because profiling options were not supported when used in combination with --opt_level=4. Application profiling during whole program optimization is now supported. Profiling options --gen_profile_info and --use_profile_info may now be combined with --opt_level=4.
SDSCM00052878 Documentation error: #pragma pack should be lower case Fixed ARM_16.12.0.STS

Generated on Wed Sep 20 15:33:05 2017