Open Defects in Release

ID Summary State Reported In Release Target Release Workaround Release Notes
CODEGEN-5574 Loop controlled by unsigned char counter iterates more than 255 times Accepted MSP430_16.9.8.LTS
CODEGEN-3603 Linking with --cinit_hold_wdt=on causes Dwarf debug information to have minor errors Open MSP430_16.9.4.LTS
CODEGEN-2239 Setting the --near_data compiler option to blank does not stick in the GUI Open MSP430_16.9.3.LTS Setting the --near_data compiler option to blank does not stick in the IDE, instead the setting jumps to "globals".
CODEGEN-2008 Compiler build options GUI for MSP430 shows "Function subsections" even though it is not supported Open MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00052531 Incorrect value assigned to a forward reference of a symbol defined in terms of the section's PC ($) after jump expansion Open MSP430_16.9.0.LTS Two workarounds are possible: 1) Use a label to get the value of the PC at a key location instead of "symbol .equ $" 2) Replace the jump that will be expanded with an already expanded form. In the example, the jump could be replaced with: JLO $+6 BR label1
CODEGEN-1295 MSP430 RTS rint() double routines failing for some inputs Open MSP430_16.9.0.LTS Avoid using the rint() RTS routines with double arguments and instead use the corresponding rint() float routines. MSP430 RTS routines rint() rintl() lrint() lrintl() llrint() llrintl() failing for some inputs with double arguments.
SDSCM00051908 Print a more friendly message when using a lnk.cmd with too large memory Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00049280 Ill advised enum scalar usage gets MISRA diagnostic, but similar usage of enum array does not Open MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00049278 Array that is correctly initialized erroneously gets a MISRA diagnostic about size not being specified Open MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00047833 msp C++ cpp compiled with printf_support=minimal causes cout to output incorrect results Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS Instead either compile without --printf_support, or choose options nofloat or full.
SDSCM00046695 Floating point addition rounding error Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00046115 MSP430 RTS float arithmetic functions do not round correctly Open MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00046113 C2000 RTS float arithmetic functions do not round correctly Open MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00044526 Compiler emits bogus DW_OP_reg16 for split argument Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00040934 Structure is not initialized correctly when using -o2 or -o3 optimization Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS The initialization will have to be done at run-time, through a __sti initialization routine. You can see this routine when compiling without optimization. To workaround the compiler removing this initialization routine, initialize the object at the beginning of main: Info2.mSize = ((unsigned)_end_isr_stack - (unsigned)_start_isr_stack);
SDSCM00038293 Relocation overflows for BIT instruction using 20-bit pointer Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00038178 Should forbid non-const objects larger than 64k in large model if --near_data=globals Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00018691 Linker gives misleading warning when dot expressions used in SECTION directive for .stack section Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS
SDSCM00008685 DWARF does not correctly represent variables stored in register pairs Planned MSP430_16.9.0.LTS Although 'var1' and 'var2' are shown to be in single registers, a debugger could determine that they are actually stored in register pairs by looking at the type of the variables: [00000113] DW_TAG_base_type DW_AT_name long long DW_AT_encoding 0x5 DW_AT_byte_size 0x8 The base type indicates that the size of the variables is 0x8 bytes. Since a single register can only store 0x4 bytes of information, it would take two registers to hold this values. On TI architectures, values stored in multiple registers are always stored in consecutive registers. Thus, the debugger would know that if the entire value could not fit in A4, the rest of the value must be in A5. A5 would contain the upper 32 bits of the value.
SDSCM00008652 pow(2,x) has fairly significant rounding error Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS Please describe the workaround for this problem.
SDSCM00008630 printf gives wrong value for pointer when its value is incremented Open MSP430_16.9.0.LTS To get rid of the warning message modify the printf statement as follows: printf('0x%lx\n', 0x10000 + (t=(long int)&global_var)); This modified code executes correctly too.
SDSCM00008543 Forward reference in .space generates an internal error Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS none
SDSCM00008248 Compilers on PC will not work without TMP set Accepted MSP430_16.9.0.LTS Set the TMP environment variable, even if just set to . (current directory)

Generated on Mon Jan 28 11:12:56 2019