1.3.6. Preprocessor Options

With the -E option, you can instruct the c29clang compiler to stop after the preprocessor phase of compilation:

-E, --preprocess

Halt compilation after running the C preprocessor. Preprocessor Options

c29clang options that control the behavior of the C preprocessor:

-C, --comments

Include comments in preprocessed output.

-CC, --comments-in-macros

Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output.


Define <macro> symbol to <value> (or 1 if <value> omitted).

-H, --trace-includes

Show header includes and nesting depth.

-P, --no-line-commands

Disable linemarker output in -E mode.


Undefine <macro> symbol.


Pass the comma separated arguments in <argN> to the preprocessor.

-Xpreprocessor <option>

Pass <option> to the preprocessor. Dependency File Generation

c29clang options that control generation of a dependency file for make-like build systems.

-M, --dependencies

Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default.

-MD, --write-dependencies

Write a dependency file containing user and system headers.


Write dependency file output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to specified <file>.

-MG, --print-missing-file-dependencies

Add missing headers to dependency file.


Write a compilation database entry per input.

-MM, --user-dependencies

Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default.

-MMD, --write-user-dependencies

Write a dependency file containing user headers.


Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file).


Specify name of main file output to quote in dependency file.


Specify name of main file output in dependency file Dumping Preprocessor State

c29clang options that allow the state of the preprocessor to be dumped in various ways.


Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output.


Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output.


Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output.