1. Glossary

This chapter provides information on some of the terminology and abbreviations used throughout the other chapters.

1.1. Definitions

  • Integrated Development Enviornment (IDE): A collection of tools for editing, building and debugging an application.
  • Debug Probe: The physical debug interface used to connect your host computer to the development board that enables debug control of the device.
  • Emulator: Legacy TI term for debug probe.
  • Code Generation Tools: Often used to describe the package that includes the compiler, linker, assembler and related tools.
  • Software Development Kit: Contains software, libraries and examples for developing software applications for a given device.

1.2. Abbreviations

  • CCS: Code Composer Studio (can refer to any version/iteration of Code Composer Studio)
  • Theia: Theia IDE
  • CCS Theia: Code Composer Studio Theia (Theia IDE based Code Composer Studio environment)
  • CCS Eclipse: Code Composer Studio Eclipse (legacy Eclipse based Code Composer Studio environment)
  • IDE: Integrated Development Environment
  • CGT: Code Generation Tools
  • SDK: Software Development Kit


The terms "CCS", "Code Composer Studio", "CCS Theia", and "Code Composer Studio Theia" can be used interchangeably throughout this user's guide unless otherwise specified.