9.1. General

9.1.1. Is Code Composer Studio™ based on VS Code?

Starting with version 20.0.0, Code Composer Studio™ leverages the Theia IDE open source software framework. Theia IDE is very similar to Visual Studio (VS) Code but there are some differences.

9.1.2. What are the differences between the Theia IDE and VS Code?

See: https://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2024/07/12/vs-code-vs-theia-ide/

9.1.3. What happened to Code Composer Studio Theia and how is it different from Code Composer Studio 20.x?

Please see FAQ #7 of: https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/CCSv20/#faq/

9.1.4. Is my device supported by the new Theia IDE based Code Composer Studio?

The new Theia IDE based Code Composer Studio will support most of the devices supported by Code Composer Studio 12.x with the exception of the below device families:

  • C55x
  • CC32xx
  • DaVinci
  • OMAP

9.1.5. Which operating systems are supported by Code Composer Studio?

Please see the related section in the Overview chapter.

9.1.6. Why do I need to avoid non-alphanumeric (unicode) characters in my paths?

Paths with non-alphanumeric characters can potentially cause various project management and build issues.

Examples of non-alphanumeric characters are &, !, (, #, etc. It is recommended to avoid such characters in project names, source/header files/folders, Code Composer Studio workspace folder names, system temp folder, etc. One exception is the underscore character _, which is normally accepted. A space/whitespace character, while acceptable in most cases, can potentially cause some issues with project builds and the GUI Composer runtime. Hence it is recommended to also avoid it.

Note that many Code Composer Studio files are cached in the user's home folder. The default workspace location is also in the home folder. If the user's username has non-alphanumeric or whitespace characters, then this would cause issues since the path to the user's home folder is often a folder named the same as the username.

9.1.7. What kind of safety certification does Code Composer Studio have?

The overall Code Composer Studio environment does not have safety certificate documentation. In general, when attempting to meet these types of certifications, it is specific tools like the compiler that are required to meet the specified standards.

The Safety Compiler Qualification Kit was developed to assist customers in qualifying their use of the TI ARM, C6000, C7000 or C2000/CLA C/C++ Compiler to functional safety standards such as IEC 61508 and ISO 26262.

9.1.8. What is the best way to look up a bug?

Visit the TI Bug and Enhancement System. Enter the bug ID in the search box on the upper right. If the search fails, please surround the bug ID with "quotes" and try again.

9.1.9. Where can I get more information on Code Composer Studio?

All users are recommended to explore the Code Composer Studio Academy for additional information.

9.2. Installation

9.2.1. Can I install multiple versions of Code Composer Studio on my computer?

Yes. Multiple versions of Code Composer Studio can be installed on the same machine as long as they are installed in different directories.

9.3. Licensing

9.3.1. What is the licensing policy for Code Composer Studio?

There is no license fee associated with Code Composer Studio. Users are free to download and install Code Composer Studio without having to purchase a license.

For more details on the license, please refer to Licensing chapter.

9.4. Updates

9.4.1. How do I get updates to Code Composer Studio?

Please refer to the Updating Code Composer Studio section.

9.5. General IDE

9.5.1. Can I use any VS Code extension?

Not all VS Code extensions will be compatible to Theia IDE, which Code Composer Studio is based on. The one that are published to Open VSX are supported by Theia IDE and tested by the extension Author. However, VS Code extensions that have been downloaded from the Visual Studio Code Market can be installed in Theia, but there is no guarantee that it is compatible. You can start off by checking the API requirement for the extension and compare it with the VS Code API version in the Help → About dialog in Code Composer Studio.

9.5.2. How do I use the themes I installed as an extension?

Only the two default themes (Light (Theia) and Dark (Theia)) are supported by Code Composer Studio. While you will be able to install additional themes, you will not be able to select/use them.

9.5.3. I want to restart Code Composer Studio with a fresh environment. How do I do this?

Code Composer Studio caches many files in the user's home folder. To clear these caches. delete:


  • [USER HOME]\AppData\Local\Texas Instruments\CCS\.ccs-server
  • [USER HOME]\AppData\Local\Texas Instruments\CCS\[CCS INSTALL FOLDER NAME]


  • [USER HOME]/.config/Texas Instruments/CCS/.ccs-server
  • [USER HOME]/.config/Local/Texas Instruments/CCS/[CCS INSTALL FOLDER NAME]


  • [USER HOME]/Library/Application Support/Texas Instruments/CCS/.ccs-server
  • [USER HOME]/Library/Application Support/Texas Instruments/CCS/[CCS INSTALL FOLDER NAME]

Clearing these caches can also be helpful to resolve instability issues with the IDE.

Note that the default workspace folder workspace_ccstheia can also be found in the user's home folder. The workspace folder contains the projects imported to workspace in addition to the .theia/launch.json and .theia/settings.json file for the workspace. Deleting this folder would delete the projects contained within, hence you may want to back up your projects first. Another option is to just delete the .theia folder inside the workspace folder.

9.6. Projects

9.6.1. How do I create a new project from scratch?

It is no longer possible to create a new project from "scratch". Users will need to import an existing example from the Project Wizard or manually import an existing one from the user's local environment.

One workaround is to create a new project from the command line.

9.6.2. I get a No example projects found. Please change your filter. message when looking for examples for my selected device. Does that mean that my device is not supported by Code Composer Studio?

The Project Wizard will only show examples from SDKs that are available from Resource Explorer. If an SDK is not available from Resource Explorer, then no example projects will be found. This does not necessarily mean that your device is not supported by Code Composer Studio, just that there are no available SDK examples from Resource Explorer. An existing project local to the user's environment will need to be manually imported.

9.6.3. During project build, a ccsLinker.opt file sometimes gets passed to the linker instead of the list of object files. What is this file and when is it used?

The ccsLinker.opt file is generated by Code Composer Studio and passed to the linker if the list of linker options and input files on the linker command line exceeds the maximum command line length of the host operating system. A project with a large number of object files (.obj) may pass the linker options and input files to the linker via the ccsLinker.opt file rather than directly on the command line.

9.6.4. How can I resolve build error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain?

This article contains more information about the error and how to resolve it.

In summary, the error is generated by the linker when it is unable to find the definition for the symbol. This typically happens if an object file or library containing the definition for the symbol was not provided to the linker. The build output in the CCS build console should provide information on which object files and libraries are passed to the linker.

To resolve the error, locate the source file or library that contains the definition for the symbol and make sure that it is part of the project.

9.6.5. The Eclipse WORKSPACE_LOC variable is not pointing to my workspace folder. How do I resolve this?

WORKSPACE_LOC points to the default .metadata location (ex. on Windows: [USER HOME]\AppData\Local\Texas Instruments\CCS\.ccs-server\workspace) and not the folder that contains your projects (ex. workspace_ccstheia). Note that while this is the case in Code Composer Studio Theia, Code Composer Studio Eclipse worked differently in that both .metadata and project folders typically resided in the same "workspace" folder. This difference is important to keep in mind when importing Code Composer Studio Eclipse projects to Code Composer Studio Theia since some Code Composer Studio Eclipse projects will use WORKSPACE_LOC with the expectation that it is pointing to the root folder location of the Code Composer Studio projects copied to the workspace folder. WORKSPACE_LOC should be replaced with the new CCS_WORKSPACE_DIR variable in Code Composer Studio Theia since this variable points to the folder containing your projects.

9.7. Debug

9.7.1. Why are my breakpoints greyed out even though they are enabled?

If a breakpoint appears as greyed out in the Breakpoints View, this indicates that the the debugger set the breakpoint but was unable to activate it. This is commonly due to a lack of hardware breakpoint resources. To confirm this, hover over the checkbox for the breakpoint and check to see if a pop-up message such as the one below appears:


9.7.2. Why can't I source step?

If you are unable to source step, check the Debug Output View to see if error messages such as the below appear:

  • Breakpoint Manager: There are not enough resources available
  • Breakpoint Manager: _JobHardwareBreakpoint::ARM_DEBUG_V6M_bpu_add_breakpoint: FPB : All resources are in use.[22062]

If so, then the reason why source stepping is not working is because many source stepping operations require a hardware breakpoint resource and there are no more available resources. Please disable/remove some existing breakpoints or disable other tools that may be using a breakpoint like the Profile Clock.

9.7.3. How do I access the debugger/flash properties when in a debug session?

See: Debug Properties.

9.7.4. Which scripting solution (legacy or new) should I use?

A new scripting solution (CCS Scripting) is available with CCS Theia 1.1+. Both the legacy (DSS) and new scripting (CCS Scripting) solution is available for use. New users have the option to use either. CCS Scripting currently supports a subset of the functionality provided by DSS. However, this will change in future Code Composer Studio releases as more functionality is added. If the current functionality of CCS Scripting is adequate for your needs, then it is recommended to use it. If not, DSS is still available. Please note that DSS is being deprecated in support.

9.7.5. I get Data Verification errors when loading my program. What does it mean?

See this article on Data Verification Errors

9.7.6. Why isn't printf working when running code in Code Composer Studio?

Two common errors are running out of heap, and running out of stack. For other errors that cause printf to fail, and how to address them, please see the article Tips For Using Printf.