Release Notes for Code Composer Studio™ Theia v1.1.0

These release notes contain valuable information which may not be included in other product documentation. This information will assist you in the use of Code Composer Studio™ Theia.
The release notes are divided into six sections:



General Information. 1

System Requirements. 1

Hardware. 1

Device Support. 1

Operating System.. 1

Installation. 1

CCSTheia v1.0.1. 1

Bug Fixes. 1

Known Issues. 1

General Information. 1

Component Versions. 1




General Information

CCS Theia v1.1.0 uses a modified version of Theia-IDE ( )

For additional information and support, please go to:

System Requirements



Disk space





2.0GHz single core




2.0GHz dual core





Device Support

Please note that Code Composer Studio Theia v1.1.0 only supports MSPM0 devices.

Operating System

Please note that Code Composer Studio Theia is a 64bit application and thus will not run on 32bit operating systems.



Supported distributions include:

Code Composer Studio Theia will run on other distributions but those are the officially supported and tested distributions. For more details on installation instructions as well as debug probe and device support please see this article on Linux Host Support.


Versions Supported

Each Code Composer Studio Theia release is validated against a set of macOS releases. This release was validated with:

Debug Probe Support

Details of the macOS releases, debug probes and devices supported is available here.





Please note that use of anti-virus software or a firewall may cause issues during installation.
McAfee software in particular has been especially troublesome.
If possible, disable anti-virus and firewall software during installation.
If not, use of the Offline Installer is strongly recommended.

On Windows:

If you are using an Offline CCS Theia Installer, the zip file in which it is
distributed must first be extracted:

1. Right-click on and select "Extract All...".
2. Enter the directory where you wish to extract the files.
3. Click on Extract.

Once extraction has successfully completed, proceed with the installation steps below.

To install Code Composer Studio Theia:

1. Run ccs_theia_setup_1.x.x.xxxxx.exe.
2. Choose where you want to install.
3. Select the components you wish to install.

On OS X:

Please visit


The offline installer is now distributed as disk images (.dmg files)

1. Right-click on CCSTheia1.x.x.xxxxx_osx.dmg and select "Open”.  This will open the disk image and mount it.

To install Code Composer Studio Theia:

1. Run ccs_theia_setup_1.x.x.xxxxx by clicking on the application in the Finder
2. Choose where you want to install.
3. Select the components you wish to install.

On Linux:

Please visit

before installing CCS Theia on Linux. It contains important information on
installing CCS Theia on different Linux distributions, including CCS Theia dependencies that may need to be installed first.

Before installing CCS Theia, the tarball file in which the CCS Theia Installer is distributed must first be extracted:

untar CCSTheia1.x.x.xxxxx_linux-x64.tar.gz and extract all files.

e.g.  tar xfz CCSTheia1.x.x.xxxxx_linux-x64.tar.gz

Once extraction has successfully completed, proceed with the installation steps below.

Note: To facilitate the installation of emulation drivers, it is necessary to run part of the installation process as root.
You may if you wish install all of CCS Theia as root. However, it is preferred that you first install CCS Theia as a normal user and then install the drivers as root.

To install Code Composer Studio Theia as a normal user and emulation drivers as root:

1. Run as a normal user.
2. Choose where you want to install.
3. Select the components you wish to install.
4. Navigate to directory <Install-Folder>/ccs/install_scripts.
5. As root, execute script "".

To install all of Code Composer Studio Theia as root:

1. Run as root.
2. Choose where you want to install.
3. Select the components you wish to install.

CCSTheia v1.1.0

What’s New

·         Theia IDE update to v1.36

·         Project system : Specify link order, create edit delete build configurations

·         Project-less debug support:

o   Target Configuration view : Manage target configuration files (i.e. ccxml ) and start debug sessions

o   Configure source lookup paths to enable source debugging (stepping, breakpoints)

o   Adjust debugger properties through debug view

o   Program/Symbol load/reload actions with recently loaded quick list

·         Target Configuration file editor: select devices/boards, debug probes and adjust their properties.

·         Improvements to project wizard with ability to rename project being imported.

·         Support for basic examples while CCS Theia is running without internet connection

Bug Fixes

·         Resolved “Couldn’t start client Clang Language Server” and/or “Command clangd.applyFix already exists” error message appears at CCS Theia start or when performing action in project explorer.

·         Resolved “Can not find git executable” error notification if host operating system does not have git installed on the system.


Known Issues

·         Switching to a different folder (i.e. File->Open Folder) or switching to a different workspace file may trigger an offline error(shown in bottom status bar).

o   Workaround: Perform View->Window Reload action.

General Information

·         New Theia-IDE based IDE:

·         Compilers

o    TI CLANG 2.1.3 LTS compiler is bundled

·         Device Support

o    MSPM0


Component Versions



ARM Clang Compiler Tools (linux64/osx/win64)


CCS Certificate (win64)


CCS Installer (linux64/osx/win64)


CCS Installer Dependencies (win64)


CCS Installer Dependencies (linux64/osx)


CCS Utilities (win64)


CCS Utilities (linux64/osx)


Debug Server (linux64/osx/win64)


Debug Server Flash (linux64/osx/win64)


Eclipse (linux64/osx/win64)


Theia-ide  (linux64/osx/win64)


IDE GUI Composer (linux64/osx/win64)


InstallBuilder (linux64/osx/win64)


JRE (linux64/osx/win64)


MSPM0 Support (linux64/osx/win64)


MSVC 2017 Redistributable (x64) (win64)


Node.js (linux64/osx/win64)


Shared Device Support (linux64/win64)


Sys Config (linux64/osx/win64)


TI Cloud Agent (linux64/osx/win64)

V .5.4393

TI Emulators (linux64/osx/win64)


TIREX4 Desktop (linux64/osx/win64)





Windows 10,Visual SourceSafe, Visual Basic, and Visual C++ are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
MSPM0, GUI Composer, Code Composer Studio, XDS110 are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
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