General notes ------------------------------------------ 1. This tool does not use an Advanced MTester board. Voltage and current references for calibration must be supplied externally. It supports a single instance of an EV2300 / MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 / MKS-SAI-001 connected to an EVM. Please refer to the product spec for more details. 2. Limitations: Recommended display resolution 1920x1080 with maximum 125% scaling. The GUI may not show password fields and buttons may be moved out of the visible area of screen when display scaling is used. 3. Limitations: Disconnect all EV2400 and *unused* EV2300 / MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 / MKS-SAI-001. Only 1 EV2300 / MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 / MKS-SAI-001 must be connected to the PC. BQ-PRODUCTION-SINGLE-CELL-SW V3.0.2 release notes ------------------------------------------------- This version of BQ-PRODUCTION-SINGLE-CELL-SW supports the BQ27320 and BQ27Z561 family of devices through a MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 USB adapter interface. It supports a single MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 connected to a single PC. It does not support BQMTESTER type boards. External equipment is required to set (precise) voltage and current for calibration. Note: ----- 8/16/2022 BQPRODUCTION-SINGLECELL must *not* be used with the EV2400 because the EVM terms of sale prohibit use of EV2400 in production. Future versions of BQPRODUCTION-HI-CELL are expected to support MKST-ALT-3P-EV2300 ( ) ( )