F28-F29 Software Migration Guide
F28-F29 SDK Differences

The F29 SDK differs from C2000Ware in that it is device-specific , with separate installers for each F29 device family (e.g., F29H85x-SDK, F29P58x-SDK). Below is a comparison of the components available in C2000Ware versus the F29 SDK, highlighting the key differences:

Component C2000Ware F29_SDK Comments
Driverlib Y Y For more details on F28-F29 Driverlib compatibility, refer to Driverlib Migration Guide.
Bitfields headers Y Y Bitfields definitions available for all peripherals. Compatible with F28 for reused IPs.
Bitfields common code and examples Y N Bitfields based init code (common functions) are not available in F29. Driverlib function may be used instead. Driverlib + Bitfields examples are available.
Bootrom source files and binaries Y N Bootrom status and tables are available in global struct instances in F29 driverlib (bootrom.h). The full bootrom source code and binaries are not released.
DCL Y Y Part of RTLibs, compatible with F28. Application code using #include "DCL.h" or #include "DCLF32.h" should update to #include "dcl.h". For backward compatibility, dcl.h includes dcl_c28_compatibility.h with F28-F29 API mapping. For more details, refer to RTLib Migration Guide.
DSP (FPU) Y Y Part of RTLibs, generally compatible with F28. For more details, refer to RTLib Migration Guide.
DSP(Fixed Point) Y N Not currently supported in F29. Recommended to use FPU library for better performance.
VCU/VCRC Lib Y NA CRC compute functions available as part of RTLibs/FastMath. Compatible with F28. For more details, refer to RTLib Migration Guide.
IQMath Y Y Part of RTLibs, compatible with F28. For more details, refer to RTLib Migration Guide.
FastRTS Y NA Not applicable to F29, C29 contains TMU. RTlibs/FastMath with optimal implementations of some RTS functions.
FastIntDiv Y NA Not applicable to F29, C29 contains native support for fast integer division.
CLAMath Y NA Not applicable to F29. Equivalent mapping functions currently not supported in RTLib.
Flash API Y Y Not compatible with F28. For more details, refer to Flash API User Guide
SFO Y Y Compatible with F28.
SDL Y Y Not compatible with F28. Details will be added later.
Ethercat Stack Y Y Compatible with F28.
FreeRTOS Y Y Application layer is compatible with F28. Port layer updated for C29 CPU.
Sysconfig - Peripheral Config Y Y Configuration is compatible for reused IPs.
Sysconfig - Clocktree Y Y F29 devices does not have LSPCLK. All other configurations are compatible with F28.
Sysconfig - Linker cmd tool Y N Replaced with Memory Configuration tool which is used to allocate memories across cores and generate linker cmd file.
Sysconfig - FreeRTOS config Y Y Compatible with F28. User should take care of updating the stack sizes as needed.
Sysconfig - Board view Y N Currently not supported. This will be added in future SDK release.
Sysconfig - Libraries Y N Currently not supported. This will be added in future SDK release.
Board Schematics Y N Board schematics and other docs available in the product page. Eg: F29H85x-SOM