The XBAR architecture of in the F28 device and F29x devices are different.
F28 enum | F29 enum | Comments |
XBAR_OutputMuxConfig | XBAR_OutputXbarInputSource | List of input sources to the OUTPUT X-BAR. Passed as source parameter to XBAR_selectOutputXbarInputSource() |
XBAR_EPWMMuxConfig | XBAR_EpwmXbarInputSource | List of input sources to the EPWM X-BAR. Passed as source parameter to XBAR_selectEpwmXbarInputSource() |
XBAR_CLBMuxConfig | XBAR_ClbXbarInputSource | List of input sources to the OUTPUT X-BAR. Passed as source parameter to XBAR_selectClbXbarInputSource() |
XBAR_InputSignal | XBAR_MindbXbarInputSource | Separate enum that list the input sources to MINDB X-BAR. Passed as source parameter to XBAR_selectMindbXbarInputSource() |
XBAR_InputSignal | XBAR_IclXbarInputSource | Separate enum that list the input sources to ICL X-BAR. Passed as source parameter to XBAR_selectIclXbarInputSource() |
F28 Function | F29 Function | Comments |
XBAR_setOutputMuxConfig | XBAR_selectOutputXbarInputSource | OUTPUT X-BAR architecture does not require mux selection. Any number of input sources to the OUTPUT X-BAR can be enabled and these multiple sources are combined using OR gate |
XBAR_enableOutputMux | ||
XBAR_disableOutputMux | ||
XBAR_setEPWMMuxConfig | XBAR_selectEpwmXbarInputSource | EPWM X-BAR architecture does not require mux selection. Any number of input sources to the EPWM X-BAR can be enabled and these multiple sources are combined using OR gate. |
XBAR_enableEPWMMux | ||
XBAR_disableEPWMMux | ||
XBAR_setCLBMuxConfig | XBAR_selectClbXbarInputSource | CLB X-BAR architecture does not require mux selection. Any number of input sources to the CLB X-BAR can be enabled and these multiple sources are combined using OR gate. |
XBAR_enableCLBMux | ||
XBAR_disableCLBMux | ||
XBAR_invertOutputSignal | XBAR_invertOutputSignal | Single API to invert the output signal from OUTPUT/ EPWM/ MINDB/ ICL/ CLB X-BAR. |
XBAR_invertEPWMSignal | ||
XBAR_invertCLBSignal | ||
XBAR_setInputSignal | XBAR_selectMindbXbarInputSource | Individual APIs to select the input sources rather than XBAR_setInputSignal that selects a single input signal for MINDB or ICL X-BAR. |
XBAR_selectIclXbarInputSource | ||
XBAR_lockInput | XBAR_lockInput | F28 function locks the inputs to INPUT X-BAR, MINDB X-BAR, ICL X-BAR AND CLBINPUT X-BAR, while in F29, it can be used to lock the inputs to INPUT X-BAR only. |
XBAR_lockOutput | XBAR_lockConfiguration | Single API to lock the configuration of OUTPUT/ EPWM/ MINDB/ ICL/ CLB X-BAR depending on the base address passed. |
XBAR_lockEPWM | ||
XBAR_getOutputLatchStatus | XBAR_getOutputLatchStatus | Input param base should be OUTPUTXBAR1_FLAGS_BASE instead of OUTPUTXBAR_BASE |
XBAR_clearOutputLatch | XBAR_clearOutputLatch | |
XBAR_forceOutputLatch | XBAR_forceOutputLatch |
Few functions added in F29 XBAR driverlib: