F28-F29 Software Migration Guide

Table of Contents

SPI IP remains the same across F28 and F29 devices.

  • In F29, the SPI peripheral generates level interrupts, which should be cleared in ISR to avoid generating false pending interrupt on clear edge. The ISR flow follows:
    1. ISR functionality
    2. Peripheral interrupt clear (SPI_clearInterruptStatus)
    3. Wait for peripheral interrupt clear : Poll for SPI interrupt status flag (or) Insert NOP (~7)
    4. PIPE interrupt clear (Interrupt_clearFlag)
    5. Wait for PIPE interrupt clear : Insert NOP (~7)
    6. Return from ISR
In F28 devices, the SPI is clocked by LSPCLK. In F29 devices, the module is directly clocked by SYSCLK. The prescalers used for baud rate configuration need to be updated accordingly.

Driverlib API mapping

F28 Function F29 Function Comments
SPI_setConfig SPI_setConfig The parameter lspclkHz is replaced with sysclkHz. The macro DEVICE_SYSCLK_FREQ can be used.