F28-F29 Software Migration Guide

Table of Contents

DCC IP remains the same across F28 and F29 devices.

There are few SOC specific updates done in F29 devices :

  • DCC instances are numbered 1-3, instead of 0-2
  • In F28 devices, both DONE and ERR events were tied to the DCC Interrupt event. In case of F29 devices, only DONE event is tied to the interrupt. The ERR event is routed to ESM. Application may configure the ESM module to generate an Interrupt/NMI/other event as needed.
  • Minor updates to the counter source list. Please refer to the TRM or driverlib api guide for the actual list.
  • When Single-shot mode is enabled, the counter stops counting when counter0 and valid0 both reach zero. In F28, it can also be configured to stop counting when counter1 reaches zero, which is not applicable here in F29.

Driverlib API mapping

F28 Function F29 Function Comments
DCC_enableSingleShotMode DCC_enableSingleShotMode Removed the param mode. Only the DCC_MODE_COUNTER_ZERO option is supported